Research Institute on Population and Social Policies

Category: Events

Presentation of the book “Social classes in Italy today”

Tuesday 21 January 2025 – 11.30 am

Misiti Hall – CNR-IRPPS, via Palestro 32, Rome

Pier Giorgio Ardeni He is a professor of Political and Development Economics at the University of Bologna. 

(Book and author information) Social classes in Italy today (Editori Laterza), describes the social differences that remain strong and clear in Italy, where they limit social mobility, access to education, possibilities and opportunities. Of course, classes are no longer what they once were because professions and lifestyles have changed, but they still exist, after they had convinced us that in our 'liquid' society they had dissolved.
These pages, following step by step how the class structure has evolved in Italy and quantifying the weight of the various strata and classes in the changing of their characteristics and composition, want to show how inequalities in income distribution correspond to differences in profession and educational qualifications and how the social structure still influences power relations. The relative weight of classes has varied and with it their 'political' weight, in the channels of representation. A book that wants to demonstrate how classes still exist, indeed, and it is from these that we must start again to rethink the crisis of democracy and representation.

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Presentation of the book “First to the Italians”

Thursday 14th November, 14.30pm

G. Marconi Library – CNR, Piazzale Aldo Moro 7, Rome

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Presentation of the book “Against illiberal democracy”

Wednesday 25th September, 11.30am – 13.00pm

Europe Hall – CNR-IRPPS

The author, Alexander Mulieri, will dialogue with Daniele Archibugi, Gianni Cuperlo, Maria Grasso e Tommaso Visone.

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IRPPS Seminar – Social research and graphic narratives

On 22 May 2024 11.00 – 13.00

IRPPS – Sala Europa Via Palestro 32, Rome

Recordings and videos are available slides (pptx) of the seminar Social research and graphic narratives. Theoretical and methodological approaches starting from an analysis of gender violence, held by Nicoletta Mandolini (Universidade do Minho), with the participation of Chiara Gius (University of Bologna), Tatiana Motterle (CNR-IRPPS) and moderation by Angela Toffanin (CNR-IRPPS).



Updated May 29, 2024

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Sport and female inclusion

7 March 2024 – h. 8.30

Sala Marconi - CNR Piazzale Aldo Moro 7 - Rome

Download the program in pdf
Read the description of the event on the portal CNR.

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5 December 2023 – h. 09.30

Conference Hall, CNR Piazzale Aldo Moro 7 – Rome

Download program.

How to use digital technologies in an authentically pedagogical key? How can technology support the educational path of students with fragilities?

Watch the interviews

Antonella Ciocia, DinamicaMente – Technologies, welfare and
social citizenship

Filippo Gregoretti – Amrita: Artificial Emotions and Sensitivity, a new way of creating

Matteo Martignoni – Cultural planning strategies and participatory methods

Tiziana Tesauro – PLOT 

Anna Milione – What lifelong learning?

How to use digital technologies in an authentically pedagogical key? How can technology support the educational path of students with fragilities?

To talk about it, during the Conference alongside experts and experts from various fields (from pedagogy to computer science) there will be the direct involvement of the student community.

The morning reports offer a constructive reflection regarding the nature of welfare, that is, how to use ICT and AI to overcome social inequalities, offer digital welfare tools to overcome fragilities and encourage participation in the empowerment of the community, how to substantiate the learning, how to deal with the relational challenge that the use of AI and ICT entails and finally how educational institutions use these tools.

In the afternoon there will be audio-visual performances between human and artificial, between artificial and fragility, between artificial and art which facilitate the emotional and creative learning process. It's about experimenting with training and education paths suitable for everyone despite their uniqueness, unpredictability and unavailability.

There will be a workshop on the theme of the environment to stimulate the imagination regarding the possibilities in urban regeneration and a participatory workshop on Miro, aimed at promoting design thinking and critical thinking to address environmental and social challenges. Both initiatives aim to demonstrate the effectiveness of cultural strategies based on technology in urban regeneration and in the fight against climate change, involving the local community and promoting the sustainable development of the territory.

The day has the value of updating for the teachers pursuant to directive 170/2016 (art.1/5) of the MIUR.

Curated by Monia Torre

Page updated December 21, 2023

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Real World Data and Causal Artificial Intelligence

9 October 2023 – h. 10.00

Sala Europa, IRPPS via Palestro 32 – Rome


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming people's lives in unprecedented ways. AI models have human or superhuman abilities in multiple tasks, eg, gaming, driving, conversation, and content organization. In biomedical research, however, AI demonstrated as much promise, eg, in molecular drug design, as much disappointment, eg, in clinical drug repurposing or public health intervention. One of the reasons is that the datasets AI feeds on – sourced from real world databases such electronic health records (EHR) – are often littered with bias. Such bias might be irrelevant to predict the happening of health conditions, but it influences any strategy to prevent such conditions from happening. In this talk, we will take a dive into the promises and perils of AI in healthcare, and its troubled relationship with data, bias, and causality. We will explore novel causal AI methodologies able to both provide accurate individual health predictions as well as interventions. Finally, we will present use cases of causal AI on large, integrated EHR data, and an eagle's view of EHR consortia in the USA.

Short biographies

Mattia Prosperi, PhD, FAMIA, is Professor in the Department of Epidemiology, and Associate Dean of AI and Innovation in the College of Public Health and Health Profession at University of Florida. His background is in computer science engineering, with expertise in machine learning, bio-health informatics, and epidemiology. His research leverages technology and data intelligence to develop prediction and intervention models for improving future health and lives. In his administrative role di lui, his mission di lui is to expand AI infrastructure, training, research and expertise capacity in public health and health professions.

Yi Guo, PhD, is Associate Professor in the Department of Health Outcomes, Policy and Biomedical Informatics, College of Medicine, University of Florida. He has a multi-disciplinary background in the analysis of real-world data, including electronic health records and administrative claims, experimental and observational study design, predictive modeling (eg, statistical and machine learning), causal modeling, and analysis of patient-reported outcomes in clinical and public health applications, and among various populations, especially vulnerable populations.

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Gender inequalities: they are born in the family, education mitigates them


 with Antonio Tintori

Interviews with Giulia Ciancimino


CNR Press Office: Emanuele Guerrini 

Technical Manager: Marco Ferrazzoli

Secretariat: Press office

Research Institute on Population and Social Policy of the National Research Council (Cnr-Irpps) conducted two studies in primary schools in Rome e in upper secondary schools in Italy showing the presence of a pronounced adherence to stereotyped roles in boys and girls and the attenuation of these conditioning in the transition to adolescence.

The data indicate such gaps and stereotypes reproduce still strongly in the family environmentand the important role of the school in countering them.

Three graphs are presented below to view the results.

  • Figure 1. Level of adherence to male and female stereotyped roles 
    (answers for children and adolescents):
  • Figure 2. Men are more likely to:
  • Figure 3. Women are more likely to:

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