Research Institute on Population and Social Policies

Hyperconnection in Adolescence – Audio Abstract

The study analyzes data from two representative cross-sectional surveys conducted among Italian adolescents in 2019 and 2022, as part of the Youth Trends Observatory. The study examines changes in time spent on social media screens, identifies the main socio-demographic predictors of hyperconnectivity, and explores its effects on young people's relational and psychological well-being.

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The MIB survey is part of the research activities ofYouth Trends Observatory, led by the Social Changes, Evaluation and Methods research group (MUSA) of the CNR-IRPPS. The investigation is of type longitudinal and has the aim of studying, monitoring and deepening the ongoing changes in human interaction in adolescence. The investigation, which will begin in January 2024 and has a duration of 5 years, involves the conduct of interviews to be administered using a semi-structured electronic questionnaire CAPI (Computer-assisted personal interviewing) a male and female students of schools secondary schools of the Metropolitan City of Rome Capitals located in dissimilar territories due to socio-economic and demographic characteristics. The heuristic approach, interdisciplinary, typical of the research tradition of the MUSA group, involves a complex analysis of the changes taking place, identifying the causal links between interactional dynamics and the related effects on the psychophysical and social well-being of adolescents. Specifically, the subject of investigation are both factors sociological is psychological of human interaction, with the aim of understanding the development processes, i.e. the conditioning and conditioned factors, of opinions, attitudes and goal-oriented action that can support, compromise or compress social expectations. The outcome is a holistic and complex reading of the state of adolescence, which pays particular attention to family and environmental conditioning and endemic and emerging social and psychological pathologies.

General objective of the investigation. Analyze attitudes and behaviors of male and female students of public secondary schools for the purpose of identifying individual and social factors that hinder the spread of adolescent well-being with particular attention to interactional changes, social conditioning, online and offline behavioral deviance , risky behavior and psychological distress.

Thematic areas of investigation

The MIB survey covers four thematic areas:

  • Section 1. Socio-personal information relating to respondents and their families of origin;
  • Section 2. Social interaction and well-being;
  • Section 3. Deviance and social conditioning;
  • Section 4. Values ​​and opinions.

For their study, a semi-structured questionnaire is administered to male and female students in electronic format that can be filled out with the main IT devices. The data collection method is anonymous and assisted (CAPI) and requires the presence of researchers and/or interviewers from the MUSA group in the field, i.e. in each classroom at the time of the survey. This approach, which increases survey times and costs, has the important advantage of guaranteeing high reliability of the data collected as it guarantees that the questionnaire is filled out with certainty by the selected survey units, promotes full understanding of the questions and prevents the direct and indirect influences exerted on the respondents at the time of the survey as a result of the interaction between peers and between students and teachers.

Tintori A., Pompili M., Ciancimino G., Corsetti G., Cerbara L. (2023). The developmental process of suicidal ideation among adolescents: social and psychological impact from a nation-wide survey. Scientific Reports – NATURE, Rep 13, 20984 (2023).;

Tintori A. (2023). The uncertain adolescence. Endemic and emerging social pathologies in the virtual post-pandemic era. The new frontiers of school, n. 62, Correctness, Year XX, November, La Medusa Editrice, pp. 69-75 [ISSN: 2281-9681]

Tintori A. (2023). Gender stereotypes in children, an effect of primary socialization. Science online;

Cerbara L., Ciancimino G., Corsetti G., Tintori A. (2023). The (un)equal effect of binary socialization on adolescents' exposure to pornography: girls' empowerment and boys' sexism from a new representative national survey. Societies 13, no. 6:146;

Tintori A., Cerbara L, Ciancimino G. (2023). Policy agenda for children and adolescents. Rome: National Research Council – Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies. (IRPPS Working papers no. 136/2023, p. 85);

Tintori A., Cerbara L, Ciancimino G. (2023). The state of adolescence 2023. National survey on attitudes and behaviors of students of public secondary schools. Rome: National Research Council – Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies, (IRPPS Working papers n. 135/2023, p. 73;

Tintori A., Ciancimino G., Bombelli I., De Rocchi D., Cerbara C. (2023). Children's Online Safety: Predictive Factors of Cyberbullying and Online Grooming Involvement. companies; 13, 47.

