Research Institute on Population and Social Policies

ACE project

Since summer 2023, IRPPS-CNR has been operating in the Frentana area with the project Active Citizenship in Europe.

We have immersed ourselves in a context that in the eyes of an observer passes for a best practice, with all its peculiarities. As such, it seemed the territory most likely to receive our objective: to imagine and implement actions to support the inclusive capacities of local systems with regard to the Roma.

Activism and political participation concretely summarize the concept of inclusion that we mean more specifically and qualify our action to contrast theanti-gypsyism. The Abruzzo region between Lanciano and Pescara was in fact chosen for the high level of integration of approximately 9 of the 10 families of Roma origin present in the area. The members of these families are not only well integrated into the social fabric of the city where they reside, but they all have stable and long-standing incomes, with personalities who hold highly specialized and responsible roles within the companies, such as Roberto Spinelli, head of personnel at the D'Orsogna factory, and Moreno di Rocco, chemist responsible for quality control for the DeCecco pasta factory. From this point of view, the existence of a good practice has indeed been found, in the sense that the Roma community in the area does not suffer from a deficit of primary needs and generally has an income from work, but this condition is often paid for at the price of hiding one's Roma identity, when one is not betrayed by one's surname.

In practice, the well-being and potential development of this good practice was ensured by the hidden identity.

Several meetings were held between 2023 and 2024; to understand the material and immaterial needs of the local Roma community, to understand the reasons of the political agents (opinion leaders and stakeholders) what problems they encountered with the community to arrive over time at the construction of a common action plan, with practical actions aimed at improving the socio-cultural conditions of the Frentana Roma community. In these meetings we tried to translate our objectives into concrete actions and measures capable of giving a turning point to this relational status quo in defense of an identity to which the EU, which finances the project, recognizes full citizenship.

We did the same with the so-called local stakeholders, trying to mediate between mutual expectations with Focus Groups focused on Roma activism, providing examples from all over Europe.
The next step was to establish the basis for a shared action plan between the Frentana Roma community and local institutions, through Mutual Learning and Mentoring meetings, where the Roma of the Frentana area also met with the six Roma and Sinti candidates for the last European and administrative elections in June 2024.

The path taken, even if the political plan still needs to be implemented in the various municipalities, is still a success.

Not having imposed the presence of any member of the community and having accompanied the meetings with examples of Roma activism both on a European and Italian level has meant that the participants in the ACE meetings have almost doubled from the first to the last. As Santino Spinelli recalled, the hidden identity, which translates into a passivity in socio-political life in the local context, is a form of resistance and not a weakness. To stem it, the material and immaterial support of the institutions is essential, which must in this sense protect and safeguard those Roma and Romni who already have an income and are well integrated into the majority community and would be ready to claim their ethnicity.

But without the contribution of political decision-makers, it is more likely that the current situation will stagnate and that the inclusive path outlined by the project will not reach its conclusion, also because the institution, with its official communication channels, is the only one capable of fighting fake news or targeted news for instrumental and emergency purposes that the Italian media generally still make about the Roma people.

As a final step, in the final meeting of October 4, 2024, we asked Roma and stakeholders to classify in the order they consider most appropriate "the practical proposals that each of you consider most immediately achievable to stimulate our objectives and help local communities and institutions to promote and renew inclusive and anti-discriminatory paths".
Ratings range from 1 to 7, where 1 means immediately achievable and 7 means unachievable.
The proposals are: 1. Intercultural departments 2. Anti-discrimination councils in the province of Chieti 3. Hiring of a Rom/Romnì in the Municipality or in public offices, or as head of anti-discrimination desks or similar 4. Displaying the Rom flag in the Municipality on significant days of the Romani calendar (2 August, 5 October, 5 November, 8 April, 16 May) 5. Remembering the Rom contribution to the construction of the Italian State in speeches on national holidays (27 January, 25 April, 1 May, 2 June) 6. Communication and promotion campaign of Rom history and culture on institutional channels with videos and small information pages 7. Formal honours in the wake of symbolic citizenships to Rom people who have distinguished themselves in civil society and at work 8. “Open the doors: we are here”: a project for medium/long-term integration that includes Roma-themed days and moments of discussion between the Frentana Rom community, civil society and the institutions that represent both (festivals and musical/gastronomic initiatives).

