MINDtheGEPs - Modifying Institutions by Developing Gender Equality Plans
MINDtheGEPs, is coordinated by the University of Turin (UniTo) and is funded under the Science with and for Society action of Horizon 2020 of the European Union.
Objective of the project is promoting gender equality in research organizations through the adoption of Gender Equality Plans (Gender Equality Plans - GEPs) in the research institutions and universities involved. The measures envisaged include initiatives of training for research personnel, shares of mentoring, training of top management on gender prejudices and stereotypes and on strategies to promote diversity and inclusion in scientific work, work / life balance actions in Research Areas.
Following the principle of "no data - no problem - no policy", MINDtheGEPs will focus on mapping existing data relating to personnel, careers and scientific production, and creating new empirical evidence on barriers to equality.
Data collection, both qualitative and quantitative, will allow to elaborate and implement Gender Equality Plans that are effective and appropriate to the contexts, which will be monitored and evaluated periodically. In particular, we mean:
- remove barriers in the recruitment and career progression of female research staff;
- fight gender inequality in governance bodies and evaluation commissions;
- integrate the gender dimension into research content.
The IRPPS communication office supports the communication and dissemination activities of the project. The General Management, the Welfare and Training Office, the ICT Office and the Single Guarantee Committee (CUG) of the CNR contribute to the project with specific actions at central level.
Munster Technological University (Ireland); University of Turin (Italy - coordinator); National Research Council (Italy); Knowledge and Innovation (Italy); the Elsevier publishing house (Netherlands); University of Gdansk (Poland); Jagiellonian University (Poland); School of Electrical Engineering-University of Belgrade (Serbia); Fundación for the Promotion of Research Innovation and Technological Development in the Automotive Industry of Galicia (Spain); Uppsala University (Sweden).
Lucio Pisacane, Ilaria of Tullio, Nicolo Marchesini, Marco Cellini, Serena Tagliacozzo, Sveva Avveduto, Maria Cristina Antonucci, Daniela Luzi, Fabrizio Pecoraro, Cristiana Crescimbene