Tintori A., Cerbara L, Ciancimino G., Parsi MR (2022). The state of childhood 2021. Survey on attitudes and behaviors of pupils in primary schools in Rome. Rome: National Research Council? Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies. (IRPPS Working papers n. 130/2022, p. 35)

Cerbara L., Ciancimino G., Tintori A. (2022). Are We Still a Sexist Society? Primary Socialization and Adherence to Gender Roles in Childhood. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 19 (6), 3408;

Tintori A., Ciancimino G., Palomba R., Clementi C., Cerbara L. (2021). The Impact of Socialisation on Children's Prosocial Behavior. A Study on Primary School StudentsInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 18(22):12017.;

Tintori A (2021). La massa, gli adolescenti, il Covid-19 e gli adattamenti mediati, Le nuove frontiere della scuola, n. 56, La Mediazione, Anno XVIII, ottobre, La Medusa Editrice, pp. 84-91 [ISSN: 2281-9681].

Tintori A. (2021). Essence and appearance in continuous social change. The new frontiers of school, n. 55, Regeneration. La Medusa Editrice, pp. 60-64 [ISSN: 2281-9681];

Tintori A., Ciancimino G., Vismara A., Cerbara L. (2021). Sports as education: Is this a stereotype too? A national research on the relationship between sports practice, bullying, racism and stereotypes among Italian students. Cogent Education, Taylor & Francis, 8: 1, 1938385, DOI:;

Tintori, A.; Ciancimino, G.; Giovanelli, G.; Cerbara, L. (2021) Bullying and Cyberbullying among Italian Adolescents: The Influence of Psychosocial Factors on Violent Behaviors.  J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 18 (4), 1558;;

Avveduto S., Tintori A. (2020). Il lungo cammino dell’equità di genere nella scienza. No. 25. Prism Magazine;

Tintori A. (2019). The ideal measure of reality. Social distancing, Le nuove frontiere della scuola, no. 51, The measure, year XVI, November, pp. 81-86 [ISSN: 2281-9681];

Caruso MG, Cerbara L. Tintori A. (2019). Stereotipi, bullismo e devianza a scuola. Identikit degli studenti italiani. Minorigiustizia, no. 2/2019, Milano, Franco Angeli [ISSN: 1121-2845; DOI: 10.3280 / MG2019-002010];

Cerbara L., Tintori A. (2019). L’immagine che vogliamo. Il web e gli stereotipi sui migranti. In: Uomini, donne e bambini , a cura di Ezio Alessio Gensini e Leonardo Santoli, Regione Toscana, Consiglio Regionale, p. 2017-2016 [ISBN: 978-88-85617-41-4];

Tintori A. (2018). L’illusione della competenza e l’inganno dell’opinioneLe nuove frontiere della scuola, n. 48, La competenza, anno XV, ottobre, pp. 11-16 [ISSN: 2281-9681];

Cerbara L., Tintori A. (2018). Bullying, stereotypes, prejudices and risky behaviors. A comparison between Italian and foreign students of Latina. Osservatorio romano sulle migrazioniTredicesimo Rapporto, Centro Studi e Ricerche IDOS, IDOS Edizioni, p. 69-75 [ISBN: 9788864800264];

Cerbara L., Tintori A. (2018). La condizione giovanile nella città di Latina. Indagine GAP 2017. Roma: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto di Ricerche sulla Popolazione e le Politiche Sociali (IRPPS Working papers107/2018) [ISSN: 2240-7332];

