I am currently Research Fellow at the Comese research group "Social Studies on Science, Education, Communication" of the Research Institute on Population and Social Policies of the CNR (IRPPS - CNR), under the supervision of Dr. Adriana Valente. In particular, I am involved in the European research project INCLUDE “Integrated Content and Language Via a Unified Digital Environment”.
My studies are varied. I recently obtained a PhD in "Human Sciences" focused on the study of migratory flows and the use of active listening. Previously I obtained a Master's degree in Philosophy and Ethics of Relations from the University of Perugia - and a double degree from the Sophia University Institute - and a Master's degree in Physics and Astrophysics from the University of Florence. I also obtained a master's degree in Project Management for International Cooperation at ASVI school and attended a counseling school, obtaining the title of basic counselor.
I had a short work experience in the NGO world and I worked as a teacher in secondary schools for about three years. Since September 2020 I am a research fellow at IRPPS.
My research interests are mainly directed towards the world of Education and towards the study of the phenomenon of migratory flows. I am also interested in multidisciplinarity and the study of society as a complex phenomenon.