Research Institute on Population and Social Policies

DigitalMente project

Digitization and job safety in the Salerno area

A project born from the collaboration between Irpps and Inail

The powerful technological innovation of the Digital Revolution, or the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is being accomplished through the use of technologies that span a wide range of digital systems that are already changing industrial equipment and organization all over the world. of work.

The advent of the pandemic has helped to make this change more evident in relation to which our country is lagging behind in comparison with the main competitors European and international. Suffice it to consider that before the health and then economic crisis linked to Covid-19 only 1 in 5 companies had adopted a strategy to digitize processes or create support for the workforce remotely.

The explosion of agile or smart working during the pandemic (from 500 thousand to 8 million workers involved) re-proposes the theme of how our country and its production system intend to deal with this new way of organizing work in the future, also to go meeting the environmental sustainability of our work.

Therefore, the main objective of the project for which companies in the Salerno area are asked to fill in the questionnaire, which can be accessed via the link sent via certified e-mail, is to develop and disseminate Good Practices to support the transition to work agile from the emergency to a "structural" phase, as well as to ensure effective prevention and safety at work.

In this difficult path of change, the purpose of spreading the Good Practices will be to foster trust and support the productivity of companies and workers. Secondly, from the point of view of prevention, the survey will try to identify possible spaces to offer services of life coaching, psychological support and wellness programs to help employees who may experience high levels of stress, generated by different causes (overworking, disaffection with corporate objectives, etc.).

The results will have as a direct consequence a deeper knowledge of the working conditions and their consequent improvement for the benefit of the company and the workers themselves.

The maximum dissemination of the Good Practices thus elaborated will be implemented through the dissemination of a brochure that will be disseminated by means of seminars to all the Campania companies, as well as Salerno companies involved in this project.

Note: for those wishing to participate in the survey, they can do so by sending a request to:

Digital Conference

Lloyd Baia Hotel - Vietri 

30th November 2022