Tintori A. (2018). Devianza e disagio relazionale a scuola. Bullismo e cyberbullismo tra tradizione e modernità. In: Pugni chiusi. Bullismo: punti di vista, non-storie, impressioni, significati. Soluzioni? Un contributo a cambiare, per cambiare, a cura di Ezio Alessio Gensini e Leonardo Santoli, Regione Toscana, Consiglio Regionale, p. 69-73 [ISBN: 978-88-85617-11-7];

Cerbara L., Tintori A. (2017). Lungo l’asse dell’integrazione/esclusione. Il banco di scuola con-diviso tra studenti italiani e stranieri. In: Migrazioni e integrazioni nell’Italia di oggi, a cura di Corrado Bonifazi, Roma: CNR-IRPPS e-Publishing, p. 199-211 [ISBN: 978-88-98822-12-6 (online), 978-88-98822-10-2 (print), DOI 10.14600/978-88-98822-12-6];

Tintori A., Cerbara L. (2017). Lo sport di tutti. Valori e didattica dell’integrazione sociale. In: Pratica sportiva e lavoro sociale tra stato, mercato e comunità, Culture e Studi del Sociale(CuSSoc), vol. 2 (1), giugno, pp. 43-54 [ISSN: 2531-3975];

Tintori A., Cerbara L. (ed.) (2016). Young people put to the test. The condition of youth in the cityà Rome Capital Metro. Aracne editrice [ISBN: 978-88-548-9278-1];

Brandi C., Cerbara L., Tintori A. (2016), Perspectives, expectations and attitudes of second generation students in the metropolitan city of Rome. Osservatorio romano sulle migrazioniUndicesimo Rapporto, Centro Studi e Ricerche IDOS, IDOS Edizioni, [ISBN: 9788864800523].

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Sport and disability

Sport and disability

The world of disability is at the center of a perhaps slow and late but decisive evolution, aimed at adapting social and cultural systems to people with greater fragility: in compliance with an unavoidable principle of equity and in the interest of the subjects directly involved, but also for reasons of collective and general advantage. Disability, in fact, is the paradigm of an increasingly long-lived and elderly society, in which morbidity, inconvenience and reductions in psycho-physical efficiency affect many people, even more so considering those in charge of care. Reducing physical and cultural barriers, making real and virtual places accessible, facilitating assistance therefore means building better environments and living conditions for everyone, regardless of different levels of health.

In this process, sport is recognized as an extraordinary potential tool: in fact, sporting practice, in addition to bringing significant benefits on a therapeutic and rehabilitative level, gives a strong boost to socialization. The notoriety acquired by athletes and sports figures such as Alex Zanardi, Bebe Vio or Giusy Versace, just to name a few, reveals how Paralympic activities have gradually taken on a visibility similar to that of competitions for able-bodied people, a theme well highlighted in "The Super disabled. Analysis of a stereotype", a publication edited by Marco Ferrazzoli, Francesca Gorini and Francesco Pieri (published by Lu:Ce with the patronage of Cnr and, in the second edition, Rai for social issues) which analyzes the ongoing shift towards greater inclusiveness.

Starting from this premise, this project, financed by Procter & Gamble Italy, intends to: verify how much sports practice is actually usable and enjoyed by young people with disabilities, through a qualitative survey conducted together with families, operators, social agencies and institutions; carry out research that verifies and illustrates, with scientific rigor combined with an informative and communicative approach, problems and critical issues, social and territorial gaps, good practices to be valorised. In this sense, the project aims to act as a driving force to raise awareness in the sporting world towards the practical and educational inclusion of all physicalities. Today, clubs and structures are not always prepared and sport risks not seizing an opportunity if it does not review the achievement of a competitive result as its sole objective. Sport must always focus on the diffusion of its culture and practice by people with disabilities, not only in the competitive key linked to the Paralympic disciplines, but by enhancing itself as a catalytic agent of inclusion and relationship processes in associations, clubs, territorial realities, and schools.

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Sport and female inclusion

7 March 2024 – h. 8.30

Sala Marconi - CNR Piazzale Aldo Moro 7 - Rome

Download the program in pdf
Read the description of the event on the portal CNR.

