Research Institute on Population and Social Policies

"ATENƏ of the CNR" award

The IRPPS, through the "H2020 MINDtheGEPs" project, announces a competition aimed at the Cnr scientific network for three prizes of €1.500 (one thousand five hundred) each for the best products (articles, acts, protocols, etc.) that have significantly contributed to the scientific innovation by integrating a gender perspective into research questions, design and results.

The aim of the competition is to enhance the so-called gendered innovations, an approach that uses methods of analysis of sex, gender and intersectionality variables to create new scientific knowledge, making it rigorous, reproducible, socially relevant and responsible. This approach can and should be applied to every field of scientific knowledge.

The Prize is coordinated by the project research group MINDtheGEPs, which has already promoted several initiatives aimed at implementing gender equality within the Cnr.

As part of the competition, three works will be awarded, one for each ERC sector (revision 2021-2022):

– Physical Sciences and Engineering
– Life Sciences
– Social Sciences and Humanities.

The competition is aimed at research staff, technologists, technicians and research fellows of the Cnr, both as a single staff unit and as a research group, and concerns works published in the period 1 January 2020 - 31 December 2022.

The deadline is September 25, 2023. To send your application, write to Posta Elettronica Certificata (PEC) to

The evaluation commission was appointed on 28 December 2023. The document is available in the attachment. 

Attachments and links:

For information and registration:
Nicolo Marchesini
Cnr-Irpps Communication Office, email:

The news was posted on the site on July 25, 2023 and on the IRPPS website on August 7, 2023. Update January 8, 2024

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