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Research Institute on Population and Social Policies

Salvatore Strozza

The main research area concerns international migration and foreign immigration in Italy.



+39 081 2537468

Curriculum Vitae


Savior Stroud, born in Formia (LT) on 22 August 1963, has been Professor of Demography at the University of Naples Federico II since 2005. He is the coordinator of the Bachelor of Science in Political Science (class L-36) and of the Master's Degree Programs in International Relations and Scenario Analysis (LM-52), International Relations(LM-52, course in English) and in Political Science of Europe and Development Strategies (LM-90). He coordinates the XNUMXst level Mater in Immigration and public reception and integration policies, of which he was the promoter. He is  section editorof the magazine GENUS, is part of the Scientific Committee of the magazine STUDI EMIGRAZIONE / Migration Studiesand is a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of  ISMU Series Initiatives and Studies on Multi-ethnicityof FrancoAngeli. He is associated in research activities with the Research Institute on Population and Social Policies (IRPPS) of the CNR. He is part of the  network of excellenceIMISCOE ( International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion) and the core of Neodemos experts. He was first Vice-President and then President of the Italian Association for Population Studies (AISP), section of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS). He is a director of the Italian Society of Economics, Demography and Statistics (SIEDS).

The main research area concerns international migration and foreign immigration in Italy. In this context, he addressed the following issues: measurement and estimation of foreign presence; carrying out sample surveys on immigrants; determinants of migratory intentions; evolution of international migrations involving the countries of the European continent; territorial organization of foreign immigrants and settlement models in cities; demographic behavior of migrants and effects of migration; immigration and labor markets of the host organizations; process of integration of immigrants: from measures to determinants; school and work inclusion of second generations.

In this context he has provided numerous contributions and developed various collaborations also following participation in various national and international research groups. He has taken part in various scientific conferences and meetings and has been keynote speakeron the occasion of the following events: 

• LXVII Scientific meeting of SIEDS on “A Changing World: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Migration”, held at the Un. of Milano Bicocca from 27 to 29 May 2010;

• Istat international conference on “Integration: knowing, measuring, evaluating”, held in Rome on 17 and 18 June 2013;

• International conference of the Ministry of the Interior on “Towards a European Migration Policy: strategies for one governancemultilevel integration ”, held in Rome at the CNR on 17 and 18 December 2014; 

• 48th Scientific Meeting of the SIS, held at the Un. of Salerno, 8-10 June 2016.

Main publications

He is the author of over 220 contributions including scientific articles published in journals, proceedings or  proceedingsof conferences or  working paperand chapters of collective volumes or with editors, to which research reports and popular articles must be added. He is also co-author of the following three monographs: 
  •  “Gli immigrati stranieri in Italia. Quanti sono, chi sono, come vivono?” (507 pagine), scritto con Marcello Natale e pubblicato dall’Editore Cacucci di Bari nel 1997;
  •  “La rilevazione delle migrazioni internazionali e la predisposizione di un sistema informativo sugli stranieri” (234 pagine), rapporto di ricerca per la Commissione per la Garanzia dell’Informazione Statistica (CoGIS), predisposto in collaborazione con Marcello Natale, Enrico Todisco e Francesca Ballacci ed uscito nel mese di ottobre del 2002;
  • “Nuovi italiani. I giovani immigrati cambieranno il nostro paese?” (170 pagine), scritto insieme a Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna e a Patrizia Farina, pubblicato da il Mulino di Bologna nel 2009.
  • Ha curato, insieme ad altri colleghi, tre numeri monografici della rivista internazionale STUDI EMIGRAZIONE: n. 152,  su “Integration of immigrants in Europe: data sources and measurement in old and new receiving countries” (2003); n. 171 su “Immigrati e stranieri al censimento del 2001” (2008); n. 202 su “Le migrazioni dall’Europa centro-orientale a quella meridionale: tendenze e problemi negli anni della crisi” (2016). È tra i Guest Editors del Thematic Issue su “The legacy of Corrado Gini in population studies” della rivista internazionale GENUS (vol. LXXI, No. 2-3, 2015).
  • È stato co-curatore di 12 volumi pubblicati da varie case editrici. In particolare, va segnalato che ha curato il penultimo (insieme ad A. De Rose) e l’ultimo (insieme a G. De Santis) Rapporto sulla popolazione, pubblicati ad inizio 2015 e 2017 dalla casa editrice il Mulino di Bologna.