The proposals that received the most votes 1, i.e. immediately implementable, were:
1. Remember the Roma contribution to the construction of the Italian state in speeches on national holidays (10 votes) 2. Display the Roma flag from the Municipality on significant days of the Romani calendar (9 votes) 3. Formal honors in the wake of symbolic citizenships to Roma people who have distinguished themselves in civil society and at work, “Open the doors”: a long-term project congiornate on inclusion, Department of Interculturality (8 votes).

To learn more about the sociological methodologies used in the meetings, to see the photos and reports of the various activities, please visit the website

Curated by Enrico Mascilli Migliorini

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Call for papers: Bike & Society Research Network

Following the first seminar in Padua, which took place from 30 November to 1 December 2023, the Bici & Società research network continues its work in the city of Salerno, inviting us to focus attention on multiplicity of cycling practices.

The aim is to broaden the theoretical, methodological and disciplinary perspective with the aim of developing a knowledge base that helps to understand the conditions that favor cycling mobility and the characteristics of its variability. What can favor or prevent, in other words, the multiplicity of its uses as a means of transport in urban and extra-urban environments and for leisure (sports and tourism).

Those interested in the call can articulate theirs contribution proposal (an abstract of max 250 words) starting from these questions: what are the characteristics of urban, tourist and sporting cycling mobility, how are they taking shape, who are the actors and supporting policies? With what results? What are the connections between cycling, sport and tourism? What hybridizations? How does the technological innovation of the bike develop? How are the bike materials configured? How is the bike industry and marketing structured? How are cycling mobility conveyed by the media?

The contribution proposal must be sent by June 30 2024 to the email:

Further information is available in call document.

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5 December 2023 – h. 09.30

Conference Hall, CNR Piazzale Aldo Moro 7 – Rome

Download program.

How to use digital technologies in an authentically pedagogical key? How can technology support the educational path of students with fragilities?

Watch the interviews

Antonella Ciocia, DinamicaMente – Technologies, welfare and
social citizenship

Filippo Gregoretti – Amrita: Artificial Emotions and Sensitivity, a new way of creating

Matteo Martignoni – Cultural planning strategies and participatory methods

Tiziana Tesauro – PLOT 

Anna Milione – What lifelong learning?

How to use digital technologies in an authentically pedagogical key? How can technology support the educational path of students with fragilities?

To talk about it, during the Conference alongside experts and experts from various fields (from pedagogy to computer science) there will be the direct involvement of the student community.

The morning reports offer a constructive reflection regarding the nature of welfare, that is, how to use ICT and AI to overcome social inequalities, offer digital welfare tools to overcome fragilities and encourage participation in the empowerment of the community, how to substantiate the learning, how to deal with the relational challenge that the use of AI and ICT entails and finally how educational institutions use these tools.

In the afternoon there will be audio-visual performances between human and artificial, between artificial and fragility, between artificial and art which facilitate the emotional and creative learning process. It's about experimenting with training and education paths suitable for everyone despite their uniqueness, unpredictability and unavailability.

There will be a workshop on the theme of the environment to stimulate the imagination regarding the possibilities in urban regeneration and a participatory workshop on Miro, aimed at promoting design thinking and critical thinking to address environmental and social challenges. Both initiatives aim to demonstrate the effectiveness of cultural strategies based on technology in urban regeneration and in the fight against climate change, involving the local community and promoting the sustainable development of the territory.

The day has the value of updating for the teachers pursuant to directive 170/2016 (art.1/5) of the MIUR.

Curated by Monia Torre

Page updated December 21, 2023

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PLOT for the training of educational staff

The laboratories begin again Weft, a method that uses the theater for professional training, created by the IRPPS researcher Tiziana Tesauro with director Francesco Campanile.

The meetings that start on 10 November 2023 in the council chamber of the Municipality of Fisciano are part of the project "Things Never Done” funded by the European Union as part of the NexGenerationEU: a strategic alliance between institutions and the third sector for combat educational poverty. The 15 appointments that will continue until the end of March are aimed, in fact, at teachers and social workers.

As reviewed in Theater and professional training: The Trame method, published by Tesauro for the British Journal of Social Work, Trame's method is based on a reflection that interweaves theories onlearning as a situated and collective activity (according to which knowledge is the fruit of the subject's relationships with the context and with its members) with pedagogical approaches that thematize the theater as an educational device: subjects who act as if they were actually in a given situation develop skills that they can then transfer into practice.

