Dante Sabatino, researcher, began his scientific career at the Population Research Institute (IRP-CNR) in 1999, dealing with the aging of the population and elderly care policies, and collaborating on the second edition (January 2002-December 2005 ) of the comparative research "Population Policy Acceptance Study" -The Viewpoint of Citizens and Policy Actor Regarding the Management of Population Realated Change (PPAS), funded by the European Commission under the 5th framework program. In 2002 he obtained his PhD in Sociology at the “Federico II” University of Naples with a thesis on “The intermediation classes in the South”.
His research interests concern Migration Studies and social policies; in particular, the relationship between changes in welfare systems, population aging and Care Migration.
In 2009 he coordinated the CNR research group as part of the PRIN 2009 “New jobs and new forms of representation”, analyzing the forms of representation of foreign workers who carry out carers or nurses.
Recently, he has dealt with the relationship between public administration and minorities, analyzing the implications of the institutional limits on access to welfare services by the Roma and Sinti minority.