Who won the “ATENƏ del CNR” Award…
The winning works of the “ATENƏ del CNR” Award have been announced, which enhanced the gender perspective in every sector and in every phase of research, within the CNR network. Watch the web-doc to learn more: Italian version / English version
Three works were awarded, one for each ERC sector:
- Physical sciences and engineering, People vulnerability to landslide: risky behaviors and dangerous conditions by gender and age presented by Paola Salvati, Research Institute for Hydrogeological Protection (CNR-IRPI)
- Life sciences, Frailty and the risk of infection-related hospitalizations in older age: Differences by sex presented by Marianna Noale, Institute of Neurosciences (CNR-IN)
- Human and social sciences, Board diversity and performance in a masculine, aged and glocal supply chain: new empirical evidence presented by Giuseppe Calabrese, Sustainable Economic Growth Research Institute (CNR-IRCRES)
The “ATENƏ del CNR” Award was announced by the CNR Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies (CNR-IRPPS) with the support of the European H2020 project MINDtheGEPs, and evaluated the best products (articles, proceedings, protocols, etc.) that have significantly contributed to scientific innovation by integrating the gender perspective into research questions, design and results, making available three prizes of €1.500 each. Thu the ranking is available e , here all information related to the competition.
There were 18 works presented in total.
Watch the web-doc for further information: Italian version / English version