Research Institute on Population and Social Policies

Sveva Avveduto

Research Director of the National Research Council, at the Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies (IRPPS) in Rome. The main research interests concern the area of ​​science policy and university education


+39 06 492724 300


Curriculum Vitae


Research Director of the National Research Council, at the Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies (IRPPS) in Rome.
The main research interests concern the area of ​​science policy and university education with particular regard to studies on human resources for research, international mobility, gender issues, new media and the social aspects of technology.
In addition to the research activity carried out within the Cnr, in collaboration with universities, Italian and foreign research bodies on the aforementioned topics, during his career he has or has been:

Within the OECD / OECD, Paris (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Develoment) was:
President of the Oecd Working Group on Steering and Funding of Research Institutions of the Scientific and Technological Policy Committee.
Italian manager (as Cnr representative) of the Oecd-Unesco-Eurostat Project, Careers of Doctorate Holders.
Vice-president of the OECD Ad Hoc Working Group on Steering and Funding of Research Institutions of the Scientific and Technological Policy Committee
President of the Sub-Group on Human Resources of the Oecd Ad Hoc Working Group on Steering and Funding of Research Institutions.
Italian delegate to the Oecd Women in Science of the Scientific and Technological Policy Committee
Italian delegate to the Oecd Focus Group on Mobility.
Italian delegate for OECD activities on Public Understanding of Science and Technology.
National coordinator of the Group on Human Resouces for Science and Technology (measurement and indicators for Oecd / Eurostat, Canberra Manual).
Italian delegate for OECD activities on The Global Research Village, Information Technology and Research.
National expert at the OECD Working Group on: Postgraduate Training: future perspectives.
National expert at the OECD Working Group: Education and Employment: the Changing Relationship; Continuing Professional Education.

In the European / International context:
Head of CNR of WP 3 RIPEERS (Pilot experiences for improving gender equality in research organizations) 2018 ongoing
Italian Head of the EVIDENCE2e-Codex European Project, Linking EVIDENCE into e-CODEX for EIO and MLA procedures in Europe. (2018-ongoing)
Italian Head of the European Project GENERA, Gender Equality Network in the European Research Area, Societal Challenge: Support to research organizations to implement gender equality plans (2015-ongoing)
Italian Head of the CITYCoP European Project, Citizen Interaction Technologies Yield Community Policing (2015 ongoning)
Italian Head of the CARISMAND European Project, Culture And RISkmanagement in Man-made And Natural Disasters (2015-ongoing)
Italian Head of the EVIDENCE European Project, European Informatics Data Exchange Framework for Courts and Evidence SMART Scalable Measures for Automated Recognition Technologies (2013-2016)
Italian Head of the MAPPING European Project, Managing Alternatives for Privacy, Property and INternet Governance, (2013 - 2016)
Italian manager of the European project CONSENT Consumer sentiment regarding privacy on user generated content services in the digital economy (2010-2013)
Italian Responsible for the RESPECT European Project, Rules, Expectations & Security through Privacy-Enhanced Convenient Technologies (2011-0214)
Italian Head of the SMART European Project, Scalable Measures for Automated Recognition Technologies, (2011-2014)
Italian Head of the European SET-DEV project, Science, Ethics and Socialization of Science, (2008 -2011)
Italian manager of the European PoHR Project, Policies for human resources (2006).
Italian head of the RESCAR European Project, Researchers' Careers (2006-07).
Italian Head of the MOMO European Project, Human Resources in Research & Development: Career Paths and Mobility Flows (2005)
Italian Head of the European Project Brain Drain: Emigration Flows of Qualified Scientists (2000-03).
Expert evaluator for the Horizon2020 Program, Brussels.
Member of the European Network of Excellence PRIME (Policies for Research and Innovation in the Move towards European Research Area)
Italian head of the European research network ENMOB (European Mobility Network).
Italian delegate and CNR representative at the Unesco World Conference on Science, Budapest.
Member of the European research network PG Network (Postgraduate Training Network) coordinated by the University of Turku RUSE Finland.
Member of the G7 Group on Public Understanding of Science and Technology, NSF Washington.

In the Cnr, and / or national context, it is or has been:
Head of the Sistan-Istat project study “Analysis of the characteristic elements of the scientific staff aimed at the construction of indicators”.
Expert of the Sistan-Istat Quality Circle "Scientific Research".
Member of the Sistan-Istat Quality Circle “Education and training”.
President of the CNR Study Commission on Human Resources for Science and Technology (CORUS).
Member of the International Relations Commission of the CNR.
President of the Women and Science Association
Head (with C. Decaro) of the CNR Commission "European Charter for Researchers: ethical profiles"
Member of the scientific committee of the National Conference on Communication of Science, SISSA, Trieste.
Member of the European Consortium of Researchers in Higher Education
Lecturer at the 'Socialtrends' Doctoral School "Applied Research in Social Sciences", Sapienza University of Rome
Lecturer at the Higher School of Public Administration in Rome and Bologna for the Master 'Science, technology and innovation'.
Lecturer at the University of Catania in the Jean Monnet Courses of the European Union.
He has participated as chairman or invited speaker at numerous national and international conferences.
Adjunct Professor at the University of Cassino, course of: Organization and training for research.

Author of 16 monographic volumes and over 200 articles in national and foreign scientific journals.