Research Institute on Population and Social Policies


The MIB survey is part of the research activities ofYouth Trends Observatory, led by the Social Changes, Evaluation and Methods research group (MUSA) of the CNR-IRPPS. The investigation is of type longitudinal and has the aim of studying, monitoring and deepening the ongoing changes in human interaction in adolescence. The investigation, which will begin in January 2024 and has a duration of 5 years, involves the conduct of interviews to be administered using a semi-structured electronic questionnaire CAPI (Computer-assisted personal interviewing) a male and female students of schools secondary schools of the Metropolitan City of Rome Capitals located in dissimilar territories due to socio-economic and demographic characteristics. The heuristic approach, interdisciplinary, typical of the research tradition of the MUSA group, involves a complex analysis of the changes taking place, identifying the causal links between interactional dynamics and the related effects on the psychophysical and social well-being of adolescents. Specifically, the subject of investigation are both factors sociological is psychological of human interaction, with the aim of understanding the development processes, i.e. the conditioning and conditioned factors, of opinions, attitudes and goal-oriented action that can support, compromise or compress social expectations. The outcome is a holistic and complex reading of the state of adolescence, which pays particular attention to family and environmental conditioning and endemic and emerging social and psychological pathologies.

General objective of the investigation. Analyze attitudes and behaviors of male and female students of public secondary schools for the purpose of identifying individual and social factors that hinder the spread of adolescent well-being with particular attention to interactional changes, social conditioning, online and offline behavioral deviance , risky behavior and psychological distress.

Thematic areas of investigation

The MIB survey covers four thematic areas:

  • Section 1. Socio-personal information relating to respondents and their families of origin;
  • Section 2. Social interaction and well-being;
  • Section 3. Deviance and social conditioning;
  • Section 4. Values ​​and opinions.

For their study, a semi-structured questionnaire is administered to male and female students in electronic format that can be filled out with the main IT devices. The data collection method is anonymous and assisted (CAPI) and requires the presence of researchers and/or interviewers from the MUSA group in the field, i.e. in each classroom at the time of the survey. This approach, which increases survey times and costs, has the important advantage of guaranteeing high reliability of the data collected as it guarantees that the questionnaire is filled out with certainty by the selected survey units, promotes full understanding of the questions and prevents the direct and indirect influences exerted on the respondents at the time of the survey as a result of the interaction between peers and between students and teachers.

Tintori A., Pompili M., Ciancimino G., Corsetti G., Cerbara L. (2023). The developmental process of suicidal ideation among adolescents: social and psychological impact from a nation-wide survey. Scientific Reports – NATURE, Rep 13, 20984 (2023).;

Tintori A. (2023). The uncertain adolescence. Endemic and emerging social pathologies in the virtual post-pandemic era. The new frontiers of school, n. 62, Correctness, Year XX, November, La Medusa Editrice, pp. 69-75 [ISSN: 2281-9681]

Tintori A. (2023). Gender stereotypes in children, an effect of primary socialization. Science online;

Cerbara L., Ciancimino G., Corsetti G., Tintori A. (2023). The (un)equal effect of binary socialization on adolescents' exposure to pornography: girls' empowerment and boys' sexism from a new representative national survey. Societies 13, no. 6:146;

Tintori A., Cerbara L, Ciancimino G. (2023). Policy agenda for children and adolescents. Rome: National Research Council – Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies. (IRPPS Working papers no. 136/2023, p. 85);

Tintori A., Cerbara L, Ciancimino G. (2023). The state of adolescence 2023. National survey on attitudes and behaviors of students of public secondary schools. Rome: National Research Council – Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies, (IRPPS Working papers n. 135/2023, p. 73;

Tintori A., Ciancimino G., Bombelli I., De Rocchi D., Cerbara C. (2023). Children's Online Safety: Predictive Factors of Cyberbullying and Online Grooming Involvement. companies; 13, 47.

Tintori A., Cerbara L, Ciancimino G., Parsi MR (2022). The state of childhood 2021. Survey on attitudes and behaviors of pupils in primary schools in Rome. Rome: National Research Council? Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies. (IRPPS Working papers n. 130/2022, p. 35)

Cerbara L., Ciancimino G., Tintori A. (2022). Are We Still a Sexist Society? Primary Socialization and Adherence to Gender Roles in Childhood. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 19 (6), 3408;

Tintori A., Ciancimino G., Palomba R., Clementi C., Cerbara L. (2021). The Impact of Socialisation on Children's Prosocial Behavior. A Study on Primary School StudentsInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 18(22):12017.;

Tintori A (2021). La massa, gli adolescenti, il Covid-19 e gli adattamenti mediati, Le nuove frontiere della scuola, n. 56, La Mediazione, Anno XVIII, ottobre, La Medusa Editrice, pp. 84-91 [ISSN: 2281-9681].

