Convention between Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and CNR IRPPS
Survey on Italian researchers abroad CNR - MAECI
The "Survey on Italian researchers abroad" project was born from an agreement between the National Research Council (Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies-IRPPS) And the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI).
In the context of the respective institutional and scientific competences, it is intended to develop a study activity relating to the topic of international mobility of researchers and high qualifications in the various disciplinary fields and in the public and private sectors, through a statistical survey promoted through the administration of a questionnaire. structured electronic. Various channels will be used for the survey, including the Ministry website "Innovitalia"And other sites of Associations of Italian researchers abroad.
The world in recent years has gone through a very particular phase: isolationist tendencies have established themselves in many countries, the international mobility of researchers, long considered positive, has been called into question by measures that limit immigration flows and the process of European integration was being questioned.
Furthermore, with the pandemic, the lives of researchers living abroad have been further disrupted. The survey will be of great help in understanding and analyzing the current situation and providing tools for comparison and development proposals on the scientific policies of our country.
The survey aims to investigate the following topics:
• Analysis of the factors that influenced the decision to leave Italy (push factors) and the factors that attracted our compatriots who intend to devote themselves to research to go to the host country (pull factors).
• The role of the networks of Italian researchers in the various countries and the problems to be faced in the country where they work.
• Evaluation of international research collaboration programs.
• Integration factors in the different national research systems. The situation of academic mobility and the current working condition.
• Evaluations on the effectiveness and usefulness of the initiatives promoted by the various Italian governments aimed at encouraging the return to Italy of researchers working abroad.
• Evaluation of the effectiveness and usefulness of the coordination implemented by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the scientific staff.
IRPPS-CNR personnel:
Sveva Avveduto (institutional manager of the collaboration),
Maria Carolina Brandi (contact person for the management and scientific coordination of the activities covered by this Convention),
Loredana Cerbara, Maria Girolama Caruso, Antonio Tintori, Nicolò Marchesini, Cristiana Crescimbene.
MAECI staff:
Cons. Domenico Fornara (Head of the IX DGSP Office - institutional manager of the collaboration),
Claudio Barchesi (Cnr expert, contact person for the management and scientific coordination of the activities covered by the MAECI research).
Bibliography of the Research Group:
• Brandi MC, Antonucci MC, Crescimbene C. (2019). Mobility and Migration of High Skilled in Avveduto (edited by), GETA Report, Gender and Talents Observatory, Research: Female Plural, IRPPS, CNR.
• Brandi MC (2017). The emigration of Italian researchers in a changing world, in Bonifazi C. (ed.) Migrazioni e integrazioni nell’Italia di oggi, pp. 73-87, CNR-IRPPS ePublishing.
• Brandi MC, Caruso MG, DeAngelis S. and Mastroluca S. (2017). The evolution of the labor market of graduated immigrants: the phenomenon of overeducation from the 2001 and 2011 censuses, International Journal of Migration Studies n. 206, pp. 181-213.
• Brandi MC (2016). Researchers away from Italy how and why, in Italiani Europeani 2/3, pp. 125-140, Solaris srl, Rome.
• Brandi MC (2014). The emigration of Italian researchers: causes and implications in: Migrantes Foundation (edited by), Italians in the world Report.
• Brandi MC The emigration of Italian researchers, hearing n. 27 of 16 May 2012, Committee for the issues of Italians abroad of the Senate of the Italian Republic.
• Brandi MC (2010) (edited by). Qualified migrations from Eastern Europe to Italy in: Emigration Studies / Migration Studies, XLVII, n. 179.
• Brandi MC Caruso MG, Cerbara L. (2010). The insertion into the labor market of highly qualified immigrants from Eastern Europe in: Emigration Studies / Migration Studies, XLVII, n. 179 pp. 557-578.
• Brandi MC (2010). Romanian intellectuals in Rome between brain drain and brain waste, in: Emigration Studies / Migration Studies, XLVII, n. 179 pp. 608-627.
• Brandi MC (2010). Interpretative models and reception policies for skilled migrations in: Emigration Studies / Migration Studies, XLVII, n. 179 pp. 523-541.
• Brandi MC, Segnana ML (2008). Working abroad: escape or investment? In: Alma Laurea Interuniversity Consortium (edited by) X AlmaLaurea survey on the employment conditions of graduates, Il Mulino.
• Brandi MC, Caruso MG, DeAngelis S. and Mastroluca S. (2008). High-skilled immigrants according to the 2001 Italian Census: employment and underemployment in Emigration Studies / Migration Studies, n.172 893.
• Brandi MC (2006). “Brought by the wind” the new scientific labor market: more flexible or more precarious researchers ?, ODRADEK.
• Brandi MC (2006). The history of the brain drain in: CTS - Revista iberoamericana de ciência, tecnología y sociedad 3 (7), 65-85.
• Avveduto S. (2005). International mobility of scientists and engineers: A study on brain drain and obstacles to mobility in: Gabaldon T., Horta H., Meyer MD, Pereira-Leal JB (ed.), Career Paths and Mobility of Researchers in Europe, (Procedings of the Conference ESRM2004 and the MCFA Events at ESOF 2004), Gottingen, CUVILLIER VERGAR.
• Brandi MC, Cerbara L. (2005). European Researchers Mobility: the Italian Case in: Gabaldon T., Horta H., Meyer MD, Pereira-Leal JB (ed.), Career Paths and Mobility of Researchers in Europe, (Procedings of the Conference ESRM2004 and the MCFA Events at ESOF 2004), Gottingen, CUVILLIER VERGAR.
• Avveduto S., Brandi MC, Todisco E. (2004). Qualified migrations between mobility and Brain Drain, monographic issue of Studi Emigrazione / Migration Studies, XLI, n.156.
• Avveduto S. (2004). The mobility of high qualifications in Europe, Canada and the USA, in: Emigration Studies / Migration Studies, XLI, n.156, 889-911.
• Hansen W., Avveduto S., Inzelt A. (2003). The Brain Drain-Emigration Flows for Qualified Scientists, Executive Summary and Conclusions, Report for the European Commission by MERIT.
• Brandi C. (2001). Skilled Immigrants in Rome, International migration (Geneva, Print) 39, pp. 101–131.
• Brandi MC (2001). Evolution of studies on skilled migration: brain drain and mobility, in: Emigration Studies / Migration Studies, XXXVIII, n.141, 75-93.
• Avveduto S. (2001). International mobility of PhDs, in OECD, Innovative people: mobility of skilled personnel in national innovation system, pp. 229-242.
• Avveduto S., Cipollone PE, (edited by) (1998). The mobility of intelligences in Europe. Internationalization of training and research doctorate, Francoangeli, Rome.
• Brandi MC (1998). The training and employment of foreign residents in Rome in 1996, in: Studi Emigrazione/Migration Studies, n. 131