Research Institute on Population and Social Policies

The book Social history of Italian emigration was awarded

The book Social history of Italian emigration. From Unification to today, by Enrico Pugliese and Mattia Vitiello and published by Il Mulino, received the Migrated Memories Award 2024, from the Municipality of Castelluccio Inferiore.

The volume deals with the history of emigration of Italians abroad with a historical-sociological approach, highlighting the importance that emigration has in the changes in our country.

Watch the interview with the authors and read the review of The poster.

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Intersectional approach in anti-violence centers – audio abstract

In the article Intersectional Approach within Italian Anti-violence Centres. Challenges for Research and Policies, Angela Toffanin, IRPPS researcher, analyzes whether and how anti-violence centers in Italy are able to respond to the needs of women victims of violence with an intersectional approach, i.e. considering how different levels of vulnerability interact with each other.

The empirical part of the article discusses some of the representations of "women in situations of violence" and "women who access services" shared by operators of anti-violence centers and shelters in Italy, collected in a qualitative research from 2019-20 . At the same time, the article discusses some quantitative findings on the training and professional practices of AVCs on intervening with women who embody multiple vulnerabilities.

The article questions the relational dimension that is at the center of the debate on intersectionality and its potential in research activities. The objective is to contribute to the scientific debate on intersectionality as a theoretical and empirical tool, useful for avoiding the unconscious reproduction of inequalities and privileges during research activities and professional practices, through a reflective approach on the categories used and on one's own position in a specific social context.

Listen to the author's audio abstract.

ToffaninA. M. (2023). Intersectional Approach within Italian Antiviolence Centres. Challenges for Research and Policies. Fuori Luogo Journal of Sociology of Territory, Tourism, Technology16(3), 75-88.

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Italian society in the storms of the new millennium – Monograph

The volume "Italian society in the weather of the new millennium" is the result of long work by various groups and individual researchers from IRPPS, coordinated by Claudia Pennacchiotti and Sandro Turcio.

The nine essays that make up the volume aim to provide analyzes and research results that describe the many facets of the Italian social crisis in the last quarter of a century, covering many of the Institute's research areas, from demography to the study of social policies, from the analysis of cultural phenomena to investigations into the world of education.

The monograph is available in full version on the IRPPS website.

Read book review in the Almanac of CNR Science.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Demographic decline and reproductive choices in an Italy of uncertainty          
  3. The PNRR to the welfare challenge
  4. Challenging the emergency paradigm. Italian anti-violence policies put to the test by the pandemic
  5. Building community in a period of fragility and disorientation
  6. Europeanity between narratives and perceptions      
  7. Teenagers in the crowd. Social pathologies and proposals for intervention on human conditioning and interaction in the post-pandemic era   
  8. From writer to artist: towards an authorized aesthetic            
  9. Public health and post-Covid between preparedness and risk assessment in the WHO documents. Dialogue with Elisa Pieri            
  10. Uncertain faith: the transformations of religiosity   

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Electronic health record and Telemedicine

Last June 29, the researcher Fabrizio Pecoraro of the Health and Society group of IRPPS participated in the 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐚. The conference was an opportunity to discuss the opportunities opened up by decree of 28 September 2023 for the innovation of the National Health Service, guided by the transition towards new technological infrastructures dedicated both to Telemedicine, i.e. the set of health services that can be carried out remotely thanks to the use of innovative technologies, and to the File, which allows the collection digital of the patient's clinical history. 

Pecoraro's contribution focused precisely on the Electronic Health Record, underlining the need to develop a tool that contains structured information and that is interoperable with other health information systems. Furthermore, the Dossier will have to play a role not only in supporting treatment, i.e. facilitating patient care and diagnosis and treatment operations between different professionals and healthcare facilities, but also providing data to decision makers and the research world for studies of an epidemiological and government nature.  

It's possible listen to the speech again here of the researcher.  

The latest article is dedicated to the experience of users of a Telemedicine service tested at the San Giovanni Addolorata Hospital in Rome. Working paper of IRPPS to which the Health and Society group contributed. You can read it here.  

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Work conflict and collective organization in the face of technological change: new and old challenges

10 July 2024 16.00pm – 18.00pm

Europa Room

The study day with Prof. Maurizio Atzeni, is organized within the activities of the ERC Project Illicit work and the photovoltaic industry.

Participation is in person and the number of places is limited. Please confirm your participation by sending an email to

To participate in the meeting, we recommend reading the following texts:

Atzeni, M. (2023). The labor process and workers' rights at Mercado Libre: hiding exploitation through regulation in the digital economy. Work in the Global Economy, 3(2), 181-200. Retrieved Jul 2, 2024, from

Atzeni, M., & Cini, L. (2023). New theories and politics for working class organizing in the gig and precarious world of work. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 0(0).