In this way, Trame is configured as a method that aims to train knowledge of the body for develop self-awareness and reflexivity about one's actions in those professions that have relationships and care at the center and which over time has been aimed initially at doctors, nurses and social workers and now at teachers and social workers.

Find out more about the Trame project on the IRPPS website.

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Bike friendly company

The bike is experiencing a new season. The sales figures, the expansion of cycle tourism, the diffusion of the city's use of bicycles and alternative vehicles and in some way attributable to new forms of mobility in environments that are not very bike-friendly, the new cultural sensitivity towards the ecological transition are among indicators of its rediscovery. In the memory of many, the bike is associated with pleasant experiences of exploration and freedom. The bike is considered one friendly technology (Illich, 1973; Pivato, 2021), capable of creating balanced ways of relating to the environment. There are many cities and regions that have invested in cycling and have favored the moderation of speed in urban spaces. On World Bicycle Day, however, it is important to remember that cycling is not as widespread as one might expect.

The delay in cycling

To understand the reasons for the 'delay' in the diffusion of cycle mobility, which are particularly significant in our country, apart from commendable exceptions and in the face of a significant increase in the number of bicycles in circulation, from the lockdown period onwards, it has developed, through the collaboration between researchers from the IRPPS CNR, the University of Naples 'Federico II', the University of Turin, the University of Padua, the University of Siena, the University of Salerno, the FIAB Research Center a national research network. The emerging network has given rise to a lucky streak of online seminars that it is still possible to review today; he has also produced a 'special issue' in the magazine Eracle (Landri & Tirino, 2022) and is finally working on a book on bikes and society. The network, as it has been possible to understand, is unique and tends to follow the international network 'small' Cycling & Society which for several years has been the reference point of scientific production in this sector (Cox, 2020; Cox & Bunte, 2018; Equality & Cox, 2020).

The theme of cycle mobility is expanding by number of publications. Therefore, it can already be observed that the 'delay' in the diffusion of the bicycle runs parallel to the 'delay' in the development of academic communities which look at the bicycle. The scientific literature on the car, by comparison, is widely spread.  The rediscovery of the bike, even on an academic level, essentially places us before a fact for granted: contemporary societies are self-centric (Urry, 2004) and show variable degrees of sensitivity towards cycling (Belloni, 2019).

Indeed, countries may differ in relation to national cycling cultures. Italy has a sporty cycling culture, but not a widespread cycling culture (except in some regions), as in other countries, Holland, Belgium. However, cycling cultures are not immutable, they can regenerate, evolve over time, emerge where they are not present. Analyzing the cultural dimension, as emerged during the special issue curated by two researchers from the bicycle and society research network (Landri & Tirino, 2022), is a promising research path for understanding what favors cycling.

The media favor cycling

Among the factors that favor it, the media play an important role. The epic narration of cycling emerges in our country precisely in relation to the processes of construction of the national state. That narrative is now giving way to the dynamic storytelling of cyclists on social media. Social platforms, on the one hand, capture cycling in the extractivist logic of digital capitalism; on the other hand, they create new sports practices such as virtual cycling (which is now one of the various e-Sports), but they also encourage the emergence of new subjects (women, LGBT+ communities), expanding cycling practice. Unlike traditional media which aimed to create the epic deeds of champions, social media, by promoting the circulation of knowledge among practitioners, allow an increase in connections, sociality, communication and lower the barriers to accessing the practice. In short, by democratizing knowledge, they act as positive incentives for the diffusion of cycling.

Media is necessary, but it is not enough. Building bike-friendly societies is actually also a scientific challenge that requires a constant flow of empirical research and theoretical reflections. In fact, it is a question of generating knowledge to favor minimum conditions for cycling in environments that are mainly thought of in a self-centred way. It is not just a technical fact, it rather requires, as is emerging from the works on the web, the development of a sociology of the bicycle, understood as the search for a virtuous concatenation between knowledge, techniques and society.

Curated by Paolo Landri (on the occasion of World Bicycle Day on June 3, 2023)


Belloni, E. (2019). When you rode a velocipede. History of cycling in Italy (1870-1955). Franco Angeli.

Cox, P. (2020). Cycling : A Sociology of Velomobility.Routledge.

