Farewell to Pino
With dismay and sadness we announce that Giuseppe Ponzini, first IRPPS researcher, passed away, for the Fisciano site a point of reference, having been among the first to settle in the original Penta site, appreciated for its scientific value and human from the whole Institute.
Pino carried out his research activity and lived for a long time in Fisciano, making a fundamental contribution to the studies on welfare which merged into the Annual report on the welfare state in Italy, until its transfer to the branch office in Brindisi.
He was a brilliant and multifaceted researcher. Curious and intuitive, he launched himself on new topics and put his extensive erudition to good use.
He was a kind and generous person towards his co-workers and friends.
He was an excellent teacher that many have had the opportunity to appreciate, at the university and in various training courses.
Therefore, it leaves a void and a great regret. A thought for the family.
One last hug from all of us