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The development of suicidal thoughts in adolescence – Article by the MUSA group for Scientific Reports – Nature

According to a study by the MUSA (Social Changes, Evaluation and Methods) research group, suicidal thoughts today involve around half of Italian adolescents.

Article The developmental process of suicidal ideation among adolescents: social and psychological impact from a nation-wide survey – just published in the magazine Scientific Reports of Nature – investigates the mechanism that leads to the development of such thoughts.

From the survey conducted by Antonio Tintori, Loredana Cerbara e Giulia Ciancimino, IRPPS, with Maurizio Pompili, UniSapienza, and Gianni Corsetti, ISTAT, the psychological disorders that fuel suicidal thoughts do not constitute the origin of the problem, traced, instead, in particular dynamics of social interaction and in specific socio-demographic characteristics.

Antonio Tintori's interview for RaiRadio1

The interdisciplinary epistemological approach adopted has also made it possible to show how factors usually considered influential, such as tolerance for the use of alcohol and psychotropic substances in general, are in fact only secondary in explaining the phenomenon.  

Read CNR press release and the article The developmental process of suicidal ideation among adolescents: social and psychological impact from a nation-wide survey .

They talked about it:

La Repubblica

InSalute News
Beckwith Evangelical Radio

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The IRPPS, in collaboration with ROMA3, carries out an evaluation analysis of the monitoring activity carried out by theUNAR on projects funded through the Italian Roma, Sinti and Caminanti strategy 2012-2020 on PON Inclusion funds The project is divided into 4 lines of activity:

Line 1 - direct result of the 2012-2020 Strategy

represented by the progress of the actions already envisaged in the 2012 document and then updated over the years

Line 2 - recognition of the resources provided and the institutional levels involved

represented by the financial commitments assumed by the competent administrations;

Line 3- Outcome of the intervention

represented by the social change pursued by the intervention, i.e. the processes of inclusion of the Roma, Sinti and Caminante communities and measured through case studies

Line 4 - design of the evaluation and monitoring system of the National Strategy for the inclusion, equality and participation of Roma and Sinti 2021-2030




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Adolescents and Pornography – A study by the MUSA group

More and more pornography for ever younger users. It is what emerges from a study just published in Societies magazine, ed Loredana Cerbara, Giulia Ciancimino e Antonio Tintori, IRPPS, and Gianni Corsetti, ISTAT.
In addition to highlighting theincreased use of pornography associated with a decrease in the age of its users, the research confirmed his reflections on the development of social and sexual identity. These are negative impacts on primary emotions, self-esteem and body satisfaction in adolescents and girls. But the study reveals in particular how early exposure to pornography also has positive effects, but only on girls.  
In fact, a strengthening gender stereotypes in the context of relationships, adherence to gender roles also in the sexual sphere and an increase in tolerance towards discriminatory, violent and deviant behaviour. Conversely, for girls, pornography is aexperience of sexual liberation which, unlike males, goes beyond the confines of the stereotyped hierarchies of social spaces. This diversity is the result, according to the authors, of the "binary" socialization still prevalent today, which reproduces gender stereotypes from generation to generation, inducing a passive adherence to predefined male and female social roles.
The findings of this research suggest the importance and urgency of asex education that it is possibly offered in a school environment and with the mediation of professionals. This, in order to promote a critical - and not just passive - approach capable of overcoming the taboo of sex and going beyond mainstream, heterosexual and masculinized pornography, which provides a homogenized and unrealistic image of bodies, sexual performances and relationships social.
The study was conducted with a psychosocial research approach and is drawn from the results of the national survey The state of adolescence 2023, which involved 4288 young high school students throughout the peninsula.
Internationally, many studies have investigated the negative effects of early exposure to pornography, but the results are often controversial, due to the use of different research techniques and both methodological and theoretical shortcomings.

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Youth Trends Observatory awarded at Forum PA 2023

The Youth Trend Observatory (OTG) was awarded at the PA Forum in the "gender equality" category of the 2023 Sustainable PA Award.