Cox, P., & Bunte, H. (2018). Social practices and the importance of context. Framing the Third Cycling Century, 122–131.

Equality, I., & Cox, P. (2020). The politics of cycling infrastructure. The Politics of Cycling Infrastructure, 5940.

Illich, I. (1973). Tools for conviviality. Harper and Row.

Landri, P., & Tirino, M. (2022). Media, Society and Cycling Cultures: Editorial. Heracles. Journal of Sport and Social Sciences, 5(1), 1–4.

Pivato, S. (2021). Happiness on a bicycle.Il Mulino.

Urry, J. (2004). The 'System' of Automotive. Theory, Culture & Society, 21(5), 25–39.

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REGARD project – REmembering Genocide Against Roma Discrimination

Following the anniversaries of the Roma calendar, the European project REGARD proposes an educational action aimed at preserving and transmitting the memory of the genocide (the Samudaripen) and of the resistance of the Roma and Sinti populations in Europe. Following the “with Roma for Roma” approach, the project aims to understand the degree of knowledge of Roma history among Roma themselves, so that they can embrace their past as a European history, a concept also affirmed in resolution A3 -0124/94 of the European Parliament where member states are invited to recognize “the language and other aspects of Roma and Sinti culture as an integral part of the European cultural heritage”.
The details of this forgotten genocide and the forgotten resistance of the Roma will be remembered, considering the causes and consequences of this forgetfulness, as well as the implications that the Roma and Sinti populations still live today. For this reason, alongside the commemorative dates of the Samudaripen, REGARD also pays attention to some celebratory dates of Roma history and culture.
As an integrated action model, the project plans to implement a number of activities in Croatia, Romania and Italy:

  • surveys on the knowledge of the genocide and of the Roma culture and on anti-Zinganism (or, as it would be more correct to say, romaphobia);
  • the creation of training modules for schools on the Samudaripen, the Resistance and the history of the Roma for students and teachers, pushing for the Samudaripen to be remembered also in textbooks for schools;
  • the creation of participatory moments and debates in civil society, through Future Search Conference and Electronic Town Meeting sessions, to promote a common culture of remembrance and mutual understanding between Roma and non-Roma, men and women, and develop strategies for shared intervention for the fight against romaphobia;
  • the holding of artistic and cultural events (concerts, international conferences and exhibitions), with the presence of eminent Roma and non-Roma personalities to support the European Union's goal of integrating the historical narrative of Roma into the national and European one open to public


Expected results

  • Greater understanding and sharing of a European collective memory of which the Samudaripen is an integral part, as well as the contribution to the War of Liberation from Nazi-fascism, and adverse to any form of totalitarian regime (then present in all three countries involved in REGARD) and of social discrimination.
  • Enhancement in the historical and artistic sense of the 'Roma World', of its history of persecution, redemption and interaction and social inclusion in respect of cultural diversity.
  • Production of educational material for schools that illustrates the contents of the project activities in a simple and popular way to fill the training and information gap on Roma and Sinti from which individual and often institutional discriminatory orientations and attitudes derive towards them.

Funding, Program and Duration

  • Programme: CERV - Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values
  • Axis 3: Implementation of the principles of non-discrimination and fight against targeted political participation, promotion of active citizenship
  • Type: Action to promote Roma activism and participation
  • Co-financing: European Commission, DG Justice & Consumers (Euro 379,057.00)
  • Duration: 16 months (February 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024)


In line with the aforementioned new European approach "with Roma for Roma", the REGARD Consortium sees three renowned European Roma Associations alongside the CNR-IRPPS, in the role of coordinator:

  • Them Romanò (IT)
  • Ben Srrh Kali Sara Savez (HR)
  • Romirol Dolj

IRPPS participants

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ACE – Active Citizenship in Europe Rome participation against discrimination. Building trust between Rome communities and civil society

