One year after the recognition of scientific nature for area 14, we are very pleased to announce that the Journal Welfare&Ergonomics received from theANVUR the transition to level A. The magazine published by Franco Angeli reflects on the challenges and opportunities of welfare in a historical moment characterized by uncertainty. It proposes, through its monographic issues, the study of citizens' well-being and safety problems, mixing the consolidated knowledge in the field of social policies with the multidisciplinary approach of ergonomics
The intent is to explore themes that revolve around man and his well-being. Welfare in its various forms is the corpus of social policies aimed at affirming the right of citizenship, even if in recent decades some modifications have changed the original structure, calling into question the equity between generations and genders, between those who have and does not have the job and between the professional categories. Ergonomics as a method is linked to the development of technology, even if over the years it has broadened its areas of interest and has always applied a participatory planning methodology, it has dealt with culture, hospitality, integration and professional awareness, while remaining a tool operational health and safety in the workplace.
The integration between the two disciplines makes it possible to look at social issues by adopting different interpretative angles and combining, among other things, practice and theory: welfare with the introduction of laws on compulsory insurance against the risks deriving from the work carried out; ergonomics with the design of spaces, tools and production processes according to the specific skills of the workers.