Research Institute on Population and Social Policies

Gender R Evolutions

imagine the inevitable, subvert the impossible

Pietro Demurtas e Caterina Peroni will participate in the conference Gender R Evolutions to be held in Trento, organized by

Department of Sociology and Social Research (DRS)


Department of Humanities (DLF)

presenting a report on the topic:

"LGBT shelters in Italy: intervention perspectives and development dynamics"

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Women and Research in Physics: between gender stereotypes and professions of the future” – a new edition of the competition organized by the Genera Network is underway

The 4th edition of the competition is underway "Women and Research in Physics: between gender stereotypes and future professionso” organized for the 2022/2023 school year.

The competition, aimed at students of secondary schools (classes III, IV and V) who can participate individually or in groups, aims to raise awareness on gender issues in science and in particular on emerging professions related to the study of physics .

THEUnited Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, signed in 2015 by 193 states, underlines the importance of work as an engine and accelerator for long-term sustainable development.
The rapid technological evolution and the climate emergency make it necessary to have figures with indispensable scientific, technological, IT, digital and interdisciplinary skills who will be the basis for the development of an eco-sustainable economy. It is estimated that the next five years will be decisive in shaping 60% of the professions of the future.

The gender imbalance in many of the advanced training and career paths in the research and technology sectors has a strong social impact. These issues have been identified by the European Commission as priorities for research in Europe. Italy also recognizes that the scarce presence of women in study and in working environments in which STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) are required, and in particular physics, is a significant obstacle to the economic growth of our country.

Participants will have to present the project in the form of an unedited video of a maximum duration of 5 minutes, the technical requirements for which are available on the site The winning videos will be presented in Rome in May 2023 on the occasion of a day dedicated to the role of women in physics. The winners will receive a scientific kit and a plaque with the name of the school that won the prize.

Participation in the competition must be submitted by 17 February 2023, While the sottomissione del progetto entro il 17 marzo 2023.

The competition is organized byNational Institute of Nuclear Physics and from National Research Council - Research Institute on Population and Social Policies (IRPPS), partner of the European network “GENERA - Gender Equality Network in the European Research Area, in collaboration with the project H2020 "MINDtheGEPs - Modifying Institutions by Developing Gender Equality Plans” (GA 101006543).

The initiative has the support of the Italian Society of Physics,Physics Teaching Associationto, of springer nature and Elsevier.

Press contacts:
Roberta Antolini, INFN – Gran Sasso National Laboratories:

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Courses resume

On November 14th and 15th, we resume the training activities of the 8 trainers of the CNR National Research Council on gender equality issues in our institution!
The advanced training course is promoted and organized by the #IRPPS within the activities of the Plan for Gender Equality (GEP 2022-2024) and will introduce participatory techniques for solving problems and the #GEP as a tool to implement paths on gender equity in research.

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Territorial Welfare Management

The University of Salerno and the Research Institute on Population and Social Policies have announced the XNUMXth year of the Master in Management of Territorial Welfare:

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Living in a country, living in two languages:

Linguistic and Cultural Identity of the Romanians of Italy

On the occasion of the presentation of the book "Roots in half. Thirty years of Romanian immigration to Italy", Department of Literal, Linguistic and Comparative Studies of the Cultural Processing Center for Mobility, MoMI International Migrations ofThe Eastern University of Naples, arrange a

Seminar of Studies

18th November 2022
Palace du Mesnil
Via Chiatamone, 61-62

Speakers: Salvatore Strozza e Corrado Bonifazi

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Research grant


It is a "Professionalizing Check "

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Gender Gap and Barriers of Researcher 'Career of Women in STEAM

November 17, 2022 from 15.00 pm to 19.00 pm

THEUniversity of Bari

Organize a conference entitled:

Gender Gap and Barriers of Researcher 'Career of Women in STEAM

The workshop aims to explore the role of two concepts and their effect on a social justice for women in STEAM: a culture of discrimination that is hidden in plain sight; and the wall of silence surrounding meaningful challenges to this culture. It will also point out and understand the role of Identities (intersectionality) and stereotypes that to break through the hidden cultures in STEAM that are preventing women's career opportunities. It will address the gender stereotypes as well as the barriers that women in STEAM are facing. The gender gap in science is already happening at such an early age. The stereotype of study, where maths, physics and computing are seen as male subjects for study. How does this happen? How can a subject have a gender associated with it?

 Finally, the workshop will introduce the Gender Equity Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI) WG of Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) and concludes with a session on how to write a Marie Curie individual fellowship for the target group of students and post-doc Researchers at the University of Bari, and will discuss the Gender Gap in the recommendations of Women20, the engagement group of G20 on Gender Equality.

He will speak at the conference Sveva Avveduto with a contribution entitled "Research Careers in STEAM"

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Women, Sciences and Power. A denied presence

Sveva Avveduto will participate in the conference organized by

Department of Political and Social Studies (diSPS) ofUniversity of Salerno
on 16 and 17 November 2022,

Pecoraro classroom.

Sveva Avveduto will speak in the III Session: Change and Redemption with a speech entitled: "Women and Science: from inclusion to empowerment".

the conference can also be followed online through the MsTeams platform. 

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How do population movements fit within the framework of systemic risk?

Serena Tagliacozzo has just published an article in the magazine Open access Progress in disaster science

“- Population movement is usually represented as a determinant of vulnerability in existing frameworks dealing with systemic risk
- In reality, this phenomenon has complex and ramified implications both in terms of increasing and reducing systemic risk. These implications can also occur simultaneously.
- Systemic risk assessment and management frameworks should take into account and incorporate population movement as a positive phenomenon that allows for an increase in resilience and a reduction in risk within companies "

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Using Unified Modeling Language to Analyze Business Processes in the Delivery of Child Health Services

Fabrizio Pecoraro e Daniela Luzi have published a new article in the Open Access Journal.

 "Business Process Management (BPM) has been increasingly used in recent years in the healthcare domain to analyze, optimize, harmonize and compare clinical and healthcare processes. The main aim of this methodology is to model the interactions between medical and organizational activities needed to deliver health services, measure their complexity, variability and deviations to improve the quality of care and its efficiency. Among the different tools, languages ​​and notations developed in the decades, UML (Unified Modeling Language) represents a widely adopted technique to model, analyze and compare business processes in healthcare. We adopted its diagrams in the MOCHA project to compare the different ways of organizing, coordinating and delivering child care across 30 EU / EEA countries both from an organization and control-flow perspectives. This paper provides an overview of the main components used to represent the business process using UML diagrams, also highlighting how we customized them to capture the specificity of the healthcare domain taking into account that processes are reconstructed on the basis of country experts' responses to questionnaires . The benefits of the application of this methodology are demonstrated by providing examples of comparing different aspects of child care. "

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