Research Institute on Population and Social Policies

July 14, 2022

Plots. The social theater and the training of social and health workers

July 18th, 2022 9.30 hours - 13.00

Council Chamber "Falcone e Borsellino"

Palazzo Farnese - Piazza Giovanni XXIII

Castellammare di Stabia

La City of Castellammare di Stabia, Area social plan Area N27, The IRPPS Institute of the CNR,Order of Social Workers of the Campania Region, organize a day of work to present the project

Plots. The social theater and the training of social and health workers

He will open the works and introduce: Maria Rosaria Astarita - Coordinator of the activities of the Social and Welfare Services sector

Speakers include: Tiziana Tesauro e Francis Campanile will report on the project "Plots. The social theater and the training of social and health workers "

Social workers of the Municipality of Naples: Simona Cappella and Gaetano Balestra they will exhibit their direct experience in the project "Plots. The social theater and the training of social and health workers "

It will conclude: Panic Guild - President of the Council of the Order of Social Workers of the Campania Region


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