Short Bio
Maurizio Atzeni divides his time between Argentina and Chile, working as a researcher at CEIL/CONICET and as a Professor of Industrial Relations at the Alberto Hurtado University. The search for him takes place around two main axes. The first is the study of the nature and dynamics of workplace conflict and forms of collective organization of workers. He covers a wide spectrum of cases (auto industry, delivery industry in pre- and post-digitalization contexts, self-managed and cooperative factories, informal labor market) to map conflicts and forms of work organization. A second axis of research studies the forms of work that are produced on the basis of contemporary developments in capitalism. This axis refers to a global and interdisciplinary dimension that has been carried forward in particular in the publications of the Handbook of the Global Political Economy of Work and previously in Workers and Labor in a Globalized Capitalism. In 2022 he founded the international summer school, LabourTransfer, in Sardinia, which combines the academic world of labor studies with trade union activism and territorial development.

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World Refugee Day

On World Refugee Day we remember the shared Statement on migration promoted by the Convention of the Italian Network of UNESCO Chairs, of which the CNR-IRPPS researcher Angela Paparusso is a member

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Democratic School Conference – the contribution of IRPPS

The International conference of the Scuola Democratica magazine. Hosted in Cagliari from 3 to 6 June, the third edition of the Conference brought together interventions and debates around the link between education and social justice.

CNR – IRPPS was present with a large group of participants, sharing many of the educational themes that are at the center of the Institute's research.

Among the convenors, Stefano Boffo moderated the Universities' Public Engagement and Social Justice Panel, where relevant projects and activities in which universities and research institutions have interpreted the so-called Third Mission were discussed; Paolo Landri moderated the semi-plenary session and the Panel Educational Futures of Small and Rural Schools.

In the session Social Inclusion Through Sport and Physical Education, moderated by Luciana Taddei, Luciana Taddei, Paolo Landri, Anna Millione e Ilaria Primerano they brought the case study of Baskin as an example of participatory social innovation. While in the context of interventions on challenges and opportunities represented by digital educational contexts, Claudia Pennacchiotti, Valentina Tudisca e Adriana Valente they reflected on the opportunity in terms of inclusion represented by open educational resources with the experience of OLA project.

The interventions of. have explored theoretical and epistemological aspects  Francesca Cubeddu, which examined the importance ofeducational approach of social justice, and Paolo Landri on  Exploring the Social (in)justice of Educational Assemblies. The case studies presented by Antonietta Riccardo instead they allowed us to focus on the building strategies welfare against exclusion.

A further line of interventions concerned the link between education, representations and gender, with the interventions of Tatiana Motterle e Angela Toffanin on the first results of an ongoing study on European and national policies in contrast with Cyber ​​gender-based violence, and with the experiences presented by Sara Marini and linked to the Scosse association and the national network Educating about differences with research and action work for counteract gender stereotypes in education.

The intervention of Giulia Ciancimino investigated perceptions and preferences with respect to meritocracy in Italy and the importance attributed to education as an element of merit, examining the trends in recent decades.

Finally, the case study Decide Your Print: A Workshop For Systemic Declination Of Sustainability Literacy, carried by Monia Torre, allowed us to reflect on possible educational approaches to sustainability.  

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The HIN project becomes a brand

To facilitate collaborations in academia and clinical practice, HIN (Health Issue Network) – project born within the group Health and Society of IRPPS -has recently been registered as a trademark.

Hin is a method which facilitates the clinical reasoning and improves the training of students and professionals in the healthcare sector (both in human and veterinary medicine). 

Fabrizio Pecoraro (CNR-IRPPS) traces the salient points of the project in a audio-abstract.

Find out more on the site

And on the working papers:

  • Antonio D'Uffizi, Fabrizio L. Ricci, Fabrizio Pecoraro, Oscar Tamburis (2023). The flexibility of a clinical case (a HINe diagram) Rome: National Research Council Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies, (IRPPS Working papers n. 14 2 202 4, p. 2 0

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Presentation: Social history of Italian emigration – From Unification to today

5 June 2024 10.00

Library Room, “Guglielmo Marconi”, central Cnr – Rome

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IRPPS Seminar – Social research and graphic narratives

On 22 May 2024 11.00 – 13.00

IRPPS – Sala Europa Via Palestro 32, Rome

Recordings and videos are available slides (pptx) of the seminar Social research and graphic narratives. Theoretical and methodological approaches starting from an analysis of gender violence, held by Nicoletta Mandolini (Universidade do Minho), with the participation of Chiara Gius (University of Bologna), Tatiana Motterle (CNR-IRPPS) and moderation by Angela Toffanin (CNR-IRPPS).



Updated May 29, 2024

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