Research Institute on Population and Social Policies


OLA is a two-year Erasmus + European project (2021-2023) coordinated by the CNR-IRPPS which, following the crisis situation generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, aims to give greater impetus to the so-called "open educational resources" (open educational resources) and "open educational practices" as an opportunity to reduce the "digital divide" in the European educational context, for a more inclusive teaching.

Open educational resources - understood as free digital educational resources, developed collaboratively by networks of teachers and various social actors - are already a reality, which however still remains fragmented, not very widespread and not sufficiently valued at the institutional level. The OLA project aims to promote its development and sharing through: the production of MOOC courses for teachers; the creation of guidelines on open educational resources for teachers and publishing houses; the participatory creation of an open access interactive online platform that can be used by teachers to develop and disseminate multimedia didactic scenarios.

Within the project, 80 interdisciplinary scenarios on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) themes will be developed, 50 of which will be tested in the 5 European countries involved: Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Romania and Spain.

Central theme, transversal to the project, is the attention to the recognition of stereotypes - of gender, but not only - and of values ​​implicitly conveyed by textbooks and online multimedia resources, with the aim of promoting a revision of the concept of " digital skills "in order to include, in addition to purely technological skills, the critical and responsible use of platforms and sources of online information, as a prerequisite for exercising conscious citizenship.

OLA, together with other European projects INCLUDES e GSO4SCHOOL, is the promoter of Future Education Workshops


CNR-IRPPS (international coordinator of the project)

Comprehensive Carducci-King Institute of Casoria

CyprusUniversity of Cyprus
GreeceNational Technical University of Athens
1st Peiramatiko Gymnasio Athinas of Athens
RomaniaSchoala Gimnaziala Mircea Eliade of Craiova
SpainCentro de Formación Somorrostro in Muskiz