Research Institute on Population and Social Policies


Answer the questionnaire of the Youth Trends Observatory (OTG)

The Youth Trend Observatory deals with the analysis of attitudesbehavior e youthful conditioning with particular interest for the childhood and adolescent age group. The Observatory has been carrying out periodicals since 2014 qualitative-quantitative study and research activities mainly focused on students of Italian public schools. The project is part of the research activities of the Observatory Young People At The Test (GAP), oriented towards the study of youth trends detectable in upper secondary schools. With the GAP project, two sample studies were first conducted in Rome and in the Metropolitan City of Rome, the capital and in Latina, in 2015 and 2017 respectively. These studies were configured as pilot phases with the aim of refining and validating innovative research tools. The national GAP survey was carried out in 2019, with the direct involvement of thousands of young people from north to south of Italy.
Since 2021, also as a consequence of the spread of COVID19 and the effects produced on youth social interaction by physical distancing measures, the Observatory has received a mandate from the Presidency of the CouncilDepartment of Family Policy, with the aim of detecting and analyzing:

– violence and social deviance induced on the infantile segment of the population by social conditioning and exposure to TV series and the web, video games and apps with stereotyped and violent content;
– the individual and social factors that hinder the spread of well-being, equal opportunities and youth inclusion, through the analysis of adolescent attitudes and behaviors with particular attention to the changes taking place insocial interaction, as of individual and relational well-being, violence and social deviance, behavior and ai consumption at risk, To socio-cultural conditioning and opinions about society and institutions.

Also starting from 2021, the specific objective of the Observatory will also be definition of innovative policies aimed at contrasting social deviance and promoting well-being, equal opportunities and youth inclusion, and the production of specific training and educational interventions aimed at school teachers, female students, students and parents. This result will be produced through the application of the method Delphi MIX of the CNR-Irpps.


The Observatory realizes periodic both local and national surveys availing innovative indicators and a psychosocial research approach, in order to produce a complex reading of the phenomena under study which simultaneously contemplates the influence of individual and social variables in determining population trends. Sample surveys are conducted through the method CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview) e CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviewing), and with the aid of semi-structured electronic survey questionnaires. The mode of data collection is anonymous and assisted, and provides for the presence of CNR researchers in each survey site, in order to guarantee high data reliability. Phases of in-depth analysis of the phenomena observed are also envisaged using qualitative research tools, such as focus groups, in-depth interviews and scenario planning activities.

The Observatory's research activities focus attention on the following analysis dimensions:

– quantity, quality and methods of horizontal and vertical personal interaction;
– empathy, self-esteem, prosociality, use of the internet and social media, hyperconnection, social deviance (bullying, cyberbullying, sexting);
– social conditioning and relationship with diversity;
– family climate, stereotypes, gender roles and violence, violence between brothers and sisters and witnessed violence;
– lifestyles, free time activities, general well-being, risky consumption and addictions;
– set of values, orientations, opinions, ontological security and systemic trust.

The Observatory avails itself of the contribution of a large and multidisciplinary research team with skills in sociologystatisticspsychologydemographyeconomy e cultural antropology. The members of the group have a long experience in the analysis of population attitudes and behaviors, interaction and social conditioning, communication and scientific dissemination.

The communication and dissemination activities of the Observatory's research results include the production of international scientific publications and the transfer of the knowledge produced to the mass media, the scientific, scholastic and healthcare world, educators and political decision-makers, also through orientation interventions and through of conferences, institutional sites and related social pages. Particular attention is paid to the identification of orientation and promotion actions for youth skills in response to physiological and contingent critical issues that concern the world of education and culture. The plan for disseminating research results relies on the support of the Press Office and the Communications Office of the CNR.

The Observatory's activities have so far produced a monographic text, various publications in scientific journals, participation in scientific conferences, training activities for public teachers, dissemination on radio and television information programmes.

The research is conducted through questionnaires administered using the Limesurvey software, installed on a CNR server. The web space is secure (HTTPS) and managed by CNR systems engineers. The questionnaires do not detect identifying data, do not track the IP, do not store the respondents' cookies (not even the technical ones that are necessary for navigation) and do not store identifying data deriving from access to the questionnaire. The data collected are analyzed exclusively by the Observatory's research group and are not expected to be handed over to third parties, neither in Italy nor abroad. Only aggregate data is disclosed.

The data collected are analyzed exclusively by the Observatory's research group and are not expected to be handed over to third parties, neither in Italy nor abroad. Only aggregate results are disclosed.