The European ACE project aims to contribute to the effective implementation of the principles of non-discrimination and the fight against anti-Gypsyism - or, as it would be more correct to say, <i>romaphobia</i> - by addressing political participation, the promotion of active citizenship and the building of relationships of trust between Roma communities and municipalities in selected areas in Italy, Slovenia and Spain. Following the “for Roma with Roma” approach, ACE aims at enhancing the involvement of Roma communities in civil society activism and civic organizations, currently limited, especially at grassroots level, due to political intervention from above which hindered the inclusion process as far as Italy and Spain are concerned. Furthermore, the lack of adequate social capital has fueled a sense of distrust and detachment, making it difficult to promote active citizenship. In Slovenia, where the active participation of Roma is imposed by law, work will be done for a greater generational and gender turnover in positions of political power.
Through Surveys and Focus Groups, we will try to get Roma out of a state of distrust, embracing their past as a European story, a concept also affirmed in resolution A3-0124/94 of the European Parliament where member states are invited to recognize "the language and other aspects of Roma and Sinti culture as an integral part of European cultural heritage”.
The project activities, which will take place in Laterza, Ginosa, Lanciano, San Vito Chietino (IT), Dubrovnik (SL), Prat del Llobregat and Sant Boi (SP), will be attended by members of the Roma communities involved in the project, especially young people, , officials and managers of the municipalities concerned and members of civil society who can influence the debate and public opinion. This taking into account that the European Commission has rewritten its framework towards a three-point approach: "Equality, inclusion and participation". With the due differences, this new working model will be brought to all project countries: Italy, Slovenia and Spain

Expected results

  • Promote trust and empower local Roma communities by providing representatives they can trust. We will work to create sustainable solutions to promote inclusion, combat discriminatory behavior and increase participation in social life
  • Motivate Roma communities to feel an effective part of the Municipality and encourage them to participate more in order to bring the requests of the community and mediate them with those of the administration. Then increase knowledge and awareness of prejudices and stereotypes, especially among policy makers, media professionals and institutions.
  • Raising the level of trust between local Roma population and administrators, impacting community development at local level, involving all actors in the difficult but fruitful process of political inclusion of Roma men and women as an important step towards inclusion and holistic participation in the society in general

EU Programme, Funding & Duration

  • Programme: CERV - Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values
  • Axis 3: Implementation of the principles of non-discrimination and fight against targeted political participation, promotion of active citizenship
  • Type: Action to promote Roma activism and participation
  • Co-financing: European Commission, DG Justice & Consumers (Euro 379,057.00)
  • Duration: 24 months (1 January 2023 – 31 December 2024)


In line with the aforementioned new European approach "with Roma for Roma", the ACE Consortium sees three renowned European Roma Associations alongside the CNR-IRPPS, in the role of coordinator, and the communication and research company Ares 2.0:

  • Ares srl (IT)
  • Them Romanò (IT)
  • Zveva Romov Slovenia (SI)
  • Association Multicultural Nakeramos (SP)

Associated Partners

  • UCRI Union of Romanesque Communities in Italy (IT)
  • Municipality of Laterza (IT)
  • Municipality of Ginosa (IT)
  • Municipality of Lanciano (IT)
  • Municipality of San Vito Chietino (IT)
  • Municipality of Dobrovnik (SI)
  • Municipality of Sant Boi de Llobregat (SP)
  • Municipality of Prat de Llobregat (SP)

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Digital Governance of Education

Digital Governance of Education: Analysis of the digitalization processes of school policies and the development of accountability regimes


The project intends to develop a research path aimed at analyzing the new technological devices in use in schools in Campania. The objectives of the survey are: a) to understand if and to what extent information and communication technologies contribute to educational success; b) what are the most effective projects and strategies on a regional level for the diffusion of new technologies; c) if and how the construction of new learning environments can counteract the phenomena of school inequality; d) what are the regional forms of governance of the policies of 'implementation' of the different technological devices, with particular reference to the regional implementation of the digital agenda. The course has an experimental character and is included within an IRPPS-CNR project aimed at producing knowledge on the factors that generate innovation in schools and social policies.

Analysis of new technological devices for the implementation of the school evaluation system and for the implementation of improvement projects in Campania

Anna Milione, Sandra Vatrella.

