INCLUDES is a three-year Erasmus + European project (2019-2022) coordinated by the CNR-IRPPS which aims to develop a common framework at European level for teaching in a foreign language (CLIL) in secondary school that promotes, together with linguistic and disciplinary skills , also key competences for lifelong learning suggested by the European Council, with particular attention to digital, personal and social ones, citizenship and cultural awareness. The concept of "Europeanity", understood in an inclusive and open way - as a sense of belonging to a Europe in which linguistic and cultural diversity are considered as a resource - is a transversal element that the project aims to enhance, to promote active citizenship and prevent populism, xenophobia and violence.
Among the objectives, the participatory creation of an online multimedia and interactive open access platform that can be used by teachers to develop CLIL scenarios and share them. As part of the project, 120 interdisciplinary scenarios will be developed, 40 of which will be tested in the 5 European countries involved: Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Romania and Spain.
INCLUDE will be the promoter of the 2021 Workshop for Education and Europeans, which will be held in April 2021. Pending the definitive program, we refer to the 2020 edition Workshop 2020: Education and the Future.
Italy | CNR-IRPPS (international coordinator of the project) Comprehensive Carducci-King Institute of Casoria |
Cyprus | University of Cyprus |
Greece | National Technical University of Athens 1st Peiramatiko Gymnasio Athinas of Athens |
Romania | Schoala Gimnaziala Mircea Eliade of Craiova |
Spain | Instutut Bisbe Berenguer of L'Hospitalet de Llobregat |