• Tintori A. (2021). Essenza e apparenza nel continuo mutare sociale. Le nuove frontiere della scuola, n. 55, La Rigenerazione. La Medusa Editrice, pp. 60-64 [ISSN: 2281-9681];

• Tintori A., Ciancimino G., Vismara A., Cerbara L. (2021). Sports as education: Is this a stereotype too? A national research on the relationship between sports practice, bullying, racism and stereotypes among Italian students. Cogent Education, Taylor & Francis, 8: 1, 1938385, DOI:;

• Tintori, A .; Ciancimino, G .; Giovanelli, G .; Cerbara, L. (2021) Bullying and Cyberbullying among Italian Adolescents: The Influence of Psychosocial Factors on Violent Behaviors.  J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 18 (4), 1558;;

• Avveduto S., Tintori A. (2020). Il lungo cammino dell’equità di genere nella scienza. No. 25. Prism Magazine;

• Tintori A. (2019). La misura ideale del reale. Le distanze sociali, Le nuove frontiere della scuola, no. 51, The measure, year XVI, November, pp. 81-86 [ISSN: 2281-9681];

• Caruso MG, Cerbara L. Tintori A. (2019). Stereotipi, bullismo e devianza a scuola. Identikit degli studenti italiani. Minorigiustizia, no. 2/2019, Milano, Franco Angeli [ISSN: 1121-2845; DOI: 10.3280 / MG2019-002010];

• Cerbara L., Tintori A. (2019). L’immagine che vogliamo. Il web e gli stereotipi sui migranti. In: Uomini, donne e bambini , a cura di Ezio Alessio Gensini e Leonardo Santoli, Regione Toscana, Consiglio Regionale, p. 2017-2016 [ISBN: 978-88-85617-41-4];

• Tintori A. (2018). L’illusione della competenza e l’inganno dell’opinioneLe nuove frontiere della scuola, n. 48, La competenza, anno XV, ottobre, pp. 11-16 [ISSN: 2281-9681];

• Cerbara L., Tintori A. (2018). Bullismo, stereotipi, pregiudizi e comportamenti a rischio. Un confronto tra studenti italiani e stranieri di Latina. Osservatorio romano sulle migrazioniTredicesimo Rapporto, Centro Studi e Ricerche IDOS, IDOS Edizioni, p. 69-75 [ISBN: 9788864800264];

• Cerbara L., Tintori A. (2018). La condizione giovanile nella città di Latina. Indagine GAP 2017. Roma: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto di Ricerche sulla Popolazione e le Politiche Sociali (IRPPS Working papers107/2018) [ISSN: 2240-7332];

• Tintori A. (2018). Devianza e disagio relazionale a scuola. Bullismo e cyberbullismo tra tradizione e modernità. In: Pugni chiusi. Bullismo: punti di vista, non-storie, impressioni, significati. Soluzioni? Un contributo a cambiare, per cambiare, a cura di Ezio Alessio Gensini e Leonardo Santoli, Regione Toscana, Consiglio Regionale, p. 69-73 [ISBN: 978-88-85617-11-7];

• Cerbara L., Tintori A. (2017). Lungo l’asse dell’integrazione/esclusione. Il banco di scuola con-diviso tra studenti italiani e stranieri. In: Migrazioni e integrazioni nell’Italia di oggi, a cura di Corrado Bonifazi, Roma: CNR-IRPPS e-Publishing, p. 199-211 [ISBN: 978-88-98822-12-6 (online), 978-88-98822-10-2 (print), DOI 10.14600/978-88-98822-12-6];

• Tintori A., Cerbara L. (2017). Lo sport di tutti. Valori e didattica dell’integrazione sociale. In: Pratica sportiva e lavoro sociale tra stato, mercato e comunità, Culture e Studi del Sociale(CuSSoc), vol. 2 (1), giugno, pp. 43-54 [ISSN: 2531-3975];

• Tintori A., Cerbara L. (edited by) (2016). Giovani alla prova. La condizione giovanile nella Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale . Aracne editrice [ISBN: 978-88-548-9278-1];

• Brandi C., Cerbara L., Tintori A. (2016), Prospettive, aspettative e atteggiamenti degli studenti di seconda generazione della Città metropolitana di Roma. Osservatorio romano sulle migrazioniUndicesimo Rapporto, Centro Studi e Ricerche IDOS, IDOS Edizioni, [ISBN: 9788864800523].