• Report from the evaluation process of the global science opera summer schools: creating bridges between art & science, V. Tudisca, C. Pennacchiotti, ed. CNR-IRPPS e-publishing. Roma: Istituto di Ricerche sulla Popolazione e le Politiche Sociali 2023, CNR-IRPPS e-publishing (IRPPS Working papers)
• Points of view of the Provincial Student Councils on Europe and education – Results of the survey Education and Europeanity, N. Marchesini, V. Tudisca, C. Pennacchiotti, A. Valente, ed. CNR-IRPPS e-publishing. Rome: Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies 2023, CNR-IRPPS e-publishing (IRPPS Working papers) •
Education in times of uncertainty. Imagining and designing the futures of education in a European and global context, C. Pennacchiotti, V. Tudisca, A. Valente and Rete Officina 2020-21 (November 2022). Rome: National Research Council – Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies, ISBN (online) 978-88-98822-19-5; DOI: 10.14600/978-88-98822-19-5 (IRPPS Monographs) (First author) • Education in times of uncertainty. Imaging and shaping futures of education in a European and global context, C. Pennacchiotti, V. Tudisca, A. Valente and Officina Network 2020-21 (November 2022). Rome: National Research Council – Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies, ISBN (online) 978-88-97722-23-2 DOI: 10.14600/978-88-97722-23-2 (IRPPS Monographs) (First author ) •
Online communication strategies of a scientific event: a case study – Officina Educazione Futuri CNR, V. Tudisca, E. Amoni, M. Benzi, S. Fiumarella, M. Proietti, C. Pennacchiotti, A. Malgieri (August 2022). Rome: National Research Council – Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies, ISSN: 2240-7332 (IRPPS Working papers n.131./2022) •
Extended communities of peers in educational research: the case of the CNR Workshops, V. Tudisca, C. Pennacchiotti, A. Valente, in Science, politics and society: the post-normal approach in theory and practice, edited by A. L'Astorina, C. Mangia, June 2022, CNR Edizioni , Series Scientists in trouble?, ISBN 978-88-8080-277-8 – PAPER, ISBN 978-88-8080-279-2 – DIGITAL, ISSN 2785-4787, DOI: 10.26324/SIA1.PNS, DOI of the chapter: 10.26324/SIA1.PNS24 • Officina 2019 Curriculum and Competences- Insight from the participatory working tables – C. Pennacchiotti, A. Valente, V. Tudisca (2020) CNR-IRPPS e-Publishing: https://www.irpps.cnr. it/e-pub/ojs/ ISBN (online) 978-88-98822-20-1 DOI: 10.14600/978-88-98822-20-1 •
Reshaping education curricula through the lens of knowledge co-creation – Introductory remarks, V. Tudisca, C. Pennacchiotti and A. Valente, 2021, in Competence development and educational research through the lens of knowledge co-creation, edited by V. Tudisca, C. Pennacchiotti and A. Valente, Rome: Research Institute on Population and Social Policies 2021, CNR-IRPPS e-publishing (IRPPS Monographs), ISBN (online) 978-88-98822-22-5, DOI 10.1460/978-88-98822-22-5
• Soft skills promoted by participatory processes: a case study in Italian high schools, V. Tudisca, C. Pennacchiotti and A. Valente, 2021, in Competence development and educational research through the lens of knowledge co-creation, edited by V. Tudisca, C. Pennacchiotti and A. Valente, Rome: Research Institute on Population and Social Policies 2021, CNR-IRPPS e-publishing (IRPPS Monographs), ISBN (online) 978-88-98822-22-5, DOI 10.1460/978-88-98822-22-5
• Building key competences in Alternating Training for knowledgeable and reflexive citizens, C. Pennacchiotti, A. Valente, V. Tudisca, Z. Smyrnaiou, K. Kotsari, P. Sabater, J. Garcés and the DESCI Consortium, 2021, in Competence development and educational research through the lens of knowledge co-creation, edited by V. Tudisca, C. Pennacchiotti and A. Valente, Rome: Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies 2021, CNR-IRPPS e-publishing (IRPPS Monographs), ISBN (online) 978-88-98822-22 -5, DOI 10.1460/978-88-98822-22-5
• Seeking co-production of knowledge in Alternating Training: insights from DESCI first round of World Cafes, A. Valente, C. Pennacchiotti, Z. Smyrnaiou, K. Kotsari, L. Petropoulou, V. Tudisca, FL Ricci and the DESCI Consortium, 2019, IOP Conference Series: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1286, 012056, IOP Publishing , DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/1286/1/012056
• Actors and Practices in Living Lab for Alternating Training, A. Valente, V. Tudisca, C. Pennacchiotti, Z. Smyrnaiou, K. Kotsari, I. Monsonís-Payá, J. Garcés, B. Branchini, FL Ricci and the DESCI Consortium, in Responsible Research and Innovation Actions in Science Education, Gender and Ethics. Case and Experiences, F. Ferri et al., 2018, Ed. Springer, SpringerBriefs in Research and Innovation Governance series, e-book ISBN: 978-3-319-73207-7 (corresponding author)
• Cultural Mediators, a training experience F. Pittau, S. Petilli, C. Pennacchioitti, C. Mellina 2004, ed. Ed. Sinnos ISBN: 978-88-7609-001-1