Research Institute on Population and Social Policies

GETA - Observatory on GEnere and Lens

The innovative thrust of a country rests on the human resources factor which are of fundamental importance, where they are not the main factor, as a tool and at the same time primary subject of the change in the structures of the thrust itself. mainly on the quality of the human capital available, especially in the science-research-innovation sector.

Infrastructures and structured support are undoubtedly essential but the quality of human resources and the development of skills remains the essential element.
It is essential to recognize and value the areas of greatest ability and success in order to invest with the reasonable possibility of obtaining better and better results
The studies in the training-profession area for research have been consolidated at the CNR-IRPPS for several years and are substantiated in activities and projects carried out in cooperation with national, foreign and international subjects. Pivoting on these, the working group operating in the 'Knowledge Society' area has been given the responsibility of creating the Observatory on Gender and Talents (GETA), which will continue the studies started and will activate new ones with particular attention to gender issues.

GETA draws up a Annual report which contains the updating of data and in-depth analysis of one or more topics defined among those identified From research and analysis activities.

The Observatory Study Group on Gender and Talents (GETA) is composed of IRPPS personnel as follows:

Sveva WISE (Responsible), Maria Cristina ANTONUCCI, Maria Carolina BRANDI, Maria Girolama CARUSO, Marco CELLINI, Loredana CERBARA, Christian GROW UP (responsible for the technical secretariat), Ilaria DI TULLIO, Daniela LUZI, Nicolò MARCHESINI, Fabrizio PECORARO, Lucio PISACANE, Serena TAGLIACOZZO.

GETA is supported by the following GROUP OF EXPERTS:

AVELLIS Dr. Giovanna, President of ITWIIN, Senior Researcher InnovaPuglia, Bari

BREZZI Prof. Francesca, Professor of moral philosophy, University of Roma Tre, Gender Interuniversity Observatory GIO, Rome, President

CICCONE Dr. Stefano, Department of Literary, Philosophical and History of Art Studies University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Rome

KENNY Dr. Barbara Leda, Brodolini Foundation, InGenere, Rome

MOLENDINI Prof. Serenella, National Councilor for Equality, Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, President of CREIS, Lecce

PELLIZZONI Dr. Sabina, INFN Rome Technologist

RICCI Prof. Laura, Full professor, Department of planning, design, technology of architecture, Sapienza University of Rome

RUBBIA Dr. Giuliana, Senior Technologist, INGV Rome

Contact person

GETA reports

GETA Report 2023


OECDUNESCO, EPWS, MIUR, Science Museums (Milan, MUSE Trento, etc.), Naples City of Science, SISSA Trieste, Genoa Science Festival, Italian Cultural Institutes (Paris, New York, London, etc.), Accademia dei Lincei, Businesses, Women and Science Association, various associations.