Research Institute on Population and Social Policies

Who won the “ATENƏ del CNR” Award…

The winning works of the “ATENƏ del CNR” Award have been announced, which enhanced the gender perspective in every sector and in every phase of research, within the CNR network. Watch the web-doc to learn more: Italian version / English version

Three works were awarded, one for each ERC sector:

  • Physical sciences and engineering, People vulnerability to landslide: risky behaviors and dangerous conditions by gender and age presented by Paola Salvati, Research Institute for Hydrogeological Protection (CNR-IRPI)
  • Life sciences, Frailty and the risk of infection-related hospitalizations in older age: Differences by sex presented by Marianna Noale, Institute of Neurosciences (CNR-IN)
  • Human and social sciences, Board diversity and performance in a masculine, aged and glocal supply chain: new empirical evidence presented by Giuseppe Calabrese, Sustainable Economic Growth Research Institute (CNR-IRCRES)

The “ATENƏ del CNR” Award was announced by the CNR Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies (CNR-IRPPS) with the support of the European H2020 project MINDtheGEPs, and evaluated the best products (articles, proceedings, protocols, etc.) that have significantly contributed to scientific innovation by integrating the gender perspective into research questions, design and results, making available three prizes of €1.500 each. Thu the ranking is available e , here all information related to the competition.

There were 18 works presented in total.

Watch the web-doc for further information: Italian version / English version

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Survey on the energy sector

Ithe European project gEneSys coordinated by the IRPPS-CNR, it promotes a survey aimed at those who work in the energy sector (as research, technical, academic, expert and professional personnel).

The questionnaire investigates organizational culture, collaboration dynamics, roots and solutions to the gender imbalances of the energy transition.

The compilation takes about 10 minutes and is available online: LINK TO THE SURVEY

The energy sector is currently undergoing a profound transformation in which research and innovation (R&I) plays a fundamental role. Renewable energies and environmental sustainability require a growing investment in knowledge and technologies. The success of the current energy transition depends to a large extent on the skills and motivation of those who produce new knowledge and technologies.

IThe questionnaire was constructed starting from a study recently commissioned by CINEA, European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency with the aim of understanding how to support greater gender inclusiveness in professional and work sectors linked to the energy transition.

The data collected will be used to draft project reports and scientific publications, accessible to the public on the project website gEneSys.

Furthermore, the analysis of the results will contribute to the drafting of a policy brief in support of science and energy policies that support the inclusiveness of the sector and help reduce current imbalances in participation.

The time to complete the questionnaire is approximately 10 minutes and participants are free to stop completing it at any time. 

For assistance or questions, please contact us at


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MAECI USA survey

Survey on Italian researchers abroad CNR-MAECI

Fill questionnaire


"Speciale USA" is the new survey addressed to Italian researchers in the United States, aimed at collecting their ideas and opinions on international mobility and on Italian policies to favor the return of brainpower. This new survey, complementary and similar to the one carried out in 2021 to maintain full comparability with the historical data held by the CNR-IRPPS, will be the subject of scientific dissemination in a forthcoming comparative work.

The structure of the survey, developed by the Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies (IRPPS) of the National Research Council (CNR) in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) and with the contribution of AIRIcerca New York Chapter and the Com.It.Es. of New York, is promoted with the support of the Italian Embassy in the United States of America, the Diplomatic Consular network and the Com.It.Es. in the United States (Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Washington DC) and the contribution of ISSNAF (Italian Scientists and Scholars of North America Foundation).

All Italian researchers active in the United States are invited to participate!

Filling out the questionnaire takes about 15 minutes. The data will be analyzed and publicly presented. Responses will be processed and submitted anonymously.

IRPPS-CNR personnel:

Sveva Avveduto (institutional manager of the collaboration),

Maria Carolina Brandi (contact person for the management and scientific coordination of the activities covered by the research for IRPPS)

Loredana Cerbara, Nicolò Marchesini, Cristiana Crescimbene.

MAECI staff:

Cons. Alessandra Tognonato (Head of Office IX DGSP – institutional manager of the collaboration),

Claudio Barchesi (Cnr expert, contact person for the management and scientific coordination of the activities covered by the MAECI research),

Francesco De Ciantis, Alessandra Scaffidi, Maddalena Pessina.

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Ilaria Di Tullio appointed Gender Equality Officer

Ilaria Di Tullio, IRPPS researcher since 2016, has been appointed Gender Equality Officer (GEO) for the National Research Council.

The figure of the GEO was established with the Gender Plan 2022-2024, the programmatic document that promotes gender equality within the Cnr and its Institutes, establishing lines of action in various areas:

  • in top positions and in decision-making bodies
  • in recruitment and career progression
  • in creating an environment conducive to work-life balance
  • in integrating the gender dimension into research
  • in the prevention and fight against discrimination, harassment and mobbing.

