Social Changes, Evaluation and Methods (MUSA) is a multidisciplinary group that conducts scientific research in the field of social change, with particular attention to youth attitudes and behaviors, and deals with the evaluation of social policies, methodologies applied to psychosocial research and training. Below, the four lines of activity of MUSA:
- Social changes
An activity based on the Institute's historical experience in population surveys, since 2014 and with the Giovani alla Prova (GAP) project, it initiates an innovative line of socio-psychological studies. The main topics of study concern: real and virtual human interaction, lifestyles, general well-being; deviance (bullying, cyberbullying), hyperconnection, consumption at risk, addictions, individual states, self-esteem, prosociality, values and social conditioning (stereotypes and social prejudices). The activity manages two National Observatories: the Observatory MSA-COVID-19 e the Youth Trends Observatory. - Evaluation of social policies and interventions
Activity aimed at analyzing aspects of innovation and evaluation of social policies and interventions in order to understand the effects of social, educational, training, social security and welfare interventions in relation to specific variables of interest. Associated with it are research, consultancy and training activities in the field of social and educational services. - Application and development of qualitative-quantitative social research methodologies
Activity concerning research methodologies both with consolidated experience of the Institute and innovative. These include the methods of quantitative analysis of the monovariate, bivariate and multivariate type (factorial and classification techniques), and of the qualitative type, such as SWOT and PEST analysis, content analysis, focus groups and interviews in depth, scenario planning methods for the construction of future scenarios (Delphi MIX of CNR-Irpps). - Education
Transversal activity associated with the previous ones; it concerns higher university-level training, carried out on the subject of: Methodology of social sciences (Tintori), of various teachings related to Sociology of Welfare (Accorinti), of Statistics (Cerbara), of Sociology of Work (Pugliese). This activity has always been associated with orientation and training aimed at teachers, operators and professionals, as well as national awareness and dissemination events aimed at the general public and carried out through innovative dissemination formats (LIGHT; Inv.Factor, Mentimeter).
social behavior and conditioning
policy evaluation
research methodologies
social attitudes