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Effectiveness on the main cardiovascular risk factors of an intensive educational intervention

Effectiveness on the main cardiovascular risk factors of an intensive educational intervention aimed at promoting the Mediterranean food model among the employees of FCA Italia SpA "(INTEDUFCA) 2016


The study population will consist of 600 employees of the FCA Italia SpA company based in Pratola Serra (AV) selected on the basis of the criteria provided for by the protocol. Participation will be on a voluntary basis. Participants will be randomly assigned to the intensive education or control group for a duration of 6 weeks. The intervention group will be involved in a structured nutritional education campaign divided into 6 meetings, having as its main topic the promotion of the Mediterranean food model. The control group will receive the same educational material provided to the intervention group (brochures etc.), but will not participate in the meetings provided for by the nutritional education campaign. The intensive nutritional education intervention is aimed at implementing lifestyle changes through the promotion of physical activity and adherence to a healthy diet and will be based on weekly group meetings lasting 1 hour each, characterized by counseling activities multidisciplinary conducted with the support of a dietician. The topics that will be addressed will be distributed as follows:

  1. Week: Importance of the consumption of cereals, especially wholemeal ones.
  2. Week: Benefits of consuming fresh and dried fruit, vegetables and legumes.
  3. Week: Health Effects of Eating Fish, Meat, Eggs, Cheese
  4. Week: Importance of seasonings in our diet.
  5. Week: How to improve your physical activity level.
  6. Week: The Mediterranean food model as a whole.

For each of the topics covered each week, specific information will be provided through the use of panels, totems and brochures. At the same time, the nutritional education intervention will provide for the improvement of the nutritional quality of the dishes offered by the company canteen. After a careful evaluation by a nutritionist (Dr. Marisa Giorgini) of the recipes of the dishes usually served in the canteen, the cooks in charge of preparing meals will be invited to a meeting with the nutritionist to define together how to improve the healthiness of some proposed recipes.

  • Prof. Olga Vaccaro (PA University of Naples “Federico II” - NA);
  • Dr. Marisa Giorgini (PhD student in Advanced Biomedical and Surgical Therapies at the Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery of the University of Naples “Federico II” - NA);
  • Ms Paola Cipriano Laboratory technician Federico II University of Naples.

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ROMUNICATE - Integration, in addition to clichés

ROMUNICATE - Integration, in addition to clichés

Through a dual field intervention activity (Frontal Learning and Mutual learning), the project intends to implement an action aimed at determining a change in the relationships between Roma and the institutional context of services (public and third sector) in Rome Capital marked by respect for human rights. The European Commission has been pushing for years for non-segregative and ghettoizing Roma integrative solutions (such as camps) as they violate the principle of non-discrimination enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (2000 / C 364/01).

170 people are expected to participate in the project activities, including operators, officials and managers of Roma Capitale and the 15 municipalities, NGO operators and 50 Roma camped in informal settlements.

The expected results in terms of impact on policies and programs are:

  1. The strengthening of the anti-discrimination objectives and skills of operators and Roma, both against the prejudices of the “gagé” (non-Roma), and against the self-exclusion often imposed by the Roma culture;
  2. The progressive application of standardized reception procedures for Roma and other disadvantaged categories throughout the territory of Roma Capitale;
  3. The creation of practical tools for workers in the sector in order to facilitate and improve their work with the Roma population (manual, online repository, learning object, videos, documents in Italian, Romani and Romanian, recommendations for the improvement of communication and relationship between Roma and institutions).

The main purpose of the project is to encourage and support a convergence between the Roma who use the services and the operators who work at the Department of Social Policies, Subsidiarity and Health of Roma Capitale (DPSSS), in the Social Secretariats of the 15 Municipalities of Roma Capitale. and in the Associations belonging to the UNAR and CESV network (Lazio Volunteer Service Center).

The final objectives aim to produce a standardized model for welcoming Roma and other disadvantaged groups in public offices, which is respectful of anti-discrimination legislation, efficient and transparent, and to support Roma in an informed and fair approach to public services they need.

Co-financing: European Commission, DG Justice and Consumers (Euro 291.168,56)

Program: Right, Equality and Citizenship (2014-2020)

Axis 3: Action to support national and transnational project on non-discrimination and Roma integration

Business Type: Training and Cooperation of relevant professionals

Duration: 20 months (31 October 2016 - 30 June 2018)

  • Research Institute on Population and Social Policies of the National Research Council (lead partner)
  • Department of Social Policies, Subsidiarity and Health of Roma Capitale
  • ARES 2.0 srl
  • POPÌCA Onlus
  • Dante Sabatino (Researcher), Ivonne Citarella (Administrative staff), Alfredo Franco (Technical staff), Francesco Iannone (Technical staff), Eleonora Di Maggio (External unit collaborating for frontal and mutual learning activities).

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