FOSSR, Fostering Open Science in Social Science Research

FOSSR – “Fostering Open Science in Social Science Research” is a project - financed with funds from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) - NextGenerationEU - which aims to create an Open Science Cloud for the collection, management and analysis of economic and social data.
The objectives of FOSSR
In particular, FOSSR is working for:
- To develop innovative solutions for data collection (WP3)
- Connect the main research infrastructures for the social sciences already active in the European context and host the first Italian Online Probability Panel (IOPP) (WP4)
- To propose innovative tools for data analysis (WP5)
- Creation a national distributed cloud computing platform, the Open Science Cloud, capable of integrating national nodes of other existing European research infrastructures, such as CESSDA, RISIS e SHARE, and to provide, through a single access point, new services to store, analyze, query, retrieve and share large collections of data for the social sciences (WP6)
- To design and build a network of distributed servers for high-performance computing that will provide access to hardware and software resources for high-performance computing and big data storage (WP7)
- formation in advanced methodological and technical skills of data analysis and bring the FOSSR and general scientific community closer to the management of research data from a FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable data) perspective (WP8)
- Communication through different channels the challenges and results of the project (WP9)
FOSSR sees the involvement of 6 Institutes of the National Research Council, of the Department of Human, Social Sciences and Cultural Heritage (CNR-DSU), together with the Interdepartmental Center for Ethics and Integrity in Research, and the Research Valorization Unit . The Research Institute on Sustainable Economic Growth is coordinator (CNR-IRCRES).
The role of IRPPS
CNR-IRPPS is involved at different levels in the project activities. In particular, he coordinates the activities of WP4, working on the integration into FOSSR of the European infrastructures and surveys including GGP (Generations & Gender Programme) e Guide (Growing up in Digital Europe) SHARE (Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe) which will allow the collection and use of high-quality longitudinal data on the population resident in Italy and abroad. In particular, the institute directs the development and construction of IOPP, the first Italian online probabilistic panel. IOPP allows Italy to catch up with other European experiences, building a panel with the involvement of a representative sample of the Italian population between 18 and 75 years old, which will continue over the years and which will include different waves for each year to find out opinions, values linked to issues such as family structure, living and working conditions, social, economic and cultural inequalities, poverty.
CNR-IRPPS is also engaged in specific activities of WP3, with the development of integrative components for software used in the management of the IOPP panel and new techniques for data collection, and of WP5, aimed at building simulations with artificial populations that reflect information about the target population described in the data.
Finally, the Institute is involved in the organization of online short courses (WP8) and the online seminars (WP9), aimed at broadening the debate on the frontier issues that FOSSR is addressing.
The IRPPS team in FOSSR
Scientific manager: Mario Paolucci.
Research staff and technologist: Loredana Cerbara, Dario Germani,
Frank Heins, Paolo Landri, Nicolo Marchesini, Rocco Paolillo, Angela Paparusso, Claudia Pennacchiotti, Ilaria Primerano, Michele Santurro, Luciana Taddei, Valentina Tudisca, Adriana Valente.
EU Next Generation Funding
within the PNRR, Investment Line "Fund for the creation of an integrated system of research and innovation infrastructures"
Start year: 2022
Scientific manager:
DISSEMINATION contact person: Alessandra Maria Stilo