The award is sponsored by FPA e ASviS, Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development, with the aim of enhancing experiences, solutions and projects implemented by administrations (central and local), but also by associations and start-ups, to promote and support the achievement of sustainability objectives (Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs) set in the UN Agenda 2030.

The reasons for the award include: General objective of the project "Observatory on Youth Trends" was the promotion of equal gender opportunities and youth inclusion by contrasting deviance, violence, social conditioning (stereotypes and prejudices) with particular attention to gender and psychological discomfort. The OTG was made up of three intervention modules. The first of these concerned primary schools in Rome, the second secondary schools in Italy and the third concerned the construction of the Agenda of policies for childhood and adolescence. The activities of these modules, which constituted a unitary line of intervention, made it possible to produce new and detailed knowledge about the youth universe, to provide training activities on the subject of discomfort, deviance and social conditioning and to define actions aimed at promoting well-being, equal opportunities and inclusion (

The OTG is a project by the research group on Social changes, evaluation and methods (MUSA) of the IRPPS, in which Antonio Tintori, contact person, Loredana Cerbara and Giulia Ciancimino work in particular.

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Gianluca Sotis - Head of CNR


Despite the known benefits of physical activity, it often remains underutilized, especially among women. Community-based women's invitation to physical activity programs, however, are quite numerous and attract a large female population, suggesting that barriers to physical activity encountered by women can be overcome.

In reality, adherence to physical activity programs is varied with respect to age. Women in the height of their active life are more occupied with other tasks, such as work, housework, family care activities, and it is very difficult to obtain and maintain a good level of female participation.

The project has 3 main objectives:

  1. understand in detail the nature of the barriers to physical activity among women aged between 20 and 69, and then imagine possible solutions that can change the approach to physical activity;
  2. investigate online issues relating to female physical activity;
  3. organize training courses for professional trainers (doctors, physical trainers and those responsible for physical activity).     

The CNR-IRPPS is called upon to collaborate in the management of the surveys and in the analysis of the preliminary data for the project activities dedicated to concrete training and awareness-raising actions for women.


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It is called "BRIDGES - Building Reflexivity and response-ability Involving Different narratives of knowledGE and Science" and is coordinated by the Institute for the electromagnetic survey of the environment (Irea) of the Cnr of Milan under the scientific responsibility of Dr. Alba L'Astorina, the research project financed by the Cariplo Foundation on funds destined for Social Research on Science, Technology and Society.

The project employs transdisciplinary and participatory research methods to understand and strengthen the relationship between science, society and ecological systems in the Italian context. To do this, it uses soil fertility as a case study, a topic of local and global interest, declared by the United Nations General Assembly as one of the three emergencies of the planet, together with climate change and the loss of biodiversity. Soil fertility is also a complex and controversial issue, because its management and protection imply a series of new relationships and visions between science, society, ecosystems and human and non-human actors.

The project, which starts on April 15, 2021 and lasts two years, includes a part of a social survey, in the Italian context, which will involve thousands of young researchers from the CNR and other scientific networks, on the dominant narratives on the science-society relationship around issues controversial. Starting from some emerging discourses, a series of meetings and seminars will be organized, in urban and rural environments, and some Citizen Science activities, in which some of the researchers involved will experiment, together with networks of citizens, a type of participatory and hybrid research. , to discuss and produce collectively constructed soil fertility indicators. They will be supported, in this path, by educators, artists, soil microbiology specialists, farmers.

The objectives that BRIDGES sets itself refer to:

• investigate, map and enrich the narratives that define and frame the Italian disciplinary scientific research;
• to experiment a pilot process of co-production of transdisciplinary research practices on soil fertility, through a series of meetings and seminars, in an urban and rural environment, and some citizen science activities;
• develop a reflective attitude and a sense of responsibility in citizens and researchers, making them aware of being a fertile resource for Italy.

The project consists of 6 WPs. IRPPS participates in WP1 for the realization of a survey among young Italian researchers.

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