Research Institute on Population and Social Policies

Fernando Ferri

IRPPS researcher. He deals with the development of the information society, it has revolutionized work and life environments but has led to the emergence of new social, economic and psychological problems


+39 06 492724 216

Research activity

The development of the information society has revolutionized the work and living environments but has led to the emergence of new social, economic and psychological problems, including: the information gap between those who access technologies and those who are unable to access fully, increasing economic inequalities, disorientation due to the enormous amount of information to be managed, up to the various forms of addictions created by digital technologies (compulsive use) or a distorted use such as cyberbullying. in this context and through the researches and projects developed, I worked to overcome the various critical issues determined by the advent of the information society.

- reduction of the IT gap between those who access technologies and those who are unable to access fully through the development of new, more user-oriented approaches based on visual interaction, natural language and multimodal interaction. These researches were aimed at reducing digital inequalities

- reduction of economic inequalities through the development of approaches that allow facilitated online access to services by both citizens and businesses with the aim of promoting development and economic growth.

- studies on addiction and online behavior.

- processing of geographic and spatial information with the aim of facilitating access, use and spatial planning

Activities in international and national projects

I have collaborated in about 40 projects funded on national and international calls. In particular, I coordinated three European projects in the calls of the sectors:

- Science with and for Society (H2020) - MARINA project

- Environment (FP7) - INCA project

Science in Society (FP6) - MIDIR project

I am currently involved (as a manager or as a participant) in the following H2020 projects:

MARINA project (Coordinator)

HubIT project (Head of CNR unit)

RRING project (Head of CNR unit)

IC-Health project (Head of CNR unit)

HERACLES project (Participant in CNR unit)

Biovoices (Participant in CNR unit)

R&I Peers (Participant in CNR unit)

University teaching activity

I was Adjunct Professor of the teaching "Processing systems" from 1993 to 2000 at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy of the University of Macerata.

I am currently Full Professor of the “Algorithms and Advanced Programming” teaching at the Faculty of Engineering of the International University of UniNettuno.

Main publications

I am the author of about three hundred international publications, of which about one hundred in international journals. Below is a selection of 20 publications: • Maria Chiara Caschera, Arianna D’Ulizia, Fernando Ferri, Patrizia Grifoni, MONDE: a method for predicting social network dynamics and evolution, Evolving Systems, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018, Abstract;
• Patrizia Grifoni Arianna D’Ulizia Fernando Ferri, Computational methods and grammars in language evolution: a survey, Artificial intelligence review, Blackwell Scientific Publications – Exeter UK 2016, Abstract;
• Tiziana Guzzo, Fernando Ferri, Patrizia Grifoni, A model of e-commerce adoption (MOCA): consumer’s perceptions and behaviours, Behaviour & information technology, Taylor & Francis, – London 2016, Abstract;
• Alessia D’Andrea, Arianna D’Ulizia, Fernando Ferri and Patrizia Grifoni, EMAG: An Extended Multimodal Attribute Grammar for Behavioural FeaturesDigital Scholarship in the Humanities (the former name was “Literary and Linguistic Computing”). Oxford University Press – Oxford, UK 2015, Abstract;
• Caschera Maria Chiara; Ferri Fernando; Grifoni Patrizia, InteSe: An integrated model for resolving ambiguities in multimodal sentences, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, – New York, NY, 2013, Abstract;
• S. Greiving, S. Pratzler-Wanczura, K. Sapountzaki, F. Ferri, P. Grifoni, K. Firus, and G. Xanthopoulos, Linking the actors and policies throughout the disaster management cycle by “Agreement on Objectives” – a new output-oriented management approach, Natural hazards and earth system science, Copernicus Publ. – Göttingen, Germany, 2012, Abstract;
• Fernando Ferri, Patrizia Grifoni, Tiziana Guzzo, New forms of social and professional digital relationships: the case of Facebook, Social network analysis and mining, Springer Vienna, 2012, Abstract;
• D’Ulizia Arianna; Ferri Fernando; Grifoni Patrizia, Moving GeoPQL: a Pictorial Language Towards Spatio-Temporal Queries, Geoinformatica, Kluwer Academic Publishers – Dordrecht 2012, Abstract;
• D’Ulizia Arianna; Ferri Fernando; Grifoni Patrizia, A Survey of Grammatical Inference Methods for Natural Language Learning, Artificial intelligence review, Blackwell Scientific Publications – Exeter, 2011, Abstract;
• D’Ulizia Arianna; Ferri Fernando; Grifoni Patrizia, A Learning Algorithm for Multimodal Grammar Inference, IEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics. Part B. Cybernetics. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, – New York, NY. USA. 2011, Abstract;
• D’Ulizia Arianna; Ferri Fernando; Grifoni Patrizia, Generating multimodal grammars for multimodal dialogue processing, IEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics. Part A. Systems and humans, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, – New York, NY, USA. 2010, Abstract;
• Bottoni, F. Ferri, P. Grifoni, P. Mussio, A. Marcante, M. Padula, A. Reggiori, e-Document management in situated interactivity: the WIL approach, Universal access in the information society, Springer. – Heidelberg, 2009, Abstract;
• Ferri F., Grifoni P., Padula M, Using Shape to Index and Query Web Document Contents, Journal of visual languages and computing, Academic Press. – London, UK, 2002, Abstract;
• Ferri F., Massari F., Rafanelli M, A Pictorial Query Language for Geographic Features in an Object-Oriented Environment, Journal of visual languages and computing, Academic Press. – London, UK, 1999, Abstract;
• F Ferri, DM Pisanelli, FL Ricci, F Consorti, A Piermattei, Toward a general model for the description of multimedia clinical data, Methods of information in medicine, Schattauer GmbH, 1998, Abstract;
• Ferri F.; Pourabbas E.; Rafanelli M.; Sindoni G., A System to Define and Allocate Health Care Resources on a Territory to Improve the Life Quality of the Populations in Developing Countries, Journal of biomedical informatics, Academic Press, – San Diego, CA, USA, 1997, Abstract;
• Fernando Ferri, The medical folder as an active tool in defining the clinical decision-making process, Informatics for health & social care, Informa Healthcare – London, UK, 1995, Abstract;
• Fernando Ferri, Domenico M Pisanelli, Fabrizio L Ricci, An object-oriented model for a multimedia patient folder management system, ACM SIGBIO Newsletter, 1996, Abstract;
• Ferri F., Rafanelli M. Maceratini R., Sindoni G., An object oriented decision support system for the planning of health resource allocation, Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, Elsevier – London, UK, 1995, Abstract;
• Ferri F, Grifoni P, Meo-Evoli L, Pisanelli DM, Ricci FL., ADAMS: Aggregate Data Management System for Epidemiologists and Health-Care Managers, Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, Elsevier – London, 1993, Abstract.