Research Institute on Population and Social Policies

“Gender Discrimination”

The CNR-IRPPS researcher, Angela Toffanin, contributed to the entry Gender Discrimination for the XI Appendix of the Italian Encyclopedia of Science, Letters and Arts, published by Treccani.

Toffanin carries out his research in our Institute, collaborating mainly with the Population, Gender and Society research group (Poges).

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Intersectional approach in anti-violence centers – audio abstract

In the article Intersectional Approach within Italian Anti-violence Centres. Challenges for Research and Policies, Angela Toffanin, IRPPS researcher, analyzes whether and how anti-violence centers in Italy are able to respond to the needs of women victims of violence with an intersectional approach, i.e. considering how different levels of vulnerability interact with each other.

The empirical part of the article discusses some of the representations of "women in situations of violence" and "women who access services" shared by operators of anti-violence centers and shelters in Italy, collected in a qualitative research from 2019-20 . At the same time, the article discusses some quantitative findings on the training and professional practices of AVCs on intervening with women who embody multiple vulnerabilities.

The article questions the relational dimension that is at the center of the debate on intersectionality and its potential in research activities. The objective is to contribute to the scientific debate on intersectionality as a theoretical and empirical tool, useful for avoiding the unconscious reproduction of inequalities and privileges during research activities and professional practices, through a reflective approach on the categories used and on one's own position in a specific social context.

Listen to the author's audio abstract.

ToffaninA. M. (2023). Intersectional Approach within Italian Antiviolence Centres. Challenges for Research and Policies. Fuori Luogo Journal of Sociology of Territory, Tourism, Technology16(3), 75-88.

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IRPPS Seminar – Social research and graphic narratives

On 22 May 2024 11.00 – 13.00

IRPPS – Sala Europa Via Palestro 32, Rome

Recordings and videos are available slides (pptx) of the seminar Social research and graphic narratives. Theoretical and methodological approaches starting from an analysis of gender violence, held by Nicoletta Mandolini (Universidade do Minho), with the participation of Chiara Gius (University of Bologna), Tatiana Motterle (CNR-IRPPS) and moderation by Angela Toffanin (CNR-IRPPS).



Updated May 29, 2024

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25 November – Second national survey on centers for men who commit violence (Cuav)

Irpps, with the Viva project, has published the results of the national survey on centers for men who commit violence (Cuav). The Viva project represents an important piece in the socio-cultural change necessary to combat gender violence.

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VIVA project at ECDV and ESPAnet

In September, the research group involved in the VIVA project (Evaluation and Analysis of interventions to prevent and combat violence against women) participated in important opportunities for discussion with the scientific community, in which it shared perspectives and results from which start for the next qualitative investigations on the empowerment of women victims of violence and on Centers for perpetrators of violence.

Two posters were presented at the European Conference on Domestic Violence (ECDV) in Reykjavik.

The first - Networking to prevent and combat male violence against women edited by Francesca Proia, Maria Dentale, Pietro Demurtas, Alice Mauri – reports data relating to the analysis of the Italian anti-violence system as a complex and diversified universe.

Fig. 1 The poster Networking to prevent and combat male violence against women

The second one - Defining the effectiveness of perpetrator programs from a practice-based perspective curated by Pietro Demurtas and Caterina Peroni – shows some of the results of theinvestigation just concluded on Centers for Men Perpetrators of Violence (CUAV).

Fig. 2 The poster Defining the effectiveness of perpetrator programs from a practice-based perspective

As part of the XVI ESPAnet Italia Conference, Beatrice Busi and Angela Toffanin also presented a contribution on conditionality in economic, labor and social empowerment measures in anti-violence policies.

Go to the project website VIVA.

Curated by Monia Torre, with the scientific support of Pietro Demurtas, Alice Mauri, Angela Toffanin.

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Preliminary results of the VIVA project presented at the Observatory on violence against women

Observatory on the phenomenon of violence against women and domestic violence the preliminary results of the second survey on Centers for men perpetrators of violence - conducted within the VIVA project - were presented.

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AVIS-Scenario Planning

AVIS-Scenario Planning


Define organizational, economic, regulatory and communication interventions aimed at affirming blood donation as a social practice in Italy in 2027 and promoting the role of AVIS as a reference association for blood donation in Italy

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Sport and Integration

Sport and Integration

The research project deals with the issue of integration in the younger generations and its relationship with sporting practice, entering the recent debate on the role of sport as a means of integration and fight against social exclusion at European and national level and on the need to initiate interventions in our country to encourage coexistence between young Italian and foreign citizens. The study makes use of a survey conducted among students and teachers and deals with the issues of participation in sports by young people and the sharing of the founding values ​​of sport among students, as well as other aspects relating to relationships between peers in the school and extracurricular. During the 2016-2017 school year, the survey was carried out on a sample of lower secondary schools, while in the 2017-2018 school year it will involve a sample of upper secondary schools.
The project is part of the program agreement for the promotion of integration policies through sport of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies and CONI.


