Research Institute on Population and Social Policies

Tiziana Guzzo

IRPPS researcher. She deals with sociological studies and surveys on social phenomena and on the change in society with particular reference to the social impacts related to the spread of Information and Communication Technologies.


+39 06 492724 205

Curriculum Vitae


Tiziana Guzzo obtained a degree in Sociology and a PhD in Theory and Social Research at the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
From 2005 to 2008 she was professor of Sociology and Sociology of Cultural and Communicative Processes at the University of Catanzaro “Magna Graecia”. Since 2007 she has been a researcher at the Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies (IRPPS-CNR) in Rome.

She deals with sociological studies and surveys on social phenomena and on the change in society with particular reference to the social impacts related to the spread of Information and Communication Technologies. Her research interests include social informatics, digital learning, social innovation, social media and social network, environmental sustainability, tourism, risk perception, communication and governance, participatory and co-creative approaches, and user acceptance analysis. 

She was responsible for the research project: “Territorial identity and risk perception in a degraded environment”. She has been involved in several european projects including: DECISO, ATHENA, GRRIP, R-I-PEERS, BIOVoices, HubIT, MARINAHERACLESBIOVoicesIC-HealthOPEN DOORS, ACT, SciCafe2.0, Shapes, Green Hero, Erasmus, Knowing, IMRA, INCAMIDIR.

She is the author of over 50 national and international publications in journals, conference proceedings, and books and of over 60 scientific reports. She carries out numerous editorial activities: she is Editor of the Journal Current Social Science, she has been Guest Editor of several Special Issues on international journals such as: Informatics, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector. She is member of the Organizing Committee and the Program Committee of various international conferences and workshops; she also carries out peer review activities for numerous international journals.


Main publications

• Guzzo, T., Caschera, M. C., Ferri, F., & Grifoni, P. (2023). Analysis of the Digital Educational Scenario in Italian High Schools during the Pandemic: Challenges and Emerging Tools. Sustainability, 15(2), 1426.
• Guzzo, T., Boffo, S., Ferri, F., Gagliardi, F., & Grifoni, P. (2022). Towards quality digital learning: Lessons learned during COVID-19 and recommended actions—The teachers’ perspective. Sustainability, 14(14), 8438.
• Guzzo, T., Ferri, F., & Grifoni, P. (2022). What Factors Make Online Travel Reviews Credible? The Consumers’ Credibility Perception-CONCEPT Model. Societies, 12(2), 50.
• Grifoni, P., D’Andrea, A., Ferri, F., Guzzo, T., Felicioni, M. A., & Vignoli, A. (2021). Against cyberbullying actions: An Italian case study. Sustainability, 13(4), 2055.
• Ferri, F., Grifoni, P., & Guzzo, T. (2020). Online learning and emergency remote teaching: Opportunities and challenges in emergency situations. Societies, 10(4), 86.
• Ferri, F., D’Andrea, A., Grifoni, P., Guzzo, P. (2018). Distant learning: open challenges and evolution. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research. 17(8).
• Guzzo, T, D’Andrea, A., Ferri, F., & Grifoni, P. (2018). European Citizenship, Identity and Rights: A Survey on Italian Young S tudents. In European Scientists Journal (ESJ), Vol.14, No.20, pp. 240-260.
• Grifoni, P., Ferri, F., Guzzo, T. (2017). CREMOR: CREdibility Model on Online Reviews-How people Consider Online Reviews Believable. International Business Research, 10(7), 56.
• Guzzo T., Ferri F., Grifoni P. (2016). A model of e-commerce adoption (MOCA): consumer’s perceptions and behaviours. Behaviour & Information Technology. Taylor & Francis. Vol. 35, No.3, pp. 196-209.
• D’Andrea A., Ferri F., Grifoni P., Guzzo T. (2015). Approaches, Tools and Applications for Sentiment Analysis Implementation. International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA). Foundation of Computer Science Vol. 125, No.3, pp. 26-22.
• Guzzo T., Ferri F., Grifoni P. (2015). ECA: an E-commerce Consumer Acceptance Model. International Business Research. Canadian Center of Science and Education. Vol. 8, No.1.
• Guzzo T., Ferri F., Grifoni P. (2014). A Framework for Digital Inclusion of Elderly People: DIEP. International Journal of Information Processing and Management (IJIPM). AICIT. Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 8-17.
• Grifoni P., Guzzo T., Ferri F. (2014). Environmental Sustainability and Participatory Approaches: the Case of Italy. Journal of Sustainable Development. Canadian Center of Science and Education. Vol. 7, No. 3, pp.1-12.
• Grifoni P., Ferri F., D’Andrea A., Guzzo, T. (2014). Praticò C., SoN-KInG: a Digital Eco-System for Innovation in Professional and Business domains. Journal of Systems and Information Technology, Emerald. Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 77-92.
• Ferri F., Grifoni P., Guzzo T. (2012). New forms of social and professional digital relationships: the case of Facebook. Social Network Analysis and Mining Journal. Springer, Vol. 2, pp. 121-137.