Research Institute on Population and Social Policies

Category: Event

Work conflict and collective organization in the face of technological change: new and old challenges

10 July 2024 16.00pm – 18.00pm

Europa Room

The study day with Prof. Maurizio Atzeni, is organized within the activities of the ERC Project Illicit work and the photovoltaic industry.

Participation is in person and the number of places is limited. Please confirm your participation by sending an email to

To participate in the meeting, we recommend reading the following texts:

Atzeni, M. (2023). The labor process and workers' rights at Mercado Libre: hiding exploitation through regulation in the digital economy. Work in the Global Economy, 3(2), 181-200. Retrieved Jul 2, 2024, from

Atzeni, M., & Cini, L. (2023). New theories and politics for working class organizing in the gig and precarious world of work. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 0(0).

Short Bio
Maurizio Atzeni divides his time between Argentina and Chile, working as a researcher at CEIL/CONICET and as a Professor of Industrial Relations at the Alberto Hurtado University. The search for him takes place around two main axes. The first is the study of the nature and dynamics of workplace conflict and forms of collective organization of workers. He covers a wide spectrum of cases (auto industry, delivery industry in pre- and post-digitalization contexts, self-managed and cooperative factories, informal labor market) to map conflicts and forms of work organization. A second axis of research studies the forms of work that are produced on the basis of contemporary developments in capitalism. This axis refers to a global and interdisciplinary dimension that has been carried forward in particular in the publications of the Handbook of the Global Political Economy of Work and previously in Workers and Labor in a Globalized Capitalism. In 2022 he founded the international summer school, LabourTransfer, in Sardinia, which combines the academic world of labor studies with trade union activism and territorial development.

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The role of post-normal science in contemporary society

What role does science play in the face of uncertain scientific facts, urgent decisions, high stakes and unshared values?
These questions will be at the center of the reflection of men and women scholars in the first meeting of the Workshop project of 2023.

The meeting is held on 21 February at the Faculty of Sociology of the University of Tor Vergata at 11.00.
It will be possible to follow the live streaming at the link

Will intervene Silvio Funtowicz, a philosopher who developed – together with Jerry Ravetz – the concept of post-normal science, which proposes a new model of scientific investigation and science-society-political decision-makers relationship in situations characterized by uncertainty and urgency.

Speakers will also be: Bruna DeMarchi, expert in risk sociology; Valentina Tudisca e Claudia Pennacchiotti, IRPPS researchers; And Michela Mayer, of the Italian Association for Sustainability Science.

The scholars will moderate Claudia Hassan, University of Tor Vergata e Adriana Valente, IRPPS, and the meeting will be preceded by greetings from the IRPPS Director, Mario Paolucci and by the Director of the SPFS Department, Lucia Ceci.

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W20 Sumatra

Recover Together Recover Strong

19th - 21st July, 2022


The summit of Women 20Engagement group of G20which represents the 20 most industrialized countries in the world, is organized around the slogan used by Indonesia for the G 20Recover Together Recover Stronger.

The doctor Sveva Avveduto of the CNR he will head the Italian delegation. The group W20 which deals with all the themes of the G20 declined to the Feminine, will present the result of a year's work in the form of Communiqué, that will be delivered to G20 at the end of the Summit so that the themes of gender equality and female empowerment can be introduced in the conclusions of the G20 to be held in November, by world leaders.

The W20identified five priority areas, the first relating to non-discrimination and equality in every sector from education to employment, entrepreneurship, health, technology and energy as well as in public and private life.

In particular, world leaders are asked to take concrete measures to eliminate the gender pay gap. An important area is the education for boys and girls aimed at eliminating gender stereotypes and the difficulties for girls to undertake scientific studies and careers.

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Plots. The social theater and the training of social and health workers

July 18th, 2022 9.30 hours - 13.00

Council Chamber "Falcone e Borsellino"

Palazzo Farnese - Piazza Giovanni XXIII

Castellammare di Stabia

La City of Castellammare di Stabia, Area social plan Area N27, The IRPPS Institute of the CNR,Order of Social Workers of the Campania Region, organize a day of work to present the project

Plots. The social theater and the training of social and health workers

He will open the works and introduce: Maria Rosaria Astarita - Coordinator of the activities of the Social and Welfare Services sector

Speakers include: Tiziana Tesauro e Francis Campanile will report on the project "Plots. The social theater and the training of social and health workers "

Social workers of the Municipality of Naples: Simona Cappella and Gaetano Balestra they will exhibit their direct experience in the project "Plots. The social theater and the training of social and health workers "

It will conclude: Panic Guild - President of the Council of the Order of Social Workers of the Campania Region


Due to limited places, it is necessary send a participation email to

by 14.7.2022, which will be followed by a confirmation email


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