Accorinti M. Caruso MG, Cerbara L., Menniti A., Missioni M., Tintori A. (2018). "It doesn't matter if we are foreigners, we must all play together. ”, Rome: National Research Council - Research Institute on Population and Social Policies. (IRPPS Working papers n. 106/2018)

Caruso MG, Cerbara L., Menniti A., Missioni M., Tintori A. (2018). "Sport and integration for Italian adolescents. 2017 survey”, Rome: National Research Council - Research Institute on Population and Social Policies. (IRPPS Working papers no. 108/2018)

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ASL 2015-2018 Latina

ASL 2015-2018 Latina

The IRPPS, following a line of activity that began in 2013 in collaboration with the Liceo Scientifico E. Majorana of Latina and the TempoAmico Time Bank Association, has signed a collaboration agreement to bring statistical and social research within the walls school. Students are invited to follow real research projects as part of the compulsory activity of Alternanza Scuola Lavoro and on the model of social research based on statistical data and on qualitative analysis methodologies, to address important issues, such as that of integration. , the study of the phenomena of violence and deviance among young people or the importance and role of the third sector as a provider of essential services to the community and civil coexistence. At the end of each path, one or more reports are produced, also in collaboration with the students, which give account both of the activity carried out and of the objectives achieved in terms of training but also as tools for the dissemination of scientific culture and innovative teaching methods based on forms workshops and subsidiaries. Furthermore, demonstration events are organized that are open to both the external public and students who have not directly taken part in the projects.


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DEA, Women and Audiovisual

DEA, Women and Audiovisual

The under-representation of women in cinema belongs to the broader theme of gender equality that involves different spheres: from the labor market as a whole, to the world of scientific research, to that of top management positions in the private sector, to presence on the Board of Directors , to wage differences. But it also extends to other aspects of social life from access to finance, to the distribution of family burdens, to representation. In its report on the subject, UNESCO recalls, among other things, that creativity is not gender neutral and that inequalities in the creative sector reflect the structural barriers present in other economic sectors and in society in general.

In the audiovisual sector, inequalities are evident as already highlighted by some pilot researches such as the one conducted within the European Women's Audiovisual Network (EWA):

- 88% of Italian publicly funded films are directed by men. Only in 12% of cases there is a female direction.
- 79% of the films produced by Rai were directed by men. Therefore, only 21% are the films produced by Rai with a director.
- 90.8% of the films that arrive in cinemas are directed by men. Less than 10% (9,2%) are films directed by women that arrive in cinemas

As long as the film industry continues to offer narratives and representations of the world from an essentially male point of view, we will remain a macho and patriarchal society. Italy ranks 127 (out of 144) in terms of equal pay in the world of work, according to the 2016 Global Gender Gap report.

The DEA project joins the research of the EWA network which has already produced important data on Italy; in the course of the project, paths that have not yet been explored will be developed:

- Analysis of research in Europe and in the world

Gap & Ciak Report - Gender gaps in work and in the audiovisual industry

- Analysis of data collected by professional associations

* database of professionals in the audiovisual world

- Interviews on the life stories of women and men from film and documentary

* What factors hinder the access and affirmation of female talents?

- Recommendations to policy makers

* How to give women's determination and quality a chance

The professionals and genres selected for the study are:

* Directed

* Assistant director

* Film script

* Adaptation

* Production (independent)

• Genres

* Narrative cinema

* Documentary

* Animation

A Scientific Committee with advisory functions, expertise, scientific support, setting up and participation in the dissemination of the results achieved in the research activities.

The committee is composed of:

Maura Micati IRPPS / CNR;

Adele Menniti IRPPS / CNR;

Mariangela Barbanente, DOC / IT;

Stefania Casini, Vice President of DOC / IT;

Ilaria A. Depascalis, University of Rome 3;

Jole Giannattanasio, Directorate General Cinema- MIBACT;

Massimo Guastini, communication consultant - copywriter & partner @ cOOkies adv;

Andrea Marzulli, SIAE;

Veronica Pravadelli, University of Rome 3.

3 research reports
1 policy brief containing the recommendations
Production of audiovisual material relating to the themes of the project
Meetings with policy and decision makers

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