Active projects
Active projects of the Research Institute on Population and Social Policies
Population and migration
Population, gender and society
ViVa – Evaluation and Analysis of interventions to prevent and combat violence against women
Social and Demographic Behavior Analysis
Continuous survey of the activities of the Anti-violence Centers of the Abruzzo Region
DEA, Women and Audiovisual
ALARM CLOCKS - Study and evaluation of the impact of gender rebalancing measures provided for by current legislation on elected offices and governance
ASL 2015-2018 Latina
Sport and Integration
Personal Training - implementation of the 2017-2019 Three-Year Plan - IRPPS
AVIS-Scenario Planning
Innovation and social policies
Digital by default - PRIN
REGARD - REmembering Genocide Against Roma Discrimination
ACE - Active Citizenship in Europe Rome participation against discrimination. Building trust between Rome communities and civil society
DigitalMente project
Welfare Post
Bike & Society
An inventory for the school to come
ROMUNICATE - Integration, in addition to clichés
Trame - The social theater and the training of social and health workers
Effectiveness on the main cardiovascular risk factors of an intensive educational intervention aimed at promoting the Mediterranean food model among the employees of FCA Italia SpA "(INTEDUFCA) 2016
Digital Governance of Education: Analysis of the digitalization processes of school policies and the development of accountability regimes
Health and society
Social changes, evaluation and methods
Longitudinal survey of interactional changes and well-being
Sport and disability
AFEV - Higher Training, Education and Evaluation
History of Italian emigration
Analysis of the social impact of organized volunteering
On the side of the sea: monitoring and assistance for international proteges, victims of trafficking and vulnerable groups
Family survey and prevention
Knowledge society
Gender budget and Gender equality plan for the Autonomous Region of Sardinia
gEneSys - Transforming Gendered Interrelations of Power and Inequalities in Transition Pathways to Sustainable Energy Systems
Survey on Italian researchers abroad - MAECI
MINDtheGEPs - Modifying Institutions by Developing Gender Equality Plans
"Free the land" - A project against the exploitation of labor in agriculture in Capitanata
OpenUP - OPENing UP new methods, indicators and tools for peer review, impact measurement and dissemination of research results
GENERA - Gender Equality Network in the European Research Area
MAPPING - Managing Alternatives for Privacy, Property and Internet Governance
CARISMAND - Culture And RISkmanagement in Man-made And Natural Disasters
COMO Knowledge - Mobility
CITYCOP - Citizen Interaction Technologies Yield Community Policing
GETA - Observatory on GEnere and Lens
Social studies on science, education, communication
Open Learning for All-enhancing digital Open Educational Resources for inclusion against stereotypes (OLA)
The Global Science Opera Leverage students participation and engagement in science through art practices (GSO4SCHOOL)
Integrated Content and Language via Unified Digital Environment (INCLUDE)
Imago migrantis: representation of migrants in Italian textbooks and in European online newspapers
Do it yourself! A participative approach to increase participation and engagement of high school students in physical education and sport classes (DIYPES)
Developing and Evaluating Skills for Creativity and Innovation (DESCI)
REsearch into POlicy to enhance Physical Activity - (Repopa)
Social informatics and technology assessment
open DOORS - Designing a network of cOOperating cReative communities for developing a Sharing economy
ACT - Against Cyberbulling acTions
Sensitivity analysis COI Maculopathies
IC-Health-Improving digital health literacy in Europe
MARINA - Knowledge Sharing Platform for Federating Responsible Research and Innovation Communities
Legal blindness costs
Pneumological Services Network: Integration, Research & Open-innovation (ReSPIRO)
Globalization, research and innovation
Report on research and innovation in Italy
MICS - Circular and Sustainable Made in Italy
The United Nations Security Council after the end of the Cold War: its role and proposed changes
Illicit labour and the photovoltaic industry (ERC)
Innovation for global challenges in a connected world - (PRIN)
Globalization, Research and Innovation (GLOBAT)