Tintori A. (2021). Essence and appearance in continuous social change. The new frontiers of school, n. 55, Regeneration. La Medusa Editrice, pp. 60-64 [ISSN: 2281-9681];

Tintori A., Ciancimino G., Vismara A., Cerbara L. (2021). Sports as education: Is this a stereotype too? A national research on the relationship between sports practice, bullying, racism and stereotypes among Italian students. Cogent Education, Taylor & Francis, 8: 1, 1938385, DOI:;

Tintori, A.; Ciancimino, G.; Giovanelli, G.; Cerbara, L. (2021) Bullying and Cyberbullying among Italian Adolescents: The Influence of Psychosocial Factors on Violent Behaviors.  J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 18 (4), 1558;;

Avveduto S., Tintori A. (2020). Il lungo cammino dell’equità di genere nella scienza. No. 25. Prism Magazine;

Tintori A. (2019). The ideal measure of reality. Social distancing, Le nuove frontiere della scuola, no. 51, The measure, year XVI, November, pp. 81-86 [ISSN: 2281-9681];

Caruso MG, Cerbara L. Tintori A. (2019). Stereotipi, bullismo e devianza a scuola. Identikit degli studenti italiani. Minorigiustizia, no. 2/2019, Milano, Franco Angeli [ISSN: 1121-2845; DOI: 10.3280 / MG2019-002010];

Cerbara L., Tintori A. (2019). L’immagine che vogliamo. Il web e gli stereotipi sui migranti. In: Uomini, donne e bambini , a cura di Ezio Alessio Gensini e Leonardo Santoli, Regione Toscana, Consiglio Regionale, p. 2017-2016 [ISBN: 978-88-85617-41-4];

Tintori A. (2018). L’illusione della competenza e l’inganno dell’opinioneLe nuove frontiere della scuola, n. 48, La competenza, anno XV, ottobre, pp. 11-16 [ISSN: 2281-9681];

Cerbara L., Tintori A. (2018). Bullying, stereotypes, prejudices and risky behaviors. A comparison between Italian and foreign students of Latina. Osservatorio romano sulle migrazioniTredicesimo Rapporto, Centro Studi e Ricerche IDOS, IDOS Edizioni, p. 69-75 [ISBN: 9788864800264];

Cerbara L., Tintori A. (2018). La condizione giovanile nella città di Latina. Indagine GAP 2017. Roma: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto di Ricerche sulla Popolazione e le Politiche Sociali (IRPPS Working papers107/2018) [ISSN: 2240-7332];

Tintori A. (2018). Devianza e disagio relazionale a scuola. Bullismo e cyberbullismo tra tradizione e modernità. In: Pugni chiusi. Bullismo: punti di vista, non-storie, impressioni, significati. Soluzioni? Un contributo a cambiare, per cambiare, a cura di Ezio Alessio Gensini e Leonardo Santoli, Regione Toscana, Consiglio Regionale, p. 69-73 [ISBN: 978-88-85617-11-7];

Cerbara L., Tintori A. (2017). Lungo l’asse dell’integrazione/esclusione. Il banco di scuola con-diviso tra studenti italiani e stranieri. In: Migrazioni e integrazioni nell’Italia di oggi, a cura di Corrado Bonifazi, Roma: CNR-IRPPS e-Publishing, p. 199-211 [ISBN: 978-88-98822-12-6 (online), 978-88-98822-10-2 (print), DOI 10.14600/978-88-98822-12-6];

Tintori A., Cerbara L. (2017). Lo sport di tutti. Valori e didattica dell’integrazione sociale. In: Pratica sportiva e lavoro sociale tra stato, mercato e comunità, Culture e Studi del Sociale(CuSSoc), vol. 2 (1), giugno, pp. 43-54 [ISSN: 2531-3975];

Tintori A., Cerbara L. (ed.) (2016). Young people put to the test. The condition of youth in the cityà Rome Capital Metro. Aracne editrice [ISBN: 978-88-548-9278-1];

Brandi C., Cerbara L., Tintori A. (2016), Perspectives, expectations and attitudes of second generation students in the metropolitan city of Rome. Osservatorio romano sulle migrazioniUndicesimo Rapporto, Centro Studi e Ricerche IDOS, IDOS Edizioni, [ISBN: 9788864800523].