Istituto di Ricerche sulla Popolazione e le Politiche Sociali

Placed in Time. Migration Policies and Temporalities of (Im)Mobility Across the Eastern European Borders

Roberta Altin e Stefano degli Uberti hanno pubblicato un editoriale sulla rivista Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, edita da Taylor & Francis online, dal titolo: “Placed in Time. Migration Policies and Temporalities of (Im)Mobility Across the Eastern European Borders”

   “After the closure of the so-called ‘Balkan Route’, the western Balkan countries became buffer zones for thousands of unregistered migrants living ‘in waiting’ in precarious conditions. The overland route captures everyday configurations of multiple spatial, temporal and social interconnections, in their entanglement with the historicity of the cross-border areas. By analysing ethnographic accounts collected on the Italian-Austrian and Italian-Slovenian borders, the paper explores the street-level practices of public/institutional apparatus and the stories of would-be asylum seekers, with their experiences of mobility and ‘involuntary immobility’ shaped by power relations. Our aim is to discuss the complexity of this process which concerns patterns of (im)mobility (e.g., waithood), migration projects, rejection, violence, vulnerability and agency from the point of view of the migrants entering the European Union through this eastern passage.”