Research Institute on Population and Social Policies

Valentina Tudisca

IRPPS researcher. Referent of the Research Group "Social Studies on Science, Education, Communication"
Among his research interests: science communication; the relationship between evidence and decision-making processes; representations of international migration and migrants in the media and textbooks; participatory teaching. 


+39 06 492 724 223

Curriculum Vitae


Valentina Tudisca coordinates the research group Social Studies on Science, Education, Communication (COMESE), whose main purpose is the understanding and enhancement of the relationships between science, politics and society. Among her research interests: science communication; the relationship between evidence and decision-making processes; representations of international migration and migrants in the media and textbooks; participatory teaching. Transversal to the various thematic areas is the use of participatory methodologies to involve the various social actors in the research activities.
One of her peculiarities is the interdisciplinarity of her research path, which began with physics, the subject in which he earned his doctorate, to arrive at the study of the relationship between science and society through a two-year master's degree in science communication achieved at the International School. Superior of Advanced Studies of Trieste.
Furthermore, in parallel with her research activity, she has been actively involved in science communication, collaborating with various publications such as KnowNational Geographic ItalyTodayScience, winning three national science journalism awards.

Main publications

• Development of measurable indicators to enhance public health evidence-informed policy-making, V. Tudisca; A. Valente; T. Castellani; T. Ståhl; P. Sandu; D. Dulf; H. Spitters; I. Van de Goor; C. Radl-Karimi; A. Syed; N. Loncarevic; C. Juel Lau; S. Roelofs; M. Bertram; N. Edwards; A.R. Aro, 31 maggio 2018, Health Research Policy and Systems 16:47;
• Actors engagement and tailored methods in physical education and sport curriculum as a Policy Lab, A. Valente, V. Tudisca, P. Demurtas, P. Sandu, C. Ovidiu Baba, E. Durmishi and the DIYPES Consortium, in Responsible Research and Innovation Actions in Science Education, Gender and Ethics. Case and Experiences, F. Ferri et al., 2018, Ed. Springer, SpringerBriefs in Research and Innovation Governance series;
• Actors and Practices in Living Lab for Alternating Training, A. Valente, V. Tudisca, C. Pennacchiotti, Z. Smyrnaiou, K. Kotsari, I. Monsonís-Payá, J. Garcés, B. Branchini, F.L. Ricci and the DESCI Consortium, in Responsible Research and Innovation Actions in Science Education, Gender and Ethics. Case and Experiences, F. Ferri et al., 2018, Ed. Springer, SpringerBriefs in Research and Innovation Governance series;
• La rappresentazione dei migranti nelle testate giornalistiche online europee: un’analisi pilota, V. Tudisca, A. Pelliccia, M. G. Caruso, L. Cerbara, A. Valente, 2017, in Migrazioni e integrazioni nell’Italia di oggi, C. Bonifazi, Roma: CNR-IRPPS e-Publishing;
• Iconografia delle migrazioni nei libri di testo, A. Valente, V. Tudisca, V. Calcagno, L. Piromalli, V. Ronca, M. Santurro, L. Zampino, S. Caravita, 2017, in Migrazioni e integrazioni nell’Italia
di oggi
, C. Bonifazi, Roma: CNR-IRPPS e-Publishing; • REPOPA indicators for evidence-informed policy making validated by an international Delphi study, V. Tudisca, T. Castellani, AR. Aro, T. Ståhl, I. Van de Goor, C. Radl-Karimi, H. Spitters, AM. Syed, D. Rus, S. Roelofs, A. Valente, novembre 2016, European Journal of Public Health, Vol.26, Suppl. 1;
• Defining domains of evidence-informed policymaking in the area of physical activity: pathway from frameworks to indicators, N. Loncarevic, M Bertram, V. Tudisca, A. Valente, AR. Aro and REPOPA WP1 partners, novembre 2016, European Journal of Public Health, Vol.26, Suppl.1;
• Indicators for evidence-informed policy making and policy phases in the Italian and Danish context, V. Tudisca, C. Radl-Karimi, CL. Lau, AM. Syed, AR. Aro, A Valente, novembre 2016, European Journal of Public Health, Vol.26, Suppl. 1Monografia Il web-documentary come nuova frontiera della comunicazione della scienza: stato attuale e prospettive, V. Tudisca (2016). Roma: CNR-IRPPS e-Publishing, doi 10.14600/978-88-98822-06-5;
• Rapporto sulla comunicazione tra ricercatori e stakeholder: un caso di studio nel settore agro-biologico, V. Tudisca (2016). Roma: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto di Ricerche sulla Popolazione e le Politiche Sociali. (IRPPS Working papers n.87/2016).