PNRR Calls - IRPPS hires
To contribute to the Fostering Open Social Science Research (FOSSR) project, the Institute opened 7 fixed-term positions aimed at various professional figures, specialized in data science, computer science and statistics, but also communication, social sciences and design.
IRPPS is an interdisciplinary research institute thath carries out studies on social, demographic and migratory issues; welfare systems; social policies; social technologies; education and the relation between science and society.
IRPPS research personnel counts about 40 full or part-time researchers, 30 associated researchers, and 20 post-doc researchers.
FFOSSR aims to develop Open Science in the Italian context with the goal of creating a framework of tools and services for the social science scholar community involving the research infrastructures in social sciences coordinated by CNR: CESSDA, SHARE, RISIS.
The framework will provide a single point of access to all the tools and services of the Italian Open Science Cloud, along the lines of the European Open Science Cloud project. Open Science Cloud