Storying Life Courses for Intersectional Inclusion
Research Institute on Population and Social Policies
CNR, Piazzale Aldo Moro, 7 - Rome
Professor Enrico Pugliese will hold a lectio magistralis entitled:
It will be possible to follow the event in person and remotely on google meet
On the occasion of #International Sports Day for Development and Peace, free online event for classes, in partnership with Sport and Health e CNR
The school is - The Festival for today's teachers and tomorrow's citizens aimed at sports science teachers of lower and upper secondary schools and their classes.
Lo Sports is the best tool to guarantee inclusion, equal opportunities, break down prejudices and inequalities. The language sporty is universal, overcomes borders, languages, religions and ideologies, allows to unite people, favoring the dialogue andwelcome. Sports practice trains the skills of concentration, motivation and the possibility of failing and getting up.
Sign up and participate with your classes:
Loredana Cerbara, researcher of CNR-IRPPS, will present the data of some researches that give evidence of the role of sport as a tool for inclusion.
As part of the conference organized by the Department of Law, Economics, Politics and Modern Languages of the LUMSA University entitled:
Female employment, Family act and new welfare models:
the challenges of PNRR
which will be held on 25 February at 10.00 in the Sala Pia - Via di Porta Castello 44, Rome
Will intervene Sveva Avveduto, Research Director Emerita CNR-IRPPS, president of Women and Science, presenting a work entitled:
W20 and proposals for the relaunch: focus on women's work