Research Institute on Population and Social Policies

Maria Cristina Antonucci

Researcher in Social Sciences at the CNR. Her research interests are: lobbying and advocacy, gender issues, political participation and the third sector.


Curriculum Vitae


Maria Cristina Antonucci has been a researcher in Social Sciences at the CNR since 2010. After earning a doctorate in Sociology of culture and political processes (path: political processes) in the fourteenth cycle, at Sapienza University of Rome, she was a research fellow in Political Science at the Department of Political Sciences of Sapienza (2003-2005). You have carried out teaching activities in sociological and political subjects at the following universities: Roma TRE, L'Aquila, Sapienza University of Rome (2004-2019). Her research interests are: lobbying and advocacy, gender issues, political participation and the third sector. On these issues you have published articles, papers and volumes, including:

Interest representation today. Lobbying in European and Italian institutionsCarocci, 2012.

Promotional or public interest group? The advocacy and lobbying activity for gender equality in science and research by EPWS, the European Platform of Women Scientists", In S. Avveduto, L. Pisacane (eds.) Portrait of a Lady: Women in Science. Participation Issues and Perspectives in a Globalized Research System, Gangemi, 2014.

Democracy from below. Citizens organized in Rome and Lazio (with A. Fiorenza) Gangemi, 2016.

She has collaborated with magazines, consulting companies, trade unions, third sector bodies and civic realities, for the performance of training, research and consultancy activities.


• Maria Cristina Antonucci, Alessandro Fiorenza, Democrazia dal basso. Cittadini organizzati a Roma e nel Lazio, tra lobbying civico e partecipazione, Roma, Gangemi, 2016, ISBN: 9788849232325.
• Maria Cristina AntonucciLobbying e Terzo Settore. Un binomio possibile? Roma, La Nuova Cultura, 2014, ISBN:
• Maria Cristina AntonucciRappresentanza degli interessi oggi. Il lobbying nelle istituzioni politiche europee e italiane, Roma, Carocci, 2012, ISBN: 9788843062898.
• Maria Cristina AntonucciCitizens Committees and Civic Participatory Tools in Urban Governance in Rome: Before and After the New Urban Agenda, in C. Nunes Silva, A. Trono, Local Governance in the New Urban Agenda, Springer, 2020.
• Maria Cristina Antonucci, Pietro Maffettone, I gruppi di interesse e il lobbying nel sistema italiano, in Rapporto Italiadecide 2019, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2019.
• Mattina, M. C. AntonucciL’UE e i gruppi di interesse nelle politiche per l’innovazione, in Europa, Vol. 2, Roma, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia italiana, 2018.
• Maria Cristina Antonucci, “Promotional or public interest group? The advocacy and lobbying activity for gender equality in science and research by EPWS, the European Platform of Women Scientists”, in S. Avveduto, L. Pisacane (eds.) “Portrait of a Lady: Women in Science. Participation Issues and Perspectives in a Globalized Research System”, Rome, Gangemi, 2014 (ISBN: 9788849279542)
• Maria Cristina Antonucci, “Il quarto potere e la comunicazione politica” in C. Mongardini, Pensare la politica. Per una analisi critica della politica contemporanea, Roma, Bulzoni, 2011 (ISBN: 978-88-7870-616-3)
• Antonucci MC, Scocchi N., Codes of conduct and practical recommendations as tools for self‐regulation and soft regulation in EU public affairs. in Journal of Public Affairs, 2018, e1850.
• Maria Cristina AntonucciLe Regioni del lobbying. Come e perché alcune regioni hanno regolamentato il lobbying prima del sistema politico nazionale, in Paradoxa, n. 4, dicembre 2016.