Research Institute on Population and Social Policies

Assortment of sports equipment on yellow background, top view
April 7, 2023

Sport for inclusion: between stereotypes and potential

The International Day of Sport for Development and Peace takes place every year on 6 April. It was launched ten years ago by the United Nations, to recognize "the positive role that sport and physical activity play in communities and in the lives of people around the world" ( 

From empowering women and girls, youth, people with disabilities and other marginalized groups to advancing health, sustainability and education goals, sport offers – according to the United Nations – enormous potential for advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ) and for the promotion of peace and human rights.  

But how to put this potential into practice? 

According to the analyzes conducted in recent years by researchers of the IRPPS - within, in particular, the activities of the Musa research group (Social changes, evaluation and methods) - it is not enough to play sport to internalize a system of rules and values for social integration. Alongside the actions to promote sport, necessary to encourage healthy lifestyles, it is essential to promote structured teaching of sport. 

As shown, among others, by the evidence of a survey conducted in Italy in 2017, the potential educational role of sport is not an explicit value incorporated in its practice. On this see the 2021 article by Tintori, Ciancimino, Vismara and Cerbara Sports as education: Is this a stereotype too? A national research on the relationship between sports practice, bullying, racism and stereotypes among Italian students. 

The study, which involved a representative sample of 4011 male and female students aged between 14 and 16, was conducted through a questionnaire focused on socio-demographic characteristics, life experiences, relationships and interpersonal behaviour, adherence to stereotypes and prejudices. 

Some of the data of interest show that half of the sample believes that it is actually better to have a male coach (but the majority of those who agree on this statement are the same males: 27% against 10% of females) and around a third of students believe that some sports are not suitable for women (23% of women and 41% of men agree with this statement). About one in ten young people admits that violence in cheering on one's team is to be considered an acceptable fact (7% women and 17% men). The same can be said for ethnic stereotypes, with respect to which it is noted that around a third of students feel their safety threatened by the presence of immigrants (32% females and 39% males). For a similar proportion of young people, foreigners are considered criminals (25% women and 35% men); finally, students usually tend to think that immigrants are people who actually steal jobs from Italians (26% women and 38% men). 

From the analyzes it emerges that adolescents who practice sports outside of school have an increase in their levels of tolerance towards bullying and racism. Furthermore, those who play sports among the respondents hold highly stereotyped views on gender roles and ethnic diversity. 

By comparing these results with the socio-demographic variables, the models developed by the researchers highlight that sporting practice cannot be considered more influential than other demographic variables, such as gender, origin and cultural status of the family of origin. Sports practice is therefore not an inhibitor of bullying and racism. 

The survey therefore demonstrates the neutrality of sporting practice in Italy with respect to social inclusion and the diffusion of positive values, but does not deny their potential. In fact, alongside the promotion of individual well-being, the world of sport is an environment in which young people can expand friendship networks and come into contact with social diversity, experimenting with attitudes and behavioral models.  

In order to spread positive social values ​​and promote social inclusion through sport, according to the study, two limitations need to be overcome: inequality in sporting opportunities among students and the weakness of the relationship between sport and pedagogy. The need is, therefore, to train the trainers. Those who are responsible for the physical preparation of minors should be included in training courses that also include preparation on inclusion issues. 

Curated by Monia Torre with the scientific contribution of Loredana Cerbara.

To learn more:

  • Cerbara L. (2019). Points for reflection on the teaching of sport inside and outside the school starting from the results of the 'Fratelli di sport' surveys. The Sociological Critique, vol. LIII, no. 212 (4), Winter 2019, pp. 42-57 (7) [DOI: 10.19272/201901204005; ISSN 0011-1546 / electronic ISSN 1972-5914]
  • Tintori A. (2019). The social multilateralism of sport and its lack of investment. The Sociological Critique, vol. LIII, no. 212 (4), Winter 2019, pp. 49-55 (7) [DOI: 10.19272/201901204005; ISSN 0011-1546 / electronic ISSN 1972-5914]
  • Tintori A. (2019). Social integration as a reciprocal process. Opportunities and stereotypes in the case of sport, The new frontiers of the school, n. 49, Reciprocity, year XVI, February. The Medusa Publishing, pp. 93-100 [ISSN: 2281-9681]
  • Accorinti M. Caruso MG, Cerbara L., Menniti A., Missioni M., Tintori A. (2018). "It doesn't matter if we are foreigners, we must all play together. ”, Rome: National Research Council - Research Institute on Population and Social Policies. (IRPPS Working papers n. 106/2018)
  • Caruso MG, Cerbara L., Menniti A., Missioni M., Tintori A. (2018). "Sport and integration for Italian adolescents. 2017 survey”, Rome: National Research Council - Research Institute on Population and Social Policies. (IRPPS Working papers no. 108/2018)