gEneSys - Transforming Gendered Interrelations of Power and Inequalities in Transition Pathways to Sustainable Energy Systems
The gEneSys project, coordinated by IRPPS-CNR, conceptualizes the energy transition as a socio-technical ecosystem with relevant implications related to gender issues and other forms of inequalities. This ecosystem is made up of a series of sub-systems, namely: technological, political, social, environmental, economic and governance sub-system, each of which with its own vision of sustainability and its own system of values and priorities.
Numerous reports have shown that women are under-represented in each of these sub-systems in the decision-making processes that govern and will increasingly govern the energy transition in the near future. In order to build a more equitable, just and inclusive energy system, it is therefore necessary to interventions aimed specifically at solving these inequalities.
gEneSys aims to suggest development paths for such interventions, through a series of data collection activities, policy analysis and concrete actions within each of the identified sub-systems. In particular:
– Regarding the political sub-system, gEneSys will carry out a review of the European and national policy frameworks relating to the energy sector in order to identify the extent to which gender aspects are taken into consideration.
– Regarding the economic subsystem, gEneSys will examine statistics on the participation and role of women in energy-related sectors as researchers, innovators, entrepreneurs, and workers. The data collected will also allow for a better understanding of the behavior and attitudes of consumers towards the energy transition.
– Regarding the environmental subsystem, gEneSys will collect evidence to support environmental and climate policies that transform the systems and mechanisms that generate gender discrimination.
– Regarding the socio-cultural sub-system, gEneSys will apply a gender dimension analysis lens to the 400 social priorities identified by the EU Energy SHIFTS Project to understand how countries can move towards an energy system that overcomes gender discrimination in our societies.
– Regarding the technological sub-system, gEneSys will collect information on the market and employment prospects of women in the energy transition as researchers, innovators, entrepreneurs, and workers as well as examples of mechanisms enabling wider participation of women.
In a broader perspective, the project will promote international cooperation and the involvement of different actors and actresses who can promote a virtuous change in Europe and Africa in order to highlight the benefits deriving from gender equality and the adoption of an intersectional perspective for the achievement of the socio-economic objectives of sustainable development.
- National Research Council (CNR) – Coordinator
- Venice International University (VIU)
- Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine (IC)
- Uniwersytet Jagiellonski (UJ)
- National agency for new technologies, energy and sustainable economic economic development (ENEA)
- Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Forderung der Anegenwandten Forschung Ev (IAO)
- African Institute for Mathematical Science (AIMS)
- Portia GGMBH