Istituto di Ricerche sulla Popolazione e le Politiche Sociali

Category: Articoli

Sole 24Ore – Uomini violenti serve un lavoro di sistema per i trattamenti

Cresce l’attenzione sui trattamenti dedicati agli uomini maltrattanti, perchÃĐ in assenza di un intervento, l’85% degli uomini maltrattanti torna a commettere violenze sulle donne. Intervento di Pietro Demurtas CNR-IRPPSProgetto VIVA sul Il Sole 24 ORE.

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How do population movements fit within the framework of systemic risk?

Serena Tagliacozzo ha appena pubblicato un articolo sulla rivista Open access Progress in Disaster Science

“- Il movimento della popolazioni viene solitamente rappresentato come determinante di vulnerabilità nei framework esistenti che si occupano di rischio sistemico
– In realtà, questo fenomeno ha implicazioni complesse e ramificate sia in termini di aumento che di riduzione del rischio sistemico. Tali implicazioni possono verificarsi anche contemporaneamente.
– I framework di valutazione e gestione del rischio sistemico dovrebbero tener conto e incorporare il movimento della popolazione come fenomeno positivo che consente un aumento della resilienza e la riduzione del rischio all’interno delle società”

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Using Unified Modeling Language to Analyze Business Processes in the Delivery of Child Health Services

Fabrizio Pecoraro e Daniela Luzi hanno pubblicato un nuovo articolo su Open Access Journal.

 “Business Process Management (BPM) has been increasingly used in recent years in the healthcare domain to analyze, optimize, harmonize and compare clinical and healthcare processes. The main aim of this methodology is to model the interactions between medical and organizational activities needed to deliver health services, measure their complexity, variability and deviations to improve the quality of care and its efficiency. Among the different tools, languages and notations developed in the decades, UML (Unified Modeling Language) represents a widely adopted technique to model, analyze and compare business processes in healthcare. We adopted its diagrams in the MOCHA project to compare the different ways of organizing, coordinating and delivering child care across 30 EU/EEA countries both from an organization and control-flow perspectives. This paper provides an overview of the main components used to represent the business process using UML diagrams, also highlighting how we customized them to capture the specificity of the healthcare domain taking into account that processes are reconstructed on the basis of country experts’ responses to questionnaires. The benefits of the application of this methodology are demonstrated by providing examples of comparing different aspects of child care.”

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I programmi elettorali sugli italiani all’estero

L’emigrazione degli italiani, come ÃĻ noto, in questi ultimi anni si ÃĻ riportata su livelli di una certa consistenza, appare quindi interessante esaminare il modo con cui questa componente della dinamica migratoria ÃĻ considerata nei programmi elettorali. Se ne occupano in questo articolo Corrado Bonifazi e Salvatore Strozza.

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L’immigrazione nei programmi elettorali

Questione divisiva quanto mai altre, l’immigrazione ÃĻ da qualche decennio al centro del dibattito politico italiano. Corrado Bonifazi e Salvatore Strozza esaminano come questa materia ÃĻ affrontata nei programmi dei principali partiti.

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Emotion Classification from Speech and Text in Videos Using a Multimodal Approach

Sulla rivista Multimodal Technologies and Interaction pubblicato il 14 aprile 2022, compare un articolo scritto da Maria Chiara Caschera, Patrizia Grifoni e Fernando Ferri dal titolo “Emotion Classification from Speech and Text in Videos Using a Multimodal Approach

Emotion classification is a research area in which there has been very intensive literature production concerning natural language processing, multimedia data, semantic knowledge discovery, social network mining, and text and multimedia data mining. This paper addresses the issue of emotion classification and proposes a method for classifying the emotions expressed in multimodal data extracted from videos. The proposed method models multimodal data as a sequence of features extracted from facial expressions, speech, gestures, and text, using a linguistic approach. Each sequence of multimodal data is correctly associated with the emotion by a method that models each emotion using a hidden Markov model. The trained model is evaluated on samples of multimodal sentences associated with seven basic emotions. The experimental results demonstrate a good classification rate for emotions.

L’articolo ÃĻ in formato Open

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Landownership concentration and human capital accumulation in post-unification Italy

È il titolo dell’articolo pubblicato da Vitantonio Mariella sul numero di giugno 2022 della rivista Journal of Population Economics edita da Springer

“This paper contributes to the debate on institutions and economic development by assessing the relationship between landownership concentration and education. Using historical data at both the district and province levels in post-unification Italy from 1871 to 1921, I find evidence of an adverse effect of land inequality on literacy rates. Instrumental variable estimates using malaria pervasiveness as a source of exogenous variation rule out concerns regarding potential endogeneity. Exploration of the panel dimension of the data reveals that several shocks during this period affected the relationship between land inequality and literacy rates. In addition, this paper provides insights into the mechanism behind this relationship by analyzing the impact on intermediate outputs, such as enrollment rates in primary school, child-teacher ratio, school density, child labor, and municipality expenditures. Land inequality may have adversely affected literacy rates not only by influencing schooling supply through the political process but also through the private demand for education.”


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Towards Quality Digital Learning: Lessons Learned during COVID-19 and Recommended Actions—The Teachers’ Perspective

Sulla Special Issue dell’Open Access Journale dell’MDPI ÃĻ stato pubblicato un articolo a cui hanno partecipato  Tiziana Guzzo, Stefano Boffo, Fernando Ferri, Francesco Gagliardi e Patrizia Grifoni

The research focuses on identifying challenges and lessons from distance learning experiences in Italy during COVID-19, on opportunities emerging from a more digitalized school in the post-COVID-19 crisis, and on preparedness for potential future emergencies. The study aims to analyze different teachers’ experiences, […] 

L’articolo ÃĻ scaricabile all’indirizzo:

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Dalla teoria della regressività sociale a un ripensamento del lavoro agile, tra stereotipi di genere ed esigenze di conciliazione

È il titolo dell’articolo che Antonio Tintori, Loredana Cerbara, Giulia Ciancimino. hanno pubblicato sul numero 9 della rivista semestrale I quaderni edita dalla “Fondazione Marco Vigorelli.

Il titolo de’ I quaderni n. 9 ÃĻ:  “Responsabilità genitoriali e lavoro: il futuro dell’Europa in gioco” (a cura di Nicola Speranza),


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Query Processing of Geosocial Data in Location-Based Social Networks

Arianna D’UliziaFernando Ferri e Patrizia Grifoni, hanno pubblicato sulla prestigiosa rivista MDPI – Academic Open Access Publishing, un articolo dal titolo: Query Processing of Geosocial Data in Location-Based Social Networks

“â€ĶThe increasing use of social media and the recent advances in geo-positioning technologies have produced a great amount of geosocial data, consisting of spatial, textual, and social information, to be managed and queried. In this paper, we focus on the issue of query processing by providing a systematic literature review of geosocial data representations, query processing methods, and evaluation approaches published over the last two decades (2000–2020). The result of our analysis shows the categories of geosocial queries proposed by the surveyed studies, the query primitives and the kind of access method used to retrieve the result of the queries, the common evaluation metrics and datasets used to evaluate the performance of the query processing methods, and the main open challenges that should be faced in the near future. Due to the ongoing interest in this research topic, the results of this survey are valuable to many researchers and practitioners by gaining an in-depth understanding of the geosocial querying process and its applications and possible future perspectivesâ€Ķ”

l’articolo ÃĻ scaricabile liberamente

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