Research Institute on Population and Social Policies

Angela Paparusso

Demographer, she is Senior Researcher of the National Research Council at the Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies (CNR-IRPPS)


+39 06 492724 239

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Angela Paparusso, demographer, is Senior Researcher of the National Research Council at the Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies (CNR-IRPPS).

In 2016, she received her doctorate in Demography from the School of Statistical Sciences of the Sapienza University of Rome. She also studied at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock and the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​where she obtained the European Master in Demography, from the European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD). Finally, she was visiting doctoral student at the CERI Sciences Po (Centre de Recherches Internationales) in Paris and visiting researcher at the Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies (SFM) of the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland).

She is currently Principal Investigator of the 2022 PRIN project “The subjective well-being of immigrants and natives (WELL-MIG)​”.

She is part of the Rome Chapter of the UNESCO Chair in “Population, Migrations and Development”.

Her main research interests focus on immigration and integration processes and policies and on the subjective well-being of immigrants in Italy and Europe.

Main publications


• PAPARUSSO A. (2021). Immigrant Integration in Europe. A Subjective Well-Being PerspectiveCham: Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-78505-5.

Journal articles

• BARBIANO DI BELGIOJOSO, E., BONIFAZI, C., ORTENSI, L.E, PAPARUSSO, A. (2024). Change and stability of migration intentions. Evidence from Italy. International Migration, 62 (1): 217-235.

• AMBROSETTI E., PAPARUSSO A. (2023). What is the Relationship Between the Perceived Quality of Neighborhood and the Self-reported Life Satisfaction in Immigrants Versus Natives in Europe?. Journal of International Migration and Integration, DOI 10.1007/s12134-023-01104-x.

• AMBROSETTI, E., BETTIN, G., CELA, E., PAPARUSSO, A. (2023). Subjective well-being and school outcomes among children of immigrants and natives in Italy. Population, Space and Place, 29 (4): 1-15.

PAPARUSSO A. (2021). Review of Aging, Lifestyles and Economic Crises. The New People of the Mediterranean, edited by Thierry Blöss, in collaboration with Isabelle Blöss-Widmer, Elena Ambrosetti, Michèle Pagès and Sébastien Oliveau. GENUS, DOI 10.1186/s41118-021-00114-w.

• AMBROSETTI E., PAPARUSSO A. (2021). What are the main factors associated with immigrants' subjective well-being in Italy? Evidence from self-reported life satisfaction. International Migration,  59 (4): 221-237.

• BONIFAZI C., PAPARUSSO A. (2019). The impact of family policies on low European fertilityThe Journal of Social Policies 4:31–49, ISSN: 1724-5389.

• PAPARUSSO A. (2019). Immigrant citizenship status in Europe: the role of individual characteristics and national policiesgenus, DOI 10.1186/s41118-019-0059-9.

• BONIFAZI C., PAPARUSSO A. (2019). Remain or return home: The migration intentions of first-generation migrants in Italy. Population, Space and Place, DOI 10.1002/psp.2174.

• AMBROSETTI E., PAPARUSSO A. (2018). Migrants or refugees? The evolving governance of migration flows in Italy during the “refugee crisis”Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales34 (1): 151-171.

• SINGH GARHA N., PAPARUSSO A. (2018). Fragmented integration and transnational networks. A case study of Indian immigration to Italy and Spaingenus, DOI 10.1186/s41118-018-0037-7.

• PAPARUSSO A. (2018). Studying immigrant integration through self-reported life satisfaction in the country of residence. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 14(2): 479–505.

PAPARUSSO A., AMBROSETTI E. (2017). To stay or to return? Return migration intentions of Moroccans in Italy.International Migration55 (6): 137-155.

• PAPARUSSO A., FOKKEMA T., AMBROSETTI E. (2017). Immigration policies in Italy: their impact on the lives of first-generation Moroccan and Egyptian migrantsJournal of International Migration and Integration 18 (2): 499-546.