This figure will be called upon to operate, together with the permanent working table for the implementation of the CNR Gender Equality Plan, favoring the activation of internal synergies within the Organization in order to achieve the objectives defined by the plan (e.g. Presidency , General Management, Central Management, CUG, Trade Unions).

Dr. Di Tullio has worked on these issues for several years, participated in the drafting of the Gender Report and is a member of the Gender-Talenti observatory (GETA).

The best wishes of the whole IRPPS research community go to her.

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EATS - Empowering Agri-food chain actors Through Social dialogue

EATS - Empowering Agri-food chain actors Through Social dialogue

E.A.T.S.aims at identifying, disseminating and promoting best practices related to the European Social Dialogue and industrial relations by focusing on the agri-food chain, from primary activities to product processing, in medium-large multinational companies where European Works Councils are present.

This project therefore aims not only at allowing the dissemination and sharing of those best social dialogue practices already in place before the pandemic and/or developed during it among business and trade union organisations of EU member and candidate countries, but also at developing new guidelines that can be useful to member countries for the on job management of the emergency and the definition of future work organisation methods to meet present and future challenges in the agri-food sector. By improving dialogue on best practices respectively adopted among the trade unions involved.

E.A.T.S. intends to collect, analyse and disseminate the best practices that national trade unions involved and Sectoral Social Dialogue Committees are currently putting in place in order to enhance their strengths and replicable aspects at European level and in other countries. a 24 month project and will follow the principles of action research.

The project will therefore aim at achieving comparative research on the practices implemented by social partners in the agri-food sector, along the whole supply chain, on their methods and results in the field of sustainability and efforts to reduce levels of informal economy. The comparative research and the consequent guidelines will become a working tool and shared heritage not only of the trade unions and of the employers' associations involved but also of every future actors of the Social Dialogue who, at the end of the project, can be inspired by it.

This will be done through:

preparatory meetings of the working group;

5 national workshops;

1 final conference;

a desk search;

the drafting and co-design of the guidelines.


Lucio Pisacane,
Serena Tagliacozzo,
Marco Cellini,
Paola Trussardi,
Christian Crescimbene.

Participating institutions:

IT - Make national CISL

IT - National Research Council


BG - Federation of Independent Trade Unions in Agriculture




MK - Trade Union of workers from the agro-industrial complex of Republic of Macedonia - Agro-Sindikat





BE - European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions



IT - ANOLF Cuneo



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CITYCOP - Citizen Interaction Technologies Yield Community Policing

CITYCOP - Citizen Interaction Technologies Yield Community Policing

The CITYCOP project is funded by the European Commission as part of HORIZON 2020 and its primary objective is to strengthen collaboration between local police forces and European citizens. The CITYCoP project specifically aims to develop a mobile application that can be used by citizens to communicate directly with the public security authorities, not only to be informed but also to inform, thus contributing to the management of public security and order. public. The project will also investigate the reasons for the European Union's delay in developing apps that connect citizens with local police forces to report problems or crimes. This use of apps in fact sees the Anglo-Saxon countries (USA, Canada Australia and the United Kingdom in Europe) at an advantage. In addition to this study, the project will also develop a portal and an app that can be reused in various European countries taking into account the rules on privacy and the protection of personal data. The CITYCoP project benefits from a multidisciplinary approach that alongside sociological research, that relating to cognitive sciences also to investigate the mechanisms that regulate the interaction between citizens and police forces through the use of new technologies.

IRPPS CNR contributed in WP13 with a comparative research on Community Policing models and policies in some European and non-European countries.

He also collaborated in the scientific organization of events: "Comparative analysis of community policing policies Florence, Piazza della Signoria - Palazzo Vecchio16-17 March 2016; CITYCoP Forum "Smart Solutions for Citizen Safety" held in Rome 14 and 15 November 2016 and will participate in the organization of the final Conference of the Project scheduled for 2018.

Lucio Pisacane, Cristiana Crescimbene

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MAPPING - Managing Alternatives for Privacy, Property and Internet Governance

MAPPING - Managing Alternatives for Privacy, Property and Internet Governance

The MAPPING project is funded by the European Union, within the VII Framework Program and involves 13 partners from various European countries. The project is a "coordinating and support action" with which the consortium intends to carry out a mutual learning and stakeholder mobilization action on three major challenges of the digital transition: privacy, intellectual property protection and internet governance. In particular, based on the results achieved in some projects funded under FP7 including the CONSENT project (privacy and consent in social networks), SMART and RESPECT (online surveillance systems and intelligent surveillance systems), the project MAPPING aims to create a shared and expanded understanding of the many and varied social, economic, legal and ethical aspects related to recent internet developments and their consequences for individuals and society as a whole. In particular, MAPPING investigates and analyzes innovation policies, business models and legal contexts connected to the implementation of the European Digital Agenda and the changes necessary to build a European governance structure of the “innovation” ecosystem. The strength of the MAPPING project concerns its action of mobilizing all the stakeholders involved in ICT, from the international and European level, to that of individual states, from academics, jurists, political decision-makers, to the representatives of the technical bodies that they deal with the functioning of the internet, NGOs, representatives of civil society organizations. The MAPPING project provides these different actors with a place for dialogue to address issues related to the digital transition. The MAPPING project, based on its activities, will produce an Action Plan and a Road Map, based on a multidisciplinary approach, which takes into account the future technological developments of the internet and the points of view, perceptions, conflicts and expectations of different social actors involved, to guide the digital transition in Europe. The CNR IRPPS is responsible for the internal evaluation of the project within WP8.

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OpenUP - OPENing UP new methods, indicators and tools for peer review, impact measurement and dissemination of research results

OpenUP (OPENing UP new methods, indicators and tools for peer review, dissemination of research results, and impact measurement), is a European project funded by the Horizon2020 program, which intends to analyze the transformations in the current scientific research scenario with the aim of 1) identify innovative mechanisms, processes and tools for peer review applied to all research results (publications, software and data), 2) explore the mechanisms of innovative dissemination effective for businesses, industry, education sector and society in the as a whole and 3) analyze a set of new indicators (altmetrics) that assess the impact of research results by linking them to channels for dissemination.

OpenUp uses a user-centered methodology. This methodological approach not only involves all stakeholders (researchers, publishing houses, research funding bodies, institutions, industry and the general public) in a series of workshops, conferences and training courses, but aims to test the results acquired in a pilot studies set. The latter are linked to the three pillars of the project (peer review, dissemination of results and measure of innovative impact) and are applied to some specific communities and research sectors: humanities, social sciences, energy and life sciences.

IRPPS-CNR participates in the research activities of WP4 on the innovative dissemination of scientific research products and in those of WP6 where it deals with the realization of a pilot study on the open peer review of data in the Social Sciences

Sveva Avveduto, Rosa Di Cesare, Lucio Pisacane and Roberta Ruggieri.

Edit Görögh, Michela Vignoli, Stephan Gauch, Clemens Blümel, Peter Kraker, Daniela Luzi, Mappet Walker, Eleni Toli, Electra Sifacak. Opening up new channels for scholarly review, dissemination, and assessment. OpenSym '17 Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Open Collaboration Article No. 6. ISBN: 978-1-4503-5187-4 doi> 10.1145 / 3125433.3125452
Daniela Luzi, Roberta Ruggieri, Lucio Pisacane, Rosa Di Cesare. Towards an (open) peer review of data: a pilot study in the social sciences. III annual conference: open science and research integrity, Milan 9-10 November 2017.

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MINDtheGEPs - Modifying Institutions by Developing Gender Equality Plans

MINDtheGEPs - Modifying Institutions by Developing Gender Equality Plans

MINDtheGEPs, is coordinated by the University of Turin (UniTo) and is funded under the Science with and for Society action of Horizon 2020 of the European Union.

Objective of the project is promoting gender equality in research organizations through the adoption of Gender Equality Plans (Gender Equality Plans - GEPs) in the research institutions and universities involved. The measures envisaged include initiatives of training for research personnel, shares of mentoring, training of top management on gender prejudices and stereotypes and on strategies to promote diversity and inclusion in scientific work, work / life balance actions in Research Areas.

Following the principle of "no data - no problem - no policy", MINDtheGEPs will focus on mapping existing data relating to personnel, careers and scientific production, and creating new empirical evidence on barriers to equality.
Data collection, both qualitative and quantitative, will allow to elaborate and implement Gender Equality Plans that are effective and appropriate to the contexts, which will be monitored and evaluated periodically. In particular, we mean:

- remove barriers in the recruitment and career progression of female research staff;
- fight gender inequality in governance bodies and evaluation commissions;
- integrate the gender dimension into research content.

The IRPPS communication office supports the communication and dissemination activities of the project. The General Management, the Welfare and Training Office, the ICT Office and the Single Guarantee Committee (CUG) of the CNR contribute to the project with specific actions at central level.


Munster Technological University (Ireland); University of Turin (Italy - coordinator); National Research Council (Italy); Knowledge and Innovation (Italy); the Elsevier publishing house (Netherlands); University of Gdansk (Poland); Jagiellonian University (Poland); School of Electrical Engineering-University of Belgrade (Serbia); Fundación for the Promotion of Research Innovation and Technological Development in the Automotive Industry of Galicia (Spain); Uppsala University (Sweden).


Lucio Pisacane, Ilaria of Tullio, Nicolo Marchesini, Marco Cellini, Serena Tagliacozzo, Sveva Avveduto, Maria Cristina Antonucci, Daniela Luzi, Fabrizio Pecoraro, Cristiana Crescimbene

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