Sociologist and PhD in Methodology of Social Sciences, he conducts studies on gender differences in different areas of daily life and on international migrations, analyzing the inequalities that occur in the intersection between different factors (in addition to gender and migratory background, age, ability, social class etc.), as well as policies and interventions aimed at promoting equal opportunities, social integration, agency and the full enjoyment of the human rights of persons and groups in conditions of vulnerability.
Adopting a gender perspective, he conducted primary and secondary research on the differences between men and women in the labor market and in the home, investigating factors and mechanisms responsible for the reproduction of inequalities, as well as the strategies to be adopted to overcome them. In recent years, He has conducted studies on policies and interventions to prevent and combat gender-based violence, paying particular attention to the analysis of specialized services, in particular anti-violence centers and shelters dedicated to women who have survived violence and intervention programs aimed at mistreating. You also investigated the operational functionality of the hospitality facilities dedicated to LGBTQIA + people who are victims of violence and discrimination.
With regard to the monitoring and analysis of the territorial offer of social services aimed at satisfying the needs of specific population groups (in particular the elderly, disabled and minors), the experience gained as a technical-scientific coordinator at the SISB-System is highlighted. Social Information of Basilicata, for which he oversaw (for the years 2015, 2016 and 2017) the adaptation of information flows, statistical analyzes and research reports of surveys on: socio-educational services for early childhood, residential facilities health and social care, the home assistance service, the semi-residential services, the social secretariat service.
Finally, with reference to international migration, starting from an analysis of official statistical sources, he studied the presence and characteristics of groups in particularly vulnerable conditions, such as political refugees, migrant women who have undergone female genital mutilation and non-foreign minors. accompanied.
Main publications
Demurtas P., Vitiello M. (2022 – forthcoming), “I Minori stranieri non accompagnati in Italia: gli sviluppi recenti”, in Studi Emigrazione, anno LIX, n. 225
Demurtas P., Misti M. and Toffanin AM (ed.) (2021- forthcoming), The fight against violence against women, between international guiding principles, national planning and situated practices. The magazine of Social Policies.
Demurtas P., Peroni C. (2021) “Emergency in an emergency or a structural problem? Gender-based violence at the time of Covid-19 "in AG-About Gender. International journal of gender studies, Making masculinity online: defining and investigating the manosphere, vol. 10, no. 19, pp. 295-323.
Demurtas P., Misti M. (edited by) (2021), VIVA. Violence against women in Italy. Guidelines and best practices, Guerini Scientifica, Milan, ISBN: 9788881074457
Demurtas P., Peroni C., Sampaoli G. (2021), “What kind of violence? Notes on the definitions of violence, gender and patriarchy in programs for perpetrators of violence "in Rinaldi C. (ed.), Papers of the research laboratory on Bodies, Rights, Conflicts, 99-122, PM Editions. ISBN: 978-88-31222-78-5.
Demurtas P. (2020), “So close, so far. Specialized support services for women victims of violence and programs aimed at perpetrators "in The Journal of Social Policies, 2, pp. 193-212. ISBN: 978-88-230-2299-7
Accorinti M., Demurtas P., Vitiello M. (2019), "Unaccompanied Minors in Italy and Arrivals by Sea. Migration Data, Patterns, and Pathways"In Mediterranean Mobilities. Europe's Changing Relationships, Springer International Publishing AG, Berlin. ISBN 9783319896311.
Arima S., Demurtas P., De Rose A., La Valle MH, Menniti A., Sebastiani MR (2018), "The gender gap at home and in the labor market: the case of Italy" in Blöss T. (a care of) Aging, Lifestyles and Economic Crises: The New People of the Mediterranean, Routledge. ISBN: 978 1 138 04026 7.
Demurtas P., Vitiello M., Accorinti M., Skoda A., Perillo C. (2018), "In search of Protection: Unaccompanied Minors in Italy" in International Migration Policy Report - Perspectives on the Content and Implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration. New York. Scalabrini Migration Study Centers. internationalmigrationrpt2018.
Misti M, Demurtas P (2018). FMG / C, "Harmful practices and Recent Migration Flows ", in: Mangone E, Masullo G, Gallego M (edited by), Gender and Sexuality in the Migration Trajectories, Information Age Publishing, Incorporated, p. 27-46, ISBN: 9781641131292
Demurtas P. (2018). "Being there to represent yourself", in: Buffoni Laura (edited by) We Want Cinema, Marsilio publishers. ISBN 88-317-0846-5
Bonifazi C., Demurtas P. (2017), "Unaccompanied foreign minors: dimensions and characteristics in the European and Italian scenario" in Minor justice (3), Rome, Franco Angeli, pp. 33-44. ISSN 1121-2845
Demurtas P. (2017), "Unaccompanied foreign minors: the dimensions of the phenomenon" in Bonifazi C. (edited by), Migrazioni e integrazioni nell’Italia di oggi, Rome, CNR-IRPPS e-Publishing. ISBN: 978-88-98822-12-6
Accorinti M., Crescenzi A., Demurtas P., Nasso S., Policies and practices for the socio-labor integration of beneficiaries of international / humanitarian protection in Italy - Integration of beneficiaries of International / humanitarian protection into the labor market: policies and good practices in Italy, Rome, CNR editions. ISBN 9788880802327
Demurtas P., Menniti A, Cerbara L. (2016), "Gender models and domestic activities: parents and children compared", in Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, Rome, Franco Angeli, n. 110, pp. 84-114. ISSN 1121-1148
Pietro Demurtas (2015), “Everyday life in the family, between reproduction and overcoming gender differences” in Welfare and Ergonomics, no. 2, pp. 175-187. ISSN 2421-3691
A complete list of publications can be consulted in the CV