Book Chapters
BONIFAZI C., PAPARUSSO A. (2022). Le opinioni delle nuove generazioni sull’immigrazione. In La condizione giovanile in Italia. Rapporto Giovani 2022, edited by Istituto Giuseppe Toniolo, 197–214, Bologna: Il Mulino.

• BONIFAZI C., BUONOMO, A., PAPARUSSO, A., STROZZA, S., VITIELLO, M. (2021). Immigrazione e mercato del lavoro in Europa meridionale: cos’è cambiato con la crisi economicain Lavori migranti. Storia, esperienze e conflitti dal secondo dopoguerra ai giorni nostri, edited by D. DI SANZIO, Brienza: Le Penseur.

• PAPARUSSO A. (2020). Subjective Well-Being of Immigrants in Europe, In: Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, edited by F. MAGGINO, 1-6, Cham: Springer.

• AMBROSETTI E., PAPARUSSO A. (2020). Subjective Well-Being of Immigrants in Italy, In: Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, edited by F. MAGGINO, 1-8, Cham: Springer.

• BONIFAZI C., BUONOMO A., PAPARUSSO, A., STROZZA S., VITIELLO M. (2019). La conoscenza dell’italiano e i processi di integrazione. In Linguaggi, ricerca, comunicazione. Focus Cnr, edited by ME CADEDDU, C. MARRAS, 97–114. Rome: Cnr Editions.

• BONIFAZI C., CARUSO MG, HEINS, F., PANACCIONE D., PAPARUSSO A., PEREZ M. (2018). Le traiettorie di mobilità: arrivare e muoversi in Italia. In Vita e Percorsi di Integrazione degli Immigrati in Italia, edited by M. PEREZ, 35–51, Rome: National Institute of Statistics.

• CAGIANO DE AZEVEDO R., PAPARUSSO A (2018). Diversità e frontiere: un binomio consolidato. In Learning cities and cultural diversity, edited by P. DI RIENZO and L. AZARA, 245–250, Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino Editore.

• PAPARUSSO A. (2017). L’immigrazione e l’integrazione in Italia: il cammino delle politiche. In Migrazioni e integrazioni nell’Italia di oggi, edited by C. BONIFAZI, 295–306, Rome: CNR-IRPPS e-Publishing, DOI 10.14600/978-88-98822-12-6.

• PAPARUSSO A. (2016). The European convergence towards civic integration. In Migration in the Mediterranean. Socio-Economic Perspectives, edited by E. AMBROSETTI, D. STRANGIO, C. WIHTOL DE WENDEN, 149–168, London: Routledge.

• AMBROSETTI E., PAPARUSSO A. (2016). Immigration policies in the EU: failure or success? Evidence from Italy. In Italy in a European Context. Research in Business, Economics and the Environment, D. STRANGIO, G. SANCETTA (eds.), 28–44. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

• CAGIANO DE AZEVEDO R., PAPARUSSO A. (2015). Les migrants acteurs d'une nouvelle frontiere de l'Europe. In Borders, 108–111. Paris: Magellan&Cie.

• AMBROSETTI E., PAPARUSSO A. (2014). Restare o tornare? Le determinanti socio-economiche delle intenzioni migratorie di ritorno dei Marocchini residenti in Italia. In Dossier Statistico Immigrazione 2014 Dalle Discriminazioni ai diritti, edited by IDOS/IMMIGRATION STUDY AND RESEARCH CENTER STATISTICAL DOSSIER, 323–325, Pomezia: Consorzio Age.

• AMBROSETTI E., PAPARUSSO A. (2014). Le politiche di immigrazione sono restrittive? Risultati per l’Italia, 1990-2012. In Beyond borders. Essays in honor of Giuseppe Burgio, edited by R. CAGIANO DE AZEVEDO, C. CECCHI, A. MAGISTRO, G. MILANETTI, G. SANCETTA, D. STRANGIO, 11–26. Rome: La Sapienza Publishing House, DOI 10.13133/